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riddles >> what happened >> Get out of dodge
(Message started by: nick_ro on Dec 5th, 2005, 12:05pm)

Title: Get out of dodge
Post by nick_ro on Dec 5th, 2005, 12:05pm
I simply have to blast off from this university. First, there are too many math students here and there are too few professors that are willing to discuss topics with you "unless" you are in their classes - yuck. Gradutate students run around here and consume all the resources - can't get access to the AMS math reviews database because the graduate coneheads got all the subscriptions logged in AND from their dorms on top of that - yuck squared. The more interesting and classical math books are always always checked out from the library. The library has a serious delinquency list of non-book returns and the librarian does diddly about it - yuck factorial.

Many issues of the College Math Journal and the Math Monthly are sparse and are missing - yuck googleplex factorial.

That's what I have to say.

Title: Re: Get out of dodge
Post by towr on Dec 5th, 2005, 2:32pm
That's either a very obscure riddle, or entirely out of place..

Title: Re: Get out of dodge
Post by Dimetri on Dec 5th, 2005, 3:33pm
Hmmm. Sounds like piece of ones mind.

Maybe you should send that letter to the Dean and ask for a follow up  appointment. They ususally take matters like that, if true, very seriously.

I suggest removing the yuck parts, though.

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