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riddles >> what happened >> Re: wakey wakey!
(Message started by: BNC on Sep 17th, 2005, 4:22am)

Title: Re: wakey wakey!
Post by BNC on Sep 17th, 2005, 4:22am
Are you kidding? It happens to me practically every morning!

But maybe you mean [hide]he woke up before the alarm went on[/hide]?

Title: Re: wakey wakey!
Post by towr on Sep 17th, 2005, 1:31pm

on 09/17/05 at 08:09:00, alien wrote:
because WE are the weaker sex - not them wives: men don't live as long as women, we get more hart attacks, more strokes, more prostate trouble...
There's a lot of plus points though, less breast cancer, no cervix cancer, no problems with the uturus, no chance of getting pregnant and having to go through childbirth. Not bleeding profusely for a week every month. Not having commercials bringing attention to the fact you have been, and probably will be, leaking,  in one way or another, at all stages of your life.

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