Title: Why was he punished? Post by KenYonRuKu on Apr 3rd, 2004, 3:06am Some years ago, a family friend came to our house for a meal. At his arrival, my brother declared that the man had a sports car. My father became very angry, smacked my brother and sent him to his room. Why did he do this? |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by SWF on Apr 3rd, 2004, 6:28am Was it your mother's birthday, and the man was delivering the car as a surprise gift? |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by KenYonRuKu on Apr 4th, 2004, 3:10am Very good answer, but I'm afraid not... |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by DeMark on Apr 4th, 2004, 11:45am Is it because of your friend or because of someone in your family? |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by Noke Lieu on Apr 4th, 2004, 6:27pm Clearly children are still supposed to be "seen, but not heard" ;D I a m thinking that you brother didn't see the car arrive this time, and was recounting the last time he saw it. Since then, your family friend had either lost his job, divorced his wife, crashed that car or had done something that resulting in him losing the car. The seemingly innocent comment from you brother thus caused your guest lose of face, and thus your father too. OR Your father, an avid card player, lost that car to you friend in a single hand of poker. Who'd have thought you'd lose with 4 queens? :D |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by KenYonRuKu on Apr 4th, 2004, 9:29pm DeMark: It is to do with what my brother said. Noke Lieu: Good guesses, but not right... keep trying! |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by DeMark on Apr 5th, 2004, 2:03am Was your father the only one who was angry? Were the others embarrassed? Did your brother say: "You have a sports car!" or "Oh my, what a nice sports car you have! Was it expensive?" or "Daddy, why can't we have such a fast sports car like our friend?" or else... ? (or: DeMark became a full member! Yay! :D) |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by KenYonRuKu on Apr 5th, 2004, 2:36am DeMark: Your questions are beginning to bear fruit! It concerns what my brother said... I'll give you a clue: [hide] He said "He's got a ....." [/hide] |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by DeMark on Apr 5th, 2004, 12:21pm He's got a (put the name of a sports car here) which we wanted to buy, but you're a gambler, daddy, so you gambled away all of our money and we can't afford it now!!! Sorry. No ideas... :P |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by KenYonRuKu on Apr 5th, 2004, 8:28pm Think of names of sports cars... |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by Cathos on Apr 5th, 2004, 8:35pm Well, it's not a sports car, but there's an old American car nicknamed a Woody... That could be offensive if taken the wrong way. :D |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by Noke Lieu on Apr 6th, 2004, 12:23am European or Japanese car? you've got a porsche (it Xqqq of a car)? lamborghini, and he'd just lost his favourite baby sheep? Damn it, there is a crazy pun, and I just can't see it... |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by DeMark on Apr 6th, 2004, 1:28am I bet it's a Japanese car. Honda? Mitsubishi? Datsun? Toyota? (Are they sports cars at all? I don't know many sports cars) |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by KenYonRuKu on Apr 6th, 2004, 5:44pm Not a Japanese car.. |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by evergreena3 on Apr 6th, 2004, 6:49pm He's got a Hummer! lol |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by KenYonRuKu on Apr 7th, 2004, 5:47pm :) Keep guessing, people! |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by John_Gaughan on Apr 7th, 2004, 7:17pm After looking at your hint, I conclude that your brother used incorrect grammar and your father wanted him to speak correctly in front of the guest. |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by evergreena3 on Apr 7th, 2004, 8:35pm He's got an Audi! (sounds like "outie") ------- His dad is George W. Bush. The kid said "He's got a BMW!" As the president is knows as "W" or "dubya," he thought the child was (1) calling him by a familiar name and (2) saying the gentleman had just taken a BM (poop). ------- He's got a MINI! (oohhh...itty bitty) _________ If it isn't one of those 3, then I give up. |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by KenYonRuKu on Apr 8th, 2004, 5:02pm Please keep going, evergreena3, you are getting closer! |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by raven on Apr 9th, 2004, 12:02am Americans don't know how to make "sports cars" Austin Healey Aston Martin Alfa Romeo MG Midget Morgan Peugeot Triumph Ferrari Maserati Jaguar Lotus Fiat Audi Saab Probe (P.O.S. made by Ford Motor Co.) ;D Beamer (slang for "BMW" & street slang for "Crack User") Crotch Rocket (slang for a Superbike - motorcycle) I still like the "Hummer" answer |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by Sir Col on Apr 9th, 2004, 2:51am Perhaps your father had been working on your mother for a long time to get a sports car himself, and was hoping that the arrival of his friend, in his stylish sports car, would be the trump card. Then your brother said, "He's got a very expensive car. He obviously doesn't value his wife, indulging himself with such extravagance. Apart from that, it is entirely impractical for anyone with a family." ::) |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by raven on Apr 9th, 2004, 10:47pm The boy meant to say ”You’ve got a Lamborghini Countach” but was so excited he leapt from his chair and pointed out the window.. and as he was saying this he realized he didn’t know the correct Italian pronunciation so just trailed off… Right then, the visitor’s fiancé was getting out of the car. What the father heard as he looked out the window at his friend's fiancé was “You’ve got a Lamborghini Cun*…” and immediately smacked the boy and sent him to his room! -or- The friend was visiting to discuss his recent bankruptcy… he pulled up in his new Ford Mustang, which he purchased to replace the Lamborghini Countach he had to sell to appease the banks! So when the boy jumped up and said “You’ve got a Mustang!” the father smacked him for humiliating his friend in front of everyone. Um… did someone already suggest that last answer? :-/ |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by KenYonRuKu on Apr 11th, 2004, 3:34am I warn you that this riddle is tenuous at best... if anyone gets it I will be mightily impressed... |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by 2deep on Apr 12th, 2004, 12:48pm Actually, the "friend" was female, but quite androgynous. It didn't matter WHAT car the child named, but said "He's got a..." which is why the father smacked him. OK, I know it's not right, but it's more lateral. |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by KenYonRuKu on Apr 12th, 2004, 6:21pm True, it's not right, but I like it all the same! |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by Noke Lieu on Apr 13th, 2004, 5:39pm Lightning strikes. It might have to do with the Japanese tendency to transpose R and L. Just don't know enough sports cars... |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by evergreena3 on Apr 15th, 2004, 12:02pm I said before the "He's got a Mini." answer. Is it "He's got a Mini Cooper!"? Is your dad's name "Cooper"? EverGreenA3 p.s. If this is not the answer, then I formally give up and request the answer be given so I don't have to torment my brain over something you have said is "tenuous at best." |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by KenYonRuKu on Apr 15th, 2004, 5:35pm Sorry, Mini Cooper is not right (and a mini is not a sports car anyway.. :P ) Ok, a final clue... [hide] the car name begins with C and is preceded by by the name of a marine animal...[/hide] |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by Cathos on Apr 15th, 2004, 8:46pm Coctopus? It's not a car, but it sounds dirty. :P |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by raven on Apr 15th, 2004, 8:50pm Actually the pronounciation is different... Look, he's got a Chevy Whale! :P [hide]LOL, if you know what I mean[/hide] |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by Cathos on Apr 15th, 2004, 8:54pm I, in fact, have no idea what you mean. ??? |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by evergreena3 on Apr 15th, 2004, 9:09pm Corvette Stingray? |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by raven on Apr 15th, 2004, 9:17pm Sorry, I was being cryptic... 8) Chevy Citation (not really a sports car) a Cetacean (really a whale) ...and the pronunciations are different. |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by evergreena3 on Apr 16th, 2004, 7:08am Raven, My wife's sister owned a Citation. I think I just heard her scream, 200 miles away, at the very MENTION of the Citation having anything to do with a sports car! EverGreenA3 |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by Icarus on Apr 16th, 2004, 4:25pm I once owned a Chevy Citation, and the thinking of one as a "sports car" is rather like picturing Margaret Thatcher as a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model. :o Also, you might notice that KenYonRuku said "preceded". |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by KenYonRuKu on Apr 17th, 2004, 3:32am Indeed I did... keep guessing everyone.. |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by evergreena3 on Apr 19th, 2004, 3:20pm okay....Stingray Corvette? |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by KenYonRuKu on Apr 20th, 2004, 5:50am alas, nae... |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by grimbal on May 2nd, 2004, 9:08am It seems it is not the answer, but it could be the father just told the wife "If you can tell what car my friend has, your mom can stay here for the whole summer". |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by DeMark on May 14th, 2004, 6:02am Please, just tell us what your brother said so we can end this. |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by Cathos on May 14th, 2004, 9:46pm Oh, KenYonRuku! Have you left us again? Please do reply. |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by KenYonRuKu on May 24th, 2004, 9:33am Hello, sorry, I'm having all sorts of computer troubles... will be back online soon I hope... |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by DeMark on May 25th, 2004, 12:12pm Arrrgh! |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by Noke Lieu on May 25th, 2004, 6:07pm I promised my self a> I wasn't going ot o post today. b> I leave this one alone long ago, and just be told the answer. Oh well. Citroen D sounds like Seat Ruined. except that hasn't got a sea creature in there. Damn it, knew I should have played today... |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by Cathos on May 26th, 2004, 12:06am I think he got punished by telling a difficult riddle then not telling his folks the answer :o ;) |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by Heya Gosper on May 26th, 2004, 3:33am The guest was very sensitive about his football injury? He's got a sport scar. |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by DeMark on May 26th, 2004, 7:10am I googled a million times, and yet have no idea what could it be. I mean, I found a lot of possible answers, but they don't seem to be... the right one. (I always wanted to have a sports car, but after this one, I'll hate sports cars for the rest of my life.;)) |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by grimbal on May 26th, 2004, 8:05am He was punished because the father just asked that riddle about the friend and the sports car, and the boy gave the answer straight away. |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by evergreena3 on May 28th, 2004, 11:33am on 05/24/04 at 09:33:22, KenYonRuKu wrote:
Not to complain... but you took the time to login and say that you'd be back soon... Why not just TELL US THE FLIPPIN' ANSWER?!?!?! (shares the "Arrrugh" with DeMark) |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by Three Hands on May 28th, 2004, 1:26pm Clearly it's not just the Chinese who are experts at psychological torture... |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by EZ_Lonny on Aug 12th, 2004, 8:20am Could it possibly be a "sound-like" Cwhale. I don't know if that is some sort of sportscar, but i know your father has politically different thoughts |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by KenYonRuKu on May 24th, 2005, 6:50pm Ok guys, many apologies... please allow me to reveal the answer to the riddle... just don't shoot me when you see just how tenuous it is... The car in question was a Manta Ray Capri, and when my brother said "Look, he's got a Manta Ray Capri!" my father misheard and thought he said "Look, he's got a mental age of three!" I know, I know... tenuous... but it really did happen... |
Title: Re: Why was he punished? Post by s on May 24th, 2005, 10:27pm impossible - annoying |
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