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riddles >> what happened >> Jon killed Mary
(Message started by: N. on Dec 29th, 2004, 1:46pm)

Title: Jon killed Mary
Post by N. on Dec 29th, 2004, 1:46pm
Jon killed Mary in the living room. On the floor there is some water and some broken glass. John is sleeping on the couch with no clothes on. John doesn't get in any trouble. What happened?

Title: Re: Jon killed Mary
Post by Icarus on Dec 29th, 2004, 1:58pm
John killed Mary out of revenge (http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~wwu/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=riddles_whathappened;action=display;num=1051287124;start=0#4). He is known for lounging around in the nude, and nobody believes he is possible of such nefarious deeds.

Title: Re: Jon killed Mary
Post by EZ_Lonny on Jan 4th, 2005, 7:06am
This riddle is very hard......

There are three characters here.

Who's Jon? And who's John? What does John have to do with Mary?

John doesn't get into trouble coz he has nothing to do with the killing.

I am no Sherlock, but this seems the most plausible explanation to me.

Title: Re: Jon killed Mary
Post by Grimbal on Jan 4th, 2005, 8:59am
The recent events suggest the possibility that Jon could be a tidal wave.


Title: Re: Jon killed Mary
Post by N. on Jan 6th, 2005, 3:23pm
the Johns should be Jon.

Title: Re: Jon killed Mary
Post by Anthony H on Jan 9th, 2005, 11:50pm
woops sorry i just registered so i can edit that post :P i didn't mean to give the answer away!

here are some clues then (hidden of course)

([hide] think of the things that are given names in the human world

when would glass and water be placed right next to eachother? or in each other? or around each other? and maybe...nah, just think about it


Title: Re: Jon killed Mary
Post by Icarus on Jan 10th, 2005, 7:29pm
I removed your post, since you were worried about it. Since YaBB has no means of determining your registered name is the same person as the guest, you still cannot modify your pre-registration posts.

However, I wouldn't be overly concerned anyway. If you will follow the link in my first post above, you will discover that this is a duplicate puzzle whose solution has been posted before.

Title: Re: Jon killed Mary
Post by NoProbBob on Feb 5th, 2005, 3:30pm
John is a baby and Mary is a goldfish?

John is a clumsy nudist and Mary is a goldfish?

Title: Re: Jon killed Mary
Post by Icarus on Feb 5th, 2005, 5:38pm
You have part of it right. But Jon is probably not a baby, and while Jon never wears clothes, he isn't what you would normally think of as a nudist.

Title: Re: Jon killed Mary
Post by MisatoAeris on Feb 6th, 2005, 4:16pm
Once upon a time, there lived Jon. [hide]Jon is a dog. He knocked over the glass of water with the goldfish, Mary, in it. Then he went to sleep on the couch.[/hide] The End.

Title: Re: Jon killed Mary
Post by cheesepuff on Nov 3rd, 2005, 5:52pm
I think jon could be a [hide]cat[/hide] also...

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