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general >> truth >> Chairman Mao
(Message started by: kelsak on Dec 8th, 2002, 5:01pm)

Title: Chairman Mao
Post by kelsak on Dec 8th, 2002, 5:01pm
Nice pages. You might be interested in checking out The Private Life of Chairman Mao, written by Mao's doctor Li Zhisui. He says Mao had a sex harem and horendous hygiene.

Title: Re: Chairman Mao
Post by THUDandBLUNDER on May 7th, 2003, 10:50am
Why should anybody be interested in the deviant sexual proclivities of an egocentric, meglomaniacal, genocidal, incompetent dictator with a wart on his chin?

Title: Re: Chairman Mao
Post by Icarus on May 7th, 2003, 9:20pm
Deviant, egocentric, meglomaniacal, genocidal, dictator - definitely. But considering that he was able to gain power, and hold it absolutely for decades before his death, it is clear that "incompetent" does not apply. Even though his military strategies sucked (mostly - he was better than Chang Kai Chek, but that isn't saying much) and his economic plans would have been laughable if they hadn't destroyed so many lives.

Title: Re: Chairman Mao
Post by THUDandBLUNDER on May 8th, 2003, 5:50am
Incompetent dictator, perhaps not. But he certainly was an incompetent leader in that he could have made
China a great country, but didn't even try. (For example, he was warned of possible future overpopulation by an economist in the 70's, but chose to ignore his advice.) Yes, the Great Leap Forward was an avoidable disaster and with the Cultural Revolution he was quite prepared to watch China destroy itself if it resulted in his absolute power no longer being tentatively challenged by the Party. In terms of suffering caused to his own people, he is right up there with Hitler and Stalin. Nowadays, even the Chinese themselves disown him (although not publicly), preferring instead to lionise Deng Xiao-ping and his economic reforms.

Title: Re: Chairman Mao
Post by sheep on Oct 10th, 2005, 8:46pm
WTF??? He was DEFINATLY NOT as evil as you are making him. arrgh. you westerners never understand.
well, the horendus hygene part... i wont argue... rumors from relatives had aquaintences with people why were personally aquainted with Mao. small world eh?

the great leap forward was pretty bad planning but without Mao to really unite the nation and lift the spirit, China would still be dirt now.
The people suffered, not directly because of him. corruption in the government.

ok... he could have been a better leader.

but what do you mean by the chinese themselves disown him? im chinese. Deng Xiao Ping is awesome but Mao isnt bad.

cultural revolution... lets see...
well, its kinda ironic that im a left wing individualist advocator yet also supporting the cultural rev. The cultrual rev killed the economic disparities (somewhat) that was killing china at that time. it was good. i think it actually did good onto the nation as a whole and would have been better if people wernt killed and doctors werent banned from practicing their trade. mom, an aristocratic girl learned to farm. really useful knowledge, really. she doesnt resent it the least bit.
Jiang Jie Shi was a real bleep. He really did murder tons of people too.
wow. that's all i remeber from school in China where they hammered these notions into kids minds (whist they are open trash cans  ;p )
neep the censorship.

Title: Re: Chairman Mao
Post by sheep on Oct 10th, 2005, 8:49pm

on 12/08/02 at 17:01:43, kelsak wrote:
Nice pages. You might be interested in checking out The Private Life of Chairman Mao, written by Mao's doctor Li Zhisui. He says Mao had a sex harem and horendous hygiene.

you might be interested in checking out Mao's poems and sayings and that crap. really beautiful, some of them. Wonderful ideas. If only he was better at carrying them out.

do you really think Chinese government now would be better off if Jian Jie Shi won?

by the way, he's bald and has a gold false tooth that is visible on most photographs.   ;D

Title: Re: Chairman Mao
Post by mufafa on Sep 14th, 2006, 3:07am

on 10/10/05 at 20:46:27, sheep wrote:
but what do you mean by the chinese themselves disown him? im chinese. Deng Xiao Ping is awesome but Mao isnt bad.

Three words.


And yes, I'm Chinese - and I f**king ashamed of the Chinese (Communist) government ... both past and present.

Title: Re: Chairman Mao
Post by THUDandBLUNDER on Sep 16th, 2006, 3:20am

on 12/08/02 at 17:01:43, kelsak wrote:
Nice pages. You might be interested in checking out The Private Life of Chairman Mao, written by Mao's doctor Li Zhisui. He says Mao had a sex harem and horendous hygiene.

Brainwashed apologists for Mao ought to read Mao: The Unknown Story by Jung Chang and Jon Halliday (2005).


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