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riddles >> what happened >> Tattoo artistry
(Message started by: Roy on Jul 24th, 2006, 3:19pm)

Title: Tattoo artistry
Post by Roy on Jul 24th, 2006, 3:19pm
Would you believe it but Moshe wants a tattoo on his arm. He goes into town to check out the only two practicing tattooists there so he can decide which one to use.
The first parlour Moshe visits was a bit run down. The tattooist there shows Moshe his arm - on it was a recent tattoo of an alligator. But Moshe is not very impressed.
The second parlour he visits was quite smart and nicely decorated. The tattooist there shows Moshe a recent tattoo of a ring-necked parakeet on his arm. This tattoo is very good and quite artistic. Moshe is very impressed, yet he decides to go back to the first tattoo parlour to have the work done.

So why?

Title: Re: Tattoo artistry
Post by towr on Jul 24th, 2006, 3:29pm
Probably the same reason one should choose the badly cut barber if there were just two

Title: Re: Tattoo artistry
Post by cchris on Jul 24th, 2006, 4:25pm
I think if a place was nice but the tattoo artist had an infected arm, I'd go to another place. Or maybe it wasn't supposed to be a ring-necked parakeet.

Title: Re: Tattoo artistry
Post by Roy on Jul 24th, 2006, 5:01pm
Aah... so i assume the barber version has been tried as well. Time for far-fetched answers! ;D

Title: Re: Tattoo artistry
Post by Icarus on Jul 24th, 2006, 6:44pm
It probably has been posted once or twice, but mainly, the 2-barber town puzzle is so well-known, it is classic.

Title: Re: Tattoo artistry
Post by cchris on Jul 24th, 2006, 8:16pm
[hide]Oh, duh. Thinking of it like a barber makes it easier. I assume they can't tattoo themselves, therefore they'd have to tattoo each other. The one with the bad tattoo got the tattoo from the one with the nice shop.[/hide]

Title: Re: Tattoo artistry
Post by Death on Aug 10th, 2006, 3:10pm
So wat's to stop the tattoo guys from having done their own tattoos? I know plenty of guys who have tattooed themselves without too much trouble.

Also, chances are that there is less chance of the needle being unclean etc. at the ciche tattooer's place, and therefor having ultimately less chance of infection.

Alternately, (and this actualy answers the question rather than contradicting it), the guy went to the second tattooist, had a row with him and went to the first.

Or he might have simply gone to the second expecting to see a mate who worked their, and instead got greeted by a slightly efeminate hello (not that it is bad in any way to be slightly efeminate - especially for a lady - but this guy might have had some unhappy childhood memories of a crossdressing dad or something).

Or he might even have thought about buying the place afterwards and, having seen how well kept and furnished the second place was, thought he would have more chance with the first place.

Title: Re: Tattoo artistry
Post by cchris on Aug 10th, 2006, 7:12pm
I'm pretty sure what I said was right (or rather, what I finally said after towr gave away the answer). But yes, I did think about it: Why wouldn't you just tattoo your own arm?

Perhaps they opted for the arm tattoos right before they were to get them done on their backs.

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