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riddles >> what happened >> Re: The choice 2
(Message started by: Icarus on Nov 28th, 2005, 7:44pm)

Title: Re: The choice 2
Post by Icarus on Nov 28th, 2005, 7:44pm
"A typical log cabin"? What is it chinked with? If we are talking about a log cabin as in "the good old days", I'd hardly worry about it, as the things were less than air-tight. But in that case, you could [hide]use the pencil to dig through the mud chinking the gap between the the logs.[/hide]

A modern cabin would be problematic, [hide]as they are usually chinked with cement. Your pencil doesn't have a chance.[/hide]

Title: Re: The choice 2
Post by Grimbal on Nov 30th, 2005, 4:39am
[hide]But the bad guy has a bottle of air on the back.  Slowly it will be released inside the cabin.  It will increase the pressure inside until some of it leaves the cabin through some cracks.  So he will get some air out![/hide]

Else, he can [hide] yell and bring out some sound.[/hide]

Or, he can [hide] abandon all hope. [/hide]

Title: Re: The choice 2
Post by john fraser on Jan 1st, 2006, 12:23am
How about this:
[hideb][/hideb]I would examine the construction of the log walls to find a log that’s end would be exposed to the outside world. In the corner of the room I would hammer the pencil into this log to shallow depth with the bible (it needn’t be deep at all). I would next remove the lead from the pencil to create a straw, perhaps snapping it in two to make this easier.  I would then insert the straw into the hole and perhaps seal any gaps with chewed tobacco from the cigarettes. At this point I would take a mouthful of pepsi and blow it into the straw with a low steady force which would hopefully force the pepsi into the logs outer sapwood, through its Xylem cells and to emerge in the outside world to achieve our goal inside the hour available.

Title: Re: The choice 2
Post by walkabout on Jan 3rd, 2006, 1:38pm
Of course I realise now that I was grasping at straws with this pipe dream.


Title: Re: The choice 2
Post by cheesepuff on Jan 7th, 2006, 9:31pm
[hide]Well if I got out of there, why would I need your teleporter to get me out? ???

Besides, If you were really stuck you could take the bible and pray you wouldn't go to hell.

Or you could take the man's ak47 and try to shoot down the wall, or kill him and take his teleporter. ::)[/hide]

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