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riddles >> what happened >> Ghost Town
(Message started by: jenniegurl on Jun 26th, 2005, 3:49pm)

Title: Ghost Town
Post by jenniegurl on Jun 26th, 2005, 3:49pm
In a very exclusive restaurant, several dozen diners are eating a top-class meal upstairs.  Downstairs, precisely the same meal is being served at the same number of empty places. Why?

Title: Re: Ghost Town
Post by Ajax on Jun 27th, 2005, 1:59am
[hide]The restaurant is so exclusive that each client has his own waiter (or have the food served by their batlers). The chef doesn't mind making double the quantity needed (or the clients respect so much their batlers) and serves the same for the waiters (or batlers)  to eat afterwards (anyway, in some restaurants the materials bought are not so expensive, but the food is really overcharged).[/hide]

Title: Re: Ghost Town
Post by JiNbOtAk on Jun 27th, 2005, 3:32am
[hideb]They are at Hogwarts School of Magic, where the foods are prepared by house elves at the lower level, and magically transported to the upper level.[/hideb]


Title: Re: Ghost Town
Post by SWF on Jun 27th, 2005, 8:42pm
It is the night before a big football game. Being the the best restauraunt in town both teams want to eat there, and since they are weathly pro athletes they have no problem affording it. To avoid any confrontations the teams are scheduled to eat on different floors. One of the teams is not there because their bus or plane is late.

Title: Re: Ghost Town
Post by jenniegurl on Jun 28th, 2005, 6:38pm
all really creative answers but no.

Title: Re: Ghost Town
Post by xyz on Jun 29th, 2005, 1:18pm
Let's be practical:  ;)
[hide]The top level is the not-reserved section, while the bottom level is for those who have reserved seats and are coming later.[/hide]

Title: Re: Ghost Town
Post by jenniegurl on Jun 29th, 2005, 4:10pm
ah sort of.  [hideb]the restaurant is on a boat[/hideb]

Title: Re: Ghost Town
Post by xyz on Jun 30th, 2005, 2:26pm
[hideb]Oh, the bottom level is being prepared for the late-risers.[/hideb]  ;D

Title: Re: Ghost Town
Post by Ajax on Jun 30th, 2005, 10:43pm
[hideb]Ok, then the sailors are divided into two groups and the second round is prepared for the other watch (shift) [/hideb]

Title: Re: Ghost Town
Post by Grimbal on Jul 1st, 2005, 4:42am
Well, I would say the tide is low.  Soon the water will raise the whole boat for a couple of meters.  To make sure the guests will still have a meal in front of them after the boat rose, they serve the same meal downstairs.

Uh... just joking.

Maybe it is such a select restaurant that the same meal is served downstairs so that in case it would start to rain, the host could invite the guests inside to finish their meal.

Title: Re: Ghost Town
Post by jenniegurl on Jul 6th, 2005, 5:00pm
yes to the last one

Title: Re: Ghost Town
Post by Veggie-Trunks on Jul 12th, 2005, 11:46pm
Is that the answer? I thought it might have a glass floor or something so everything would be "the same". That probably was stupid though...lol.

Title: Re: Ghost Town
Post by NgBng on Jul 13th, 2005, 12:31pm
There can't be a "the answer" to questions like these ;)

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