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riddles >> what happened >> Beach volley set
(Message started by: Grimbal on Jun 13th, 2005, 9:30am)

Title: Beach volley set
Post by Grimbal on Jun 13th, 2005, 9:30am
A woman receives an unexpected parcel from the post.
It is a beach volley set.  It consists of a ball and a net that you can mount on the sand.
An accompanying letter tells her she is the lucky winner of the contest that went last month in the nearby shopping mall.

She realizes what it means and starts to cry.


Title: Re: Beach volley set
Post by alien on Jun 13th, 2005, 2:53pm
She has a mechanical arm. She was a professional volleyball player before she lost her arm.

Title: Re: Beach volley set
Post by Grimbal on Jun 13th, 2005, 3:05pm

on 06/13/05 at 14:53:55, alien wrote:
She has a mechanical arm. She was a professional volleyball player before she lost her arm.

No.  She is in perfect health and shape.
It is irrelevant whether she played before.

Title: Re: Beach volley set
Post by Padzok on Jun 13th, 2005, 3:28pm
The contest was a dead pool.

The contestants have to pick a famous person.  The winner is the person whose celebrity dies first.

For a joke, she picked her heartthrob: a 16 year old boy band member.  She never dreamed she would win.  She only entered the competition because it was for a good cause (Help The Aged) and she couldn't think of any other celeb name.

When the prize arrives, her initial joy at such a wondrous gift is swiftly overtaken by th realisation that her pop idol dreamboat must have bought the farm.

Title: Re: Beach volley set
Post by Icarus on Jun 13th, 2005, 5:15pm
[hideb]The volleyball set was one of the minor prizes, not the grand prize which she was really hoping for. Since she doesn't care for volleyball, receiving this minor prize was a disappointment. (And she is one of those people who set themselves up for disappointments by having unreasonable expectations of winning.)[/hideb]

Title: Re: Beach volley set
Post by Deedlit on Jun 13th, 2005, 5:49pm
I was thinking something similar to Padzok, except I thought perhaps the prize was supposed to go to a loved one, and the fact that she got it meant that the loved one had died.

Title: Re: Beach volley set
Post by Ajax on Jun 13th, 2005, 11:34pm

on 06/13/05 at 17:15:58, Icarus wrote:
[hideb]The volleyball set was one of the minor prizes, not the grand prize which she was really hoping for. Since she doesn't care for volleyball, receiving this minor prize was a disappointment. (And she is one of those people who set themselves up for disappointments by having unreasonable expectations of winning.)[/hideb]

I'll agree with Icarus.

[hide]The prize suggests that the contest was organized by a firm that has to do with summer, beaches and sun (maybe sunscreens, Hawaian Tropic). So maybe the grand prize is a trip to an exotic place for a week. Instead of that, she wins this lousy set which, as she lives in the Northern part of Alaska, is practically useless for the most time of the year.
Maybe she cries also because she works in this mall and she tried to fix the contest and even more, although only two people participated, she came second...[/hide]
However, there is a slight detail. Grimbal wrote that she read that she is the lucky winner. Does it mean that she came first to the contest?

Title: Re: Beach volley set
Post by Grimbal on Jun 14th, 2005, 12:44am

on 06/13/05 at 15:28:37, Padzok wrote:
The contestants have to pick a famous person.  The winner is the person whose celebrity dies first.

No, it is one of these usual contests.  You fill a card, you drop it in a box, a card is drawn and that is the winner.

on 06/13/05 at 17:15:58, Icarus wrote:
The volleyball set was one of the minor prizes, not the grand prize.

No, she got the first prize.

And nobody died.  And whether she used the set is irrelevant.

Title: Re: Beach volley set
Post by Ajax on Jun 14th, 2005, 3:21am
Did she participate to the contest or someone else using her name?

Title: Re: Beach volley set
Post by Grimbal on Jun 14th, 2005, 4:54am
She did not participate in the contest.

Title: Re: Beach volley set
Post by Ajax on Jun 14th, 2005, 5:52am
[hide]She didn't participate mentally and physically (maybe a split personality or siamese)? Has she got a twin sister?
Did someone else sign her in the contest?[/hide]

Title: Re: Beach volley set
Post by Padzok on Jun 14th, 2005, 12:56pm

on 06/14/05 at 04:54:20, Grimbal wrote:
She did not participate in the contest.

Mmmmmm.  She did not participate is tricky...

Did someone else put her name in the slot?

Maybe there were 2 competions running at the mall?  

One was for 5 million dollars, and one for a beach volleyball set?  

She only had one postcard, and so she decided to enter the lottery for the cash.  She was so excited when she got the phone call telling her she'd won.  She went and told her boss to stuff his job.  She rang her boyfriend and said she'd been sleeping with his brother (and both his sisters) and so the wedding was off (but he could keep her car).

Then she opened the mysterious parcel she'd forgotten about in all the excitement....

Title: Re: Beach volley set
Post by Grimbal on Jun 14th, 2005, 3:14pm
She has no split personality.

There was no confusion between contests or prizes.

Someone else put her name in the slot.

Ands she didn't sleep with her boyfrend's two siamese sisters...

Title: Re: Beach volley set
Post by JiNbOtAk on Jun 15th, 2005, 12:41am
Here's a wild guess..

[hide]She met a cute guy last month at the mall, and plucked her courage to talk to him. After a short conversation, she gave him her card. ( He looked interested. ) Anyway, she never heard from him ever since. From the prize that she 'won', it became apparent that the guy had dropped her card into the contest box. Her sensitive heart could not take it, and she burst into tears.[/hide]


Title: Re: Beach volley set
Post by Grimbal on Jun 15th, 2005, 9:38am
Close enough.
[hideb] The dream guy asked for her address.  For lack of any other paper, she used one entry form for the contest, filled it in and gave it to the guy.
Maybe he lost the card or maybe even (sigh) got rid of it.  Someone found it and dropped it in the box.
Anyway, she won't see that guy again.


Title: Re: Beach volley set
Post by SWF on Jun 21st, 2005, 7:29pm
A prankster had entered her name in a Yoda look-a-like contest, and she won.

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