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riddles >> what happened >> mirror
(Message started by: SnapShot on Oct 10th, 2008, 3:01pm)

Title: mirror
Post by SnapShot on Oct 10th, 2008, 3:01pm
your in a plain white room with a roof, a floor and walls, no door or window, just a mirror on the wall. how do you get out?

Title: Re: mirror
Post by towr on Oct 10th, 2008, 3:03pm
[hide]If there's no door, you can just walk out through the doorpost.[/hide]

Title: Re: mirror
Post by 1337b4k4 on Oct 10th, 2008, 3:40pm
you [hide]wake up![/hide]

Title: Re: mirror
Post by iono on Oct 10th, 2008, 5:50pm
break the mirror!

Title: Re: mirror
Post by rmsgrey on Oct 11th, 2008, 9:37am
Address the audience directly, thereby breaking the fourth wall.

Title: Re: mirror
Post by Grimbal on Oct 11th, 2008, 2:38pm
Follow the white rabbit?

Or look at the mirror.  If you can see the whole of you, exit through the hole.

Title: Re: mirror
Post by SnapShot on Oct 11th, 2008, 6:50pm
all great guesses, grimbal is the closest with a good answer but not quite right, the door thing was a good guess to.

Title: Re: mirror
Post by ThudanBlunder on Oct 12th, 2008, 6:24am
Take the red pill.

Title: Re: mirror
Post by 0.999... on Oct 12th, 2008, 6:34am
Retrace your path.

Title: Re: mirror
Post by cheesepuff on Oct 16th, 2008, 5:40am
No see you have to distract Morpheus and eat both pills at once. He's obviously tricking you into eating the licorice flavored one.

Though I like the breaking the fourth wall answer

Sigh, this riddle probably has something to do with a play on the words whole and hole....

Title: Re: mirror
Post by towr on Oct 16th, 2008, 6:33am
Consider the room a box, then think outside the box and walk away.

Title: Re: mirror
Post by Iceman on Oct 16th, 2008, 8:41am

on 10/10/08 at 15:01:17, SnapShot wrote:
your in a plain white room with a roof, a floor and walls, no door or window, just a mirror on the wall. how do you get out?

How did I get in?  :P

Title: Re: mirror
Post by towr on Oct 16th, 2008, 8:52am

on 10/16/08 at 08:41:33, Iceman wrote:
How did I get in?  :P
Quantum teleportation.

Or perhaps it was built around you.

Title: Re: mirror
Post by SnapShot on Oct 16th, 2008, 9:24am
the box answer was also close it's just not the answer i want.

Title: Re: mirror
Post by iono on Oct 16th, 2008, 4:37pm
Walk out the NO door

Title: Re: mirror
Post by Whiskey Tango Foxtrot on Oct 16th, 2008, 6:01pm
Redefine your boundary conditions.

Title: Re: mirror
Post by Noke Lieu on Oct 16th, 2008, 6:24pm
I suspect (as grimbal and cheesepuff seem to)  it's along the lines of the protracted... "bang your head on teh wall so it's sore. Pick up the saw and cut the table in half, two halves make a whole. Put the hole in the wall. Crawl out the wall"

Though it may be using the mirror to see what you can see. Then get that which you saw.  One saws wood.

That was a close shave, getting the wood. So use the shaver to make wood shavings.

Mirrors are shiny. So sprinkle the shavings on the mirror, and you're left with "e".

This answer is going on so long, that now you;re probably cross. So take the X and place next to the "e". You now have "ex"- so look at it. Take "it" and place on the end of "ex" yielding exit. Use the exit.  

Title: Re: mirror
Post by cheesepuff on Oct 16th, 2008, 7:13pm
I like the exit one

Walk out the paper walls

Tunnel out with a shard of a mirror

Shatter the mirror. Bring it back to the present for a sh*tter. Then break the sh*tter for the plumbing. Then navigate through the plumbing out of the room

Title: Re: mirror
Post by Qaster Qof Qeverything Q42 on Oct 18th, 2008, 7:53pm
You fall though the mirror back to your dimension.

Title: Re: mirror
Post by vallenato on Oct 24th, 2008, 12:01pm
if you are looking at the mirror (facing it) all what you'll see weill be you  and the mirror at your back,everything else it's white,so the exit might be at the back of iether of the two mirrors. ::) ::)

Title: Re: mirror
Post by iono on Oct 24th, 2008, 8:30pm
You look directly at the reflective surface, turn around, and run, so it looks loke you're running away, like a certain main character of a certain movie.

Title: Re: mirror
Post by Dragon on Oct 26th, 2008, 9:16am
Say  "Beam me up, Scotty."

Title: Re: mirror
Post by Azgard on Oct 31st, 2008, 9:56am
Click your heels together and say "There's no place like home! There's no place like home! There's no place like home!"

Title: Re: mirror
Post by Sivrat on Aug 31st, 2009, 7:26pm
... seriously, no one heard this one before? (I cannot for the life of me find riddles I know exist on this site with the seach engine so don't know if similar ones were posted)

The one i heard was with a table as well, but doesn't matter i suppose you can do same thing with mirror.

Its a string of puns... be warned

[hide]You look in the mirror, you see what you "saw"
you take the saw and cut the mirror in half
put the halfs together, 2 halfs make a whole
go out the whole.
Or just use the saw to cut a hole in the wall, w/e[/hide]

Title: Re: mirror
Post by cheesepuff on Sep 1st, 2009, 10:03am

on 10/16/08 at 18:24:26, Noke Lieu wrote:
I suspect (as grimbal and cheesepuff seem to)  it's along the lines of the protracted... "bang your head on teh wall so it's sore. Pick up the saw and cut the table in half, two halves make a whole. Put the hole in the wall. Crawl out the wall"  

So, was my internet tripping or was this site actually down for a while?

Title: Re: mirror
Post by towr on Sep 1st, 2009, 10:34am

on 09/01/09 at 10:03:43, cheesepuff wrote:
So, was my internet tripping or was this site actually down for a while?
It was down most of august.

Title: Re: mirror
Post by Noke Lieu on Sep 3rd, 2009, 7:21pm
you can follow the history at

Title: Re: mirror
Post by raven on Sep 17th, 2009, 7:41pm

on 10/10/08 at 15:01:17, SnapShot wrote:
your in a plain white room with a roof, a floor and walls, no door or window, just a mirror on the wall. how do you get out?

Why would you need a door or window with only a roof, floor, and walls...since there could easily be one wall short of four by this description.

But that is not my answer, this is my answer:

:: [hide]Look in the mirror, when you see no reflection it dawns on you that you are a spirit (dead) and you are miraculously transported out of limbo to an afterlife befitting your life.[/hide] ::


:: [hide]drop altitude[/hide] ::

Title: Re: mirror
Post by Death on Apr 26th, 2010, 9:03am
[hide]Look in the mirror.[/hide]

[hide]Realise that since there is no light source in the room it must be a one way mirror with light (and thus the exit) on the other side.[/hide]

[hide]Break the mirror.[/hide]

[hide]Eat ice cream. No sprinkles.[/hide]

Title: Re: mirror
Post by alien2 on Aug 8th, 2010, 4:31pm
[hide]You look in the mirror. The mirror is made out of “glass”, Philip Glass, US avant-garde composer. He is not happy because he is now stuck with you in the room w/o windows or doors. On the other hand, you’re not lonesome anymore, because now you got “company”, a small unit of troops. Ask the soldier with the bazooka to make a hole in the wall. Go out the hole and buy them a round of beer.[/hide]

Title: Re: mirror
Post by JiNbOtAk on Aug 9th, 2010, 12:49am

on 08/08/10 at 16:31:28, alien2 wrote:
[hide]... Go out the hole and buy them a round of beer.[/hide]

Of course, a round would have a hole, which could be used to create more exit from the exit-less room.

Title: Re: mirror
Post by alien2 on Apr 5th, 2012, 8:36am
Since the mirror is on the wall, there must be a "nail", the claw of a mammal, bird, or reptile. I just don't know what to do with it. :-[

Title: Re: mirror
Post by littlemisschic on Jul 26th, 2012, 7:22pm
looked in the mirror and saw......

picked up the saw and saw the mirror in half

two halves make a whole,

jump through the hole and run away!


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