Title: Red planet 2 Post by Iceman on Dec 16th, 2007, 4:14am You're alone, that is, w/o other living forms, in a room of a typical middle class home of yours, with usual objects inside it. And being a communist, you just noticed, that there is absolutely nothing red inside the room. But is there a way for you to see clearly this favorite color of yours w/o leaving the room? Mind you, you're not allowed to use anything outside the room. Two more rules state that you must remain in topnotch health, that is, even w/o the tiniest wound, & you mustn't see a reflection of you. |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by gotit on Dec 16th, 2007, 5:14am Switch on the TV and start surfing the channels until you see your favourite color. I suppose "usual objects in a living room" includes a TV. |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by Iceman on Dec 16th, 2007, 6:18am No because there is nothing in the room that could produce this color on its own. I thought this was understood otherwise TV would be a real simple solution, thus not a real solution at all. But yes, one should exclude in the riddle plausible, silly answers like this one, just to be on the safe side. ;) |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by towr on Dec 16th, 2007, 6:55am Maybe you could make some rust, by grating something made of iron and adding some water (and perhaps salt). Might not be the best red, but it'd do in a pinch. |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by Grimbal on Dec 16th, 2007, 9:42am Does the solution only work if you are a woman and you have a month to spend? Else stick out your tongue :P and look at a mirror. |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by Iceman on Dec 16th, 2007, 10:14am on 12/16/07 at 06:55:42, towr wrote:
That's why it cannot work. We need some fine red here, not a bad one. on 12/16/07 at 09:42:34, Grimbal wrote:
I said in the riddle that this is not allowed. And the color of tongue, you know, it is red, I guess, but it certainly isn't like felt pen. No, we need something better here, before I show you my own tongue. :P |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by thecow135 on Dec 16th, 2007, 2:19pm my skin looks red... does that count? |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by Iceman on Dec 16th, 2007, 3:22pm No, because I said that you realized, standing in the room, that there is nothing red inside it. So just pretend that you are not an Indian for a moment here. You could be white, black or yellow, so take your pick. Or you were referring to a peculiar red skin condition of yours? I knew a girl back at school who had red skin. She got married a few years ago. I don't have this skin condition, but she is doing better than me. Go figure. ::) |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by JiNbOtAk on Dec 16th, 2007, 9:39pm Try shutting your eyes, facing a really bright light. ( This should be availble in the room ) At one point, you'll start seeing red, even when you open your eyes. Or else, seeing that you're on Mars, just look out the window. |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by ima1trkpny on Dec 16th, 2007, 9:41pm on 12/16/07 at 21:39:23, JiNbOtAk wrote:
Or since your a communist... getting really pissed off about how where you live is a capitalist society and you'll see red with no outside aid whatsoever ;D |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by mikedagr8 on Dec 17th, 2007, 12:15am Depending on the lighting, you should be able to see red. :P |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by Grimbal on Dec 17th, 2007, 1:08am I can stick out my tongue far enough to see it. When you say "there is nothing red" does it mean there is nothing communist? Then nothing would speak against having Santa Claus standing in the middle of the room. If there is a chimney, just wait for your millisecond (the approximate time Santa Claus has to visit every home). |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by Ghost Sniper on Dec 17th, 2007, 8:42am You can't see your own reflection, but you can still cut your finger and look at the blood. ;D :P |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by Whiskey Tango Foxtrot on Dec 17th, 2007, 8:50am [hide]Make a rainbow (http://www.weatherwizkids.com/rainbow.htm)[/hide]. |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by Grimbal on Dec 17th, 2007, 9:30am on 12/16/07 at 04:14:19, Iceman wrote:
Does it mean, there is no tongue, no blood ? :o Or is "you" colorblind, and he is completely mistaken? |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by denis on Dec 17th, 2007, 12:19pm wear a pair of polarizing sunglasses and look at the window. You will see all the colors in the spectrum just like a rainbow. |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by Iceman on Dec 17th, 2007, 12:21pm All I will say is that JiNbOtAk is on the right track, because I tire of alternatives. But I wasn't able to see red when I opened my eyes. Perhaps it is just me. And Grimbal, enough with tongues already. on 12/17/07 at 09:30:08, Grimbal wrote:
No need to go there, I think. Of course your blood is red, and your tongue, and that part of your eyes, but you cannot see it right now, now can you? ;) |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by Iceman on Dec 17th, 2007, 12:25pm Yes, I thought about the rainbow before you mentioned it, twice, but I'm a bit tired of excluding, and excluding, and excluding endlessly all those plausible answers that just might fit. Or at least that is how I feel right now. But I do appreciate your efforts even for the darn alternative answers. And don't say that I have written badly this riddle. Thank you. |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by denis on Dec 17th, 2007, 12:35pm In the dark, shine a flashlight into the palm of your hand. Look at the back side of your hand while you are doing this. You will see red, maybe a little pinkish red but red nonetheless. |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by JiNbOtAk on Dec 17th, 2007, 8:14pm on 12/17/07 at 12:21:33, Iceman wrote:
>:( That's al I ever get from you Icey !! I'm still sticking with my Total Recall answer. |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by denis on Dec 17th, 2007, 8:57pm Uncork a bottle of red wine (the bottle itself is not red so you don't see it at this point), and pour yourself a nice glass of of wine. |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by JiNbOtAk on Dec 17th, 2007, 9:51pm Start to eat. As you cut into your rare sirloin steak, you'll see red. |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by Whiskey Tango Foxtrot on Dec 17th, 2007, 10:39pm I thought that rainbow was right, too. Is there a source of heat in the room? Use the oven to heat something up to red-hot? |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by Iceman on Dec 18th, 2007, 3:52am on 12/17/07 at 12:35:05, denis wrote:
Yes. I was thinking about bulb myself. |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by Ghost Sniper on Dec 18th, 2007, 5:48am Grow a red tulip. The bulb itself is not red, but once it blossoms, the flower petals will be. |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by tiber13 on Dec 18th, 2007, 1:46pm [hide]take a picture of youself, and if it is an camera, you will see the red at the back of your eyes[/hide] |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by Iceman on Dec 21st, 2007, 6:08am on 12/18/07 at 13:46:32, tiber13 wrote:
All right. You want to play rough? You want to play this game? I am Iceman. I can play this game. So what is red? What on your body is red? Just make a list. I'll start with nipples. How about you? Do you have the nerve to continue this game? Yes or no? You started it, so you finish it, if you dare.. ::) :-[ |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by Grimbal on Dec 22nd, 2007, 11:56am My face is red from hearing such a language! ;) |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by Iceman on Dec 22nd, 2007, 12:12pm on 12/22/07 at 11:56:38, Grimbal wrote:
Maybe I used such a language just so that you come up with this brilliant answer? Aw...... ::) |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by tiber13 on Dec 27th, 2007, 4:49pm Dec. 27 Grimbal, your picture-thing is red, but it will change. it also looks ike the flag of switzerland |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by Grimbal on Dec 28th, 2007, 2:03pm I have about 20 "picture-things". http://florian.net/pic/65x65/swissx.gif That one is a swiss flag where the cross is tilted to look like the red x which means no (as opposed to the green tick that means yes). It is a reference to the "nein-sagers" (nay-sayers), those who oppose to any change during votes in Switzerland. |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by StallionMang on Jan 3rd, 2008, 10:42am Is there any LSD in this room? |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by cheesepuff on Jan 4th, 2008, 8:21pm [hide]look out the window and wait for a red sun.[/hide] or just go to sleep and dream of Mao with his red communist star |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by tiber13 on Jan 5th, 2008, 2:28pm Ice man, wiggle your (new) mouse, there you go (Many months late) |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by Iceman on Jan 6th, 2008, 6:05am on 01/05/08 at 14:28:20, tiber13 wrote:
Yup. The red light is coming 24/7 from my new electronic mouse. ::) |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by shasta on Jan 18th, 2008, 6:13am on 12/16/07 at 06:18:20, Iceman wrote:
If you had stated explicitly what was in the room, we wouldn't have to try and read your mind to determine what you find silly. |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by Iceman on Jan 18th, 2008, 6:36am I might've done that, yes, but then you might say, being critic and all, why did I mention a lot of unimportant objects, which have nothing to do with the answer? And if you think that I'm going to catalogue all of those items in the room, and most of homes have a lot of items, you best think again. Btw, thanks for suggestions. |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by shasta on Jan 18th, 2008, 7:10am I wouldn't criticize a riddle for mentioning unnecessary facts, as that's a perfectly legitimate thing for a riddle to do. But the necessary ones should be stated. "The usual items found in a suburban room" is a little too open-ended for my tastes because if offers way too many legitimate answers to this riddle. I thought TV worked, I'd also immediately add cellphones with internet capability, PCs, any of things which can be used to create a rainbow, any of the things which can be used to create a fire, and any animals which can be sacrificed for the cause of seeing red, (as a communist, he just might! ;D ), to the list of things I would think are acceptable answers. PS - I appreciate the thanks. I'm glad you understand I'm not trying to pick on you but to help myself and others become better riddlers. 8) |
Title: Re: Red planet 2 Post by Iceman on Jan 18th, 2008, 8:36am on 01/18/08 at 07:10:22, shasta wrote:
I can relate to this. When I 1st became a member of this forum, several years ago, and my nick was alien back then, most of my riddles were quite terrible. But I did improve since then, perhaps not a lot, but I think enough to produce a fine riddle now and then. And I like to think that those real lousy riddles I used to have, are entirely or at least almost entirely gone. But, in a way, thanks to the above bad riddles of mine, and heavy critique I received several times, I ascended. Nowadays I'm more critical. It probably has to do with maturity, as youth does have young legs, and other young things, but it just might have an infantile, immature brain. It happened before. And, criticize all you want, for I'm a moron: nobody likes me, and my mother tried to kill me. The only thing you might truly like about me, are my darn riddles, and poems I seldom finish. Btw, I have a pet, a gray longhaired cat named Gricko. And I'd rather sacrifice my wife or kin instead if I had to choose: he is one jolly good cat! I'm not kidding. He doesn't talk back, he's always in a good mood, and he has the sweetest mew. |
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