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riddles >> what happened >> Re: MDK
(Message started by: Grimbal on Jun 10th, 2005, 3:23pm)

Title: Re: MDK
Post by Grimbal on Jun 10th, 2005, 3:23pm
MDK [hide] Mark's De Killer ... in a mirror [/hide]

Title: Re: MDK
Post by Grimbal on Jun 10th, 2005, 3:39pm
Question: Is the friend that Gnimo killed one of the three aliens?  I mean, it could be a friend from another species, or when you say "Three humanoids are alone on a planet" were they four before the murder?

When the aliens are pregnant, is it by a single child?  If it is the case, the descendency will be limited to a single line of descendents.  They better have a long time span.  But if they get many children in one pregnancy, for instance if they get pregnant once and stay pregnant, the children just keeping popping out.  

Anyway, I would propose: [hide] Just wait for the baby to arrive and kill the other then. [/hide]

Or maybe: [hide] "You took a life.  You owe the society (i.e. me) a life.  Give me your child and we are even". [/hide]

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