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riddles >> what happened >> A Frustrated Doctor
(Message started by: Chris Redfield on Dec 21st, 2005, 3:54pm)

Title: A Frustrated Doctor
Post by Chris Redfield on Dec 21st, 2005, 3:54pm
A successful doctor was at a party, and as usual, people were coming up to him and asking him "hey doc what could cause this" and "hey doc what's this". Being a very kind man, he usually did what he could to help, but this often times led to him not being able to enjoy himself and was a constant reminder of work. So, the next woman that came up to and ask for some advice. His response was totally professional and she went about her business and no one bothered him for free advice for the rest of the night. What did he say?


1)[hide]he IS a medical doctor[/hide]
2)[hide]The advice he gives is completely professional and calm[/hide]
3)[hide]the gender of the person he's talking to is irrelevant[/hide]
4)[hide]the answer is something you might hear in a medical office[/hide]

Title: Re: A Frustrated Doctor
Post by towr on Dec 21st, 2005, 4:03pm
[hide]He discusses his fee first[/hide] ;D

Title: Re: A Frustrated Doctor
Post by Chris Redfield on Dec 21st, 2005, 4:15pm
a post from the original riddler

[hide]No, not really, people were just all the time buggin him.. Change it to advice from free advice if you would like.. It doesn't affect the outcome..[/hide]

Title: Re: A Frustrated Doctor
Post by Icarus on Dec 21st, 2005, 6:51pm
"That's gonna require a DRE to diagnose. You can come to my office tomorrow or would you like to do it right here?"

Title: Re: A Frustrated Doctor
Post by Sjoerd Job Postmus on Dec 22nd, 2005, 12:00am
"Working hours are from ... to ...."

Title: Re: A Frustrated Doctor
Post by towr on Dec 22nd, 2005, 1:03am
[hide]"Take off your clothes, lie down on the table and I'll be right with you."[/hide]

[hide]"Are you sure you want medical advice from someone who's drunk?"[/hide]

Title: Re: A Frustrated Doctor
Post by Grimbal on Dec 22nd, 2005, 3:27pm
[hide] "How is your herpes doing?" [/hide]

Title: Re: A Frustrated Doctor
Post by JohanC on Dec 23rd, 2005, 5:40am
Maybe this doctor is Alien's friend John?
So he asks:
"[hide]Could you please lend me $ 1000[/hide]"?

Title: Re: A Frustrated Doctor
Post by cheesepuff on Jan 9th, 2006, 5:09pm
[hide]You are going to die.[/hide] :o


[hide]I need to operate on you[/hide] ;D

Title: Re: A Frustrated Doctor
Post by Noke Lieu on Feb 5th, 2006, 7:01pm
Actually, I'm a proctologist. I spend my working hours with ars[hide]ehol[/hide]es, not my evenings.

Title: Re: A Frustrated Doctor
Post by Sir Col on Feb 6th, 2006, 9:32am
I like it Noke Lieu!  ;D

This doctor at the party wouldn't be you, would it Chris Redfield? Perhaps you're looking for a clever, yet polite, reply to get rid of cheeky free-loaders at parties?

Perhaps he said, "[hide]You know some of the best diagnostic cases I've been using in my new book came from parties just like this one. Before we begin, you wouldn't mind if I used your name directly would you?[/hide]"

Or did he say, "[hide]I am a profesional and wish to do the best for my patients. In order for me to be sure that you answer any of my questions as well as you can, and to perform a proper diagnosis, you need to be completely sober. I suggest that you stop drinking now and after allowing the effects of the alcohol in your bloodstream to wear-off completely come back and see me.[/hide]"?

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