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riddles >> what happened >> Alien's Hellraiser: Twists of Friendship
(Message started by: Miles on Sep 27th, 2006, 2:24pm)

Title: Alien's Hellraiser: Twists of Friendship
Post by Miles on Sep 27th, 2006, 2:24pm
I hope no-one minds me starting a new thread.

Alien gave us three puzzles under the original thread.  As this has rambled, I thought I’d summarise the story so far.   I’ve not hidden suggested answers (apart from the accepted solution to #1), so don’t read this if you want to try the problems on your own.  Still no solutions to #2 and #3.

Below, I quote each problem in turn, then paraphrase all the suggested answers that I could make sense of.  I’ve also paraphrased Alien’s comments (in orange) where they give possible clues.  From Alien’s responses, I infer that all suggestions so far are wrong, apart from the accepted answer for #1.

For future reference, can someone provide a link to the original thread?

1. John and Mark are relaxing in a pub, playing cards on the table positioned against the wall. John finished his whisky, and Mark almost finished his drink, that is, there is still a finger of water in his glass. He probably ordered just water because of his loans to John, or maybe because of house of cards he started building just now. But John asks Mark to lend him 500$ again. Mark says: 'What is the least number of these playing cards needed to reach the height of 40 centimeters starting from the top of the table? You may use items on the table, and if you answer correctly, I will lend you the money.'  

None – just raise hand
Use water as measure (?)
1 card – on a pile of other things Playing cards must reach that height
5 cards (8.5cm long each) taped or balanced
Cut cards and slot together, or tear a card No damage allowed
Fill room with water and cards float
Bend cards and stack up to 40cm

[hide]Wet the cards and stick them together (put them in the freezer?) and lean against wall ][/hide]accept this answer

2. Mark and John are playing soccer. Mark says: 'It is about to rain heavy, and a few raindrops have already fallen. You have a date with a fair woman, and you don't want to be late and bedraggled because you want to propose her. She awaits you in the restaurant, which is 200 meters distant from the parking lot where you parked your car, sitting at the table in front of it, under the awning. The trucker, a friend of yours who owes you a favor from before, parked his truck near your car, which is transporting a variety of balls. He says that you can choose a ball, which will be subtracted from his salary, as a way of saying thanks. If it is understood that any ball you think of can be found in this truck, so can you improve your chances of proposal?'

They’re at a stadium and he presents her the game ball
A silicon implant (testicle?); the “balls” to propose No sexual connotations.  He has already decided to propose, just wants to improve chances
Ball is a diamond, pearl necklace or ring (?) Already have diamond ring
Roll ball to trigger, say, fireworks
Get truck driver to drive you to lady
Ask for “Grimball” who can solve the problem
Ball to be thrown to lady with message on it
Give her a globe and say “marry me, you’ll have the whole world…”
No play on words – just use imagination

3. They stumble on each other in a shoe store. Mark senses John wants to ask him about the money because he is fidgeting, so he says: 'How could a person who has a shoe size 10 wear and walk in size 15 without discomfort and complaint?'

Padding or lots of socks no, just socks
Men’s size 10 = women’s size 15
Size 15 is in inches
Size 15 dress, pants, socks No, shoes
One foot size 10, other 15
Slippers, skis, ballet shoes, flip-flops, snow shoes No, same type of shoe
Size 15 in different country, different brands
No legs so can’t walk, has prosthetic feet No, he’s a sprinter
Read question as “has a shoe, size 10, …” ie they own size 10 but they are now size 15
Wear size 10 inside size 15 not comfortable
He’s a clown
He’s “wearing” the shoes out, ie distressing the shoes to make them look old
Wear shoes on hands
He owns no shoes, so won’t complain at the size But still in discomfort

Title: Re: Alien's Hellraiser: Twists of Friendship
Post by Miles on Sep 27th, 2006, 2:31pm
On 2, is the idea that [hide]he does something to keep the rain off, eg one of those giant balls that you can climb inside?[/hide]

Title: Re: Alien's Hellraiser: Twists of Friendship
Post by graphia on Sep 27th, 2006, 3:10pm
#2 would be a [hide]zorb ball[/hide] then?

Title: Re: Alien's Hellraiser: Twists of Friendship
Post by Grimbal on Sep 28th, 2006, 1:04am
OK, some new ideas

#2 [hide] she is a pokemon [/hide]
#3 [hide] walk on the hands [/hide]

Title: Re: Alien's Hellraiser: Twists of Friendship
Post by TomC588 on Sep 28th, 2006, 7:50am
[hide]A ball as in a dance?[/hide]

Title: Re: Alien's Hellraiser: Twists of Friendship
Post by Miles on Sep 28th, 2006, 9:49am

on 09/27/06 at 15:10:33, graphia wrote:
#2 would be a [hide]zorb ball[/hide] then?

Ah, yes, zorbing - it all comes back to me now.

Alien, where are you?  Please help us!

Title: Re: Alien's Hellraiser: Twists of Friendship
Post by alien on Sep 29th, 2006, 5:01am

on 09/27/06 at 14:31:21, Miles wrote:
On 2, is the idea that [hide]he does something to keep the rain off, eg one of those giant balls that you can climb inside?[/hide]

You got it. It is [hide]transparent[/hide] too. I think I saw this ball when [hide]circus was in town[/hide].    :P

on 09/27/06 at 14:24:53, Miles wrote:
[hide]Wet the cards and stick them together (put them in the freezer?) and lean against wall ][/hide]accept this answer

This can be done without the [hide]freezer[/hide].  

on 09/27/06 at 14:24:53, Miles wrote:
Read question as “has a shoe, size 10, …” ie they own size 10 but they are now size 15

He’s “wearing” the shoes out, ie distressing the shoes to make them look old

I don't get this. What exactly is the point?

on 09/27/06 at 14:24:53, Miles wrote:
No legs so can’t walk, has prosthetic feet No, he’s a sprinter

When I said he is a sprinter, I just wanted to say that he is not an invalid. That was all.

Title: Re: Alien's Hellraiser: Twists of Friendship
Post by Desert Lizard on Sep 29th, 2006, 5:38am
I like to walk around the store when I'm trying on shoes.

Title: Re: Alien's Hellraiser: Twists of Friendship
Post by cchris on Sep 29th, 2006, 8:52am

on 09/29/06 at 05:01:03, alien wrote:
I think I saw this ball when [hide]circus was in town[/hide]

Think you can steal it for me next time? Sounds like a blast.

Title: Re: Alien's Hellraiser: Twists of Friendship
Post by alien on Sep 29th, 2006, 11:08am
To teleport the ball on to my saucer is not a problem, but this ball is fun. You will get one only if I have two.    :P

on 09/29/06 at 05:38:52, Desert Lizard wrote:
I like to walk around the store when I'm trying on shoes.

That's not it either.

Title: Re: Alien's Hellraiser: Twists of Friendship
Post by graphia on Oct 1st, 2006, 3:57am
So zorbing (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Zorbing.jpg) is correct for 2?

Title: Re: Alien's Hellraiser: Twists of Friendship
Post by cchris on Oct 1st, 2006, 8:06am
Thanks for the link, had no idea what 'zorbing' was.

Title: Re: Alien's Hellraiser: Twists of Friendship
Post by alien on Oct 1st, 2006, 8:19am
Me neither.   ;D

Title: Re: Alien's Hellraiser: Twists of Friendship
Post by Roy on Oct 1st, 2006, 4:15pm
Me three

Title: Re: Alien's Hellraiser: Twists of Friendship
Post by Sameer on Oct 2nd, 2006, 11:01am

on 09/29/06 at 05:01:03, alien wrote:
You got it. It is [hide]transparent[/hide] too. I think I saw this ball when [hide]circus was in town[/hide].    :P

did you get your idea just from the circus or watching this movie Ball (http://imdb.com/title/tt0074236/)?  ::)

Title: Re: Alien's Hellraiser: Twists of Friendship
Post by alien on Oct 2nd, 2006, 12:40pm

Neither, really. But I remember it was raining so hard, it was really coming down.. sittin' by my window, watchin the rain fall to the ground.. this is the time I love to be holding you tight (not you Sameer!), I guess I'll just go crazy tonight..

Title: Re: Alien's Hellraiser: Twists of Friendship
Post by alien on Oct 10th, 2006, 12:10pm
..............I can't think of a hint, which doesn't reveal too much. Let me just say, regarding the shoes riddle, the answer looks quite logical and simple to me, because I know it. But of course, the way riddle is worded, certainly belongs to the category of my little tricks..   ;)

Title: Re: Alien's Hellraiser: Twists of Friendship
Post by Sameer on Oct 10th, 2006, 2:50pm
well you said "how can he wear and walk".. so on the how part - he pads the remaining space with some soft material, so it won't be discomfortable and then it would be perfect fit...

Title: Re: Alien's Hellraiser: Twists of Friendship
Post by alien on Oct 10th, 2006, 3:31pm
That wouldn't be perfect fit.   ;)

Title: Re: Alien's Hellraiser: Twists of Friendship
Post by cchris on Oct 10th, 2006, 3:45pm
I have a size 10 shoe. It's not the size I wear now that I'm older, but I still have a size 10 shoe. That's not the answer.

Or maybe they couldn't...

Title: Re: Alien's Hellraiser: Twists of Friendship
Post by Sameer on Oct 10th, 2006, 4:11pm
ok I think I got it now...

[hide]The person is wearing his shoe size 10, so he is walking comfortably, but in aisle that contains size 15 shoes  ;D[/hide]

Title: Re: Alien's Hellraiser: Twists of Friendship
Post by cchris on Oct 11th, 2006, 3:32pm
Just to clarify, I was being the rebel and saying that there isn't a way to do it.

Title: Re: Alien's Hellraiser: Twists of Friendship
Post by Iceman on Oct 22nd, 2006, 6:23am
There is a way to do it. If you want to catch a lighting bug, you got to slow down, be patient, and they might come to you. This I heard in a movie, but I'm not sure about the name of this bug. I guess it is a firefly or a glow-worm. So slow down, let the answer come to you..


on 10/10/06 at 16:11:19, Sameer wrote:
ok I think I got it now...

[hide]The person is wearing his shoe size 10, so he is walking comfortably, but in aisle that contains size 15 shoes  ;D[/hide]

Not sure what you meant by aisle. The only aisle I heard of is the one in a church.

Title: Re: Alien's Hellraiser: Twists of Friendship
Post by sofeffi on Oct 22nd, 2006, 6:26am
[hideb]he might 'have' a shoe size of 10 at home, but it doesn't fit.[/hideb]

Title: Re: Alien's Hellraiser: Twists of Friendship
Post by Icarus on Oct 22nd, 2006, 12:30pm

on 10/22/06 at 06:23:09, Iceman wrote:
Not sure what you meant by aisle. The only aisle I heard of is the one in a church.

Any walk way in a building between areas not used for passage is called an "aisle". This includes the paths between the shelves in a store. So Sameer is suggesting that the guy is wearing his size 10 shoes, but is walking between shelves of size 15 shoes.

Title: Re: Alien's Hellraiser: Twists of Friendship
Post by cchris on Oct 22nd, 2006, 2:25pm
Are we ever going to get an answer? Or if you want, send me a message with it, I won't tell anyone but I'm just too curious.

Title: Re: Alien's Hellraiser: Twists of Friendship
Post by Iceman on Oct 23rd, 2006, 5:58am

on 10/10/06 at 15:45:02, cchris wrote:
I have a size 10 shoe. It's not the size I wear now that I'm older, but I still have a size 10 shoe. That's not the answer.

cchris, good thing you asked me this, because I didn't read your answer carefully enough. Sorry.  :-[ You got it!  :o Yes, he is a [hide]boy who has a shoe size 10, so when he gets older and scouted by the NBA, he puts on the sneakers. Time had an important role in this little riddle.  ;) One thing though: he doesn't need to have size 10 shoes when he gets older. [/hide]

Title: Re: Alien's Hellraiser: Twists of Friendship
Post by cchris on Oct 23rd, 2006, 4:41pm
Sweet! Guess I didn't need the answer after all.

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