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riddles >> what happened >> Re: Postman always rings twice
(Message started by: towr on Jan 6th, 2006, 1:31pm)

Title: Re: Postman always rings twice
Post by towr on Jan 6th, 2006, 1:31pm
[hide]not every delivery man is a postman.[/hide]

Title: Re: Postman always rings twice
Post by Icarus on Jan 7th, 2006, 7:01am
Or perhaps the deliverer is moonlighting to pay the son's medical bills and the father's funeral expenses... ;)

Title: Re: Postman always rings twice
Post by Three Hands on Jan 7th, 2006, 9:00am
[hide]Don't you just hate feminists named Alexandra who hate people not formally acknowledging their femininity in their job title. Of course, they also hate being called Alex, so I imagine alien's next on her list of people to "educate" ::)[/hide]

Title: Re: Postman always rings twice
Post by towr on Jan 7th, 2006, 12:16pm
That's what Icarus alluded to as well.
Surely you've been on the forum long enough to know the infamous [hide]doctor that turns out to be female riddle[/hide]
Of course the other hand, [hide]She is by all rights a postman, even if she's a woman. If you had to replace every occurence of 'man' with 'woman', she'd be a postwowowowo(wo)inf[/hide]
it's just silly.

Title: Re: Postman always rings twice
Post by towr on Jan 8th, 2006, 11:13am
Meh.. I won't lie awake over it. ::)

Title: Re: Postman always rings twice
Post by gigbox_69 on Jan 12th, 2006, 5:28pm
1. He at a fancy hotel/motel/lodge, etc. in which the bell boy would bring his mail or packages to the room for him

2. He is a staff member at a school or employee at an office of some sort and the door is the door to his office, students bring faculty their mail at schools and secretaries bring mail to the office folk

3. Post[man], it could be a post[woman]

4. The setting is in the time of slavery and they had mail order bibles back then and slaves brung mail to their masters

That's all I got, but I'll be back tomorrow like everyday to if one of my answers are correct! ;D

Title: Re: Postman always rings twice
Post by Grimbal on Jan 13th, 2006, 5:05am
In that small town, there are 2 delivery services: "Postmann & sons" is the largest with 3 persons (the father and his sons), and the new "Alex'press" operated by Alex.  Alex has trouble being recognized at all in a town where the Postmann family has been the only delivery service for 100 years.  So, the dialog goes as follows:
- Thank you, Postmann.
- I'm not a Postmann.
- Then why did you give me this package?
Alex is furious: another one who thinks only the Postmann can deliver packages.  He claims defiantly:
- Because that is my job.

Title: Re: Postman always rings twice
Post by baddab457 on Jan 14th, 2006, 10:12am
maybe your neighborhood doesnt have these...
[hide]jehovah's witness'[/hide]

Title: Re: Postman always rings twice
Post by Zero on Jan 14th, 2006, 5:07pm
It's a courier!  It's santa claus!  Your local neighborhood Mormon!  It's... wayy too many possible answers.

Title: Re: Postman always rings twice
Post by iforgot on Jan 16th, 2006, 4:33am
I would of thought a religious group eg the gideons who leave bibles in hotel rooms, rather than a play on words with the name postman.

However we now know that it is in fact mail order, and as such the job of the person is to deliver the item. Important must be the fact thats the bible is braile or why include such info.

Im sure i'll be doing something trivial and it'll pop in.

Title: Re: Postman always rings twice
Post by SWF on Jan 16th, 2006, 9:08pm
The significance of braille is the clue that Tim is blind. If the correct answer is the postwoman, then why didn't Tim notice from her voice? Did the postwoman just hand it to the blind person without saying anything?  Seems unlikely. Also, since when to mail carriers knock on people's door to deliver mail? I guess can happens, but very uncommon in my experience.

A group distributing free Bibles or a UPS delivery person seems to fit better.

Title: Re: Postman always rings twice
Post by KeypadSDM on Feb 4th, 2006, 6:44pm
Maybe it's[hide] his carer? He may be blind, but he might be incredibly old. With a social worker who picks up his mail for him.[/hide]

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