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riddles >> what happened >> And then there were none
(Message started by: DeMark on Feb 28th, 2004, 3:28am)

Title: And then there were none
Post by DeMark on Feb 28th, 2004, 3:28am
You know this type of riddle... Kitty started one a few weeks ago... so, we have isolated house again, 8 guests, a cook & a chambermaid. First day, guests arrived to the island (hey, this is like Agatha Christie!  :D I like her crime stories... I read them all). Second day (in the evening) there was a murder...
James is murdered. He was found in his room on the day 3.
Other guests:

Tinette- the cook
Maria- the chambermaid
...& poor James....

You can start asking questions! Have fun & throw the murderer to jail!  ;)

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by towr on Feb 28th, 2004, 4:06am
I think I'll ask everyone if they murdered James.. You never know, someone might confess ;)

So, who found him?
When was he killed?
What are the alibis?
Does anybody even care that he's dead?
Who's in his will?
Do these people know each other, if so where from?
What is the murder weapon?
Is there any cake? :P

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by DeMark on Feb 28th, 2004, 5:51am
Okay, let's see.
Thomas found him. It was already 10 AM and they were worried why didn't he come to eat his breakfast (now I sound like my mom used to  ;D).
He was killed at 9 PM the day before. There are the alibies:

Marc- playing tennis with Nicole. (They have indoor tennis court.)
Thomas-writing in the living room. He writes crime stories, so he had a few ideas and decided to write a new chapter.
Maria- tiding up guests' rooms.That's what she's always doing.
Janet- in the bathroom, taking a shower.
George, Donna, William- chatting in the living room.
Tinette- washing the dishes in the kitchen

It doesn't matter who's in his will. He's (he was) 20 years old.
The murder weapon is a knife. Which was found in James' neck.
Of course they care that he is dead. Would you?
No, they don't know each other. I said I like Agatha Christie.
One of them invited the others. And they came (obviously, they didn't read "And then there were none". They wouldn't come if they did.)  
There is some cake. Take a piece if you want.  ;)

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by Kitty on Feb 28th, 2004, 8:11am
Maria was cleaning the room at 9 pm? Bit late.

1. Search pockets
2. Where did Thomas find him?
3. Whar kind of crime story is Thomas working on?
4. What kind of knife was it? Did someone have like a collection of knives? (My friend did me one where someone had a collection of knives so i was just wondering.)
5. Can someone else die plez.  ;)
6. How did i get on the island?

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by DeMark on Feb 28th, 2004, 10:19am
Okay, bit late, and so what? She had nothing else to do...

1) Donna: lyrics of the new Mariah Carey's song  ;)
   Marc: doesn't matter. You'll see why later.
   Tinette: recipe for the new type of cake
   Maria: has no pockets
   Janet: nothing in the pockets
   Thomas: notes (ideas for his book)
   Nicole: a few hair-pins, lipstick
   George: cigarettes & a lighter
   William: a paper with some Math problems

2) In his room (James' room), lying on the floor.

3) In his story nobody died yet. He has written only two  chapters. We'll see later.

4) Tinette complained that one of her knives is missing. It's not a collection, she needed them for preparing food. They are in the kitchen. (Your friend did you? And what is that exactly supposed to mean?  ::) Or he did make a collection for you? Explain it, plz)

5) It's killing time! Yeah! Poor Marc.

6) Let's say you're Nicole. You're not going to die very soon...
   (Hey, that doesn't mean you're a killler!)

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by Kitty on Feb 28th, 2004, 10:52am
My friend set me a who-done-it where the murderer who the person wiv a knife collect, i was just checking.

What are the alibis this time? I mean there going to be different as they would be scared a stick together right?

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by DeMark on Feb 28th, 2004, 11:07am
Here are the alibies:

Thomas- was eating cake in the kitchen with Donna & George
Janet- in her room, went to get something
Tinette- in the kitchen, waiting for Donna & George finish eating cake so she could wash the dishes
William- reading in the library
Nicole- in the living room, watching tv
Maria- tiding up the rooms again

This time, Marc was murdered at 7 PM, but found in his room next morning at 10 AM. He was hit with a heavy object- into his head

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by towr on Feb 29th, 2004, 8:15am
Only Janet and Maria have uncorrobarated alibis, so I advise the other people to stick together, and let those two kill each other :P

Which one of them invited the others, and why?
Are there any fingerprints on the murder weapons?

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by Cathos on Feb 29th, 2004, 4:18pm
Is there anything else missing from the kitchen?  A large iron skillet, perhaps?  If so, did the cook notice anybody else in the kitchen recently?

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by DeMark on Mar 1st, 2004, 6:16am
There were some people in the kitchen, to get a glass of water, a piece of cake  ;)... But nothing's missing. There are no fingerprints. Are we going to kill somebody else?

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by Icarus on Mar 1st, 2004, 5:40pm

on 03/01/04 at 06:16:38, DeMark wrote:
There were some people in the kitchen, to get a glass of water, a piece of cake  ;)... But nothing's missing. There are no fingerprints. Are we going to kill somebody else?

So YOU are the killer! Now all we need to do is figure out your real name!

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by Cathos on Mar 1st, 2004, 7:35pm
If there are no fingerprints on the knife at all, does anyone own a pair of gloves?  If so, are they covered in mysterious red stains?  :o

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by DeMark on Mar 2nd, 2004, 8:03am
It doesn't have to be a pair of gloves. My name is Nikolina. And I'm not a killer. You would say Nicolina or Nicole. So now you know that Nicole is not a killer.  ;)

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by DeMark on Mar 2nd, 2004, 8:03am
It doesn't have to be a pair of gloves. You'll never find out my real name.  ;D

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by towr on Mar 2nd, 2004, 8:59am

on 03/02/04 at 08:03:47, DeMark wrote:
You'll never find out my real name.  ;D
I won't ? :P

on 03/02/04 at 08:03:21, DeMark wrote:
My name is Nikolina. And I'm not a killer. You would say Nicolina or Nicole.
Perhaps you should have made up your mind, and posted one, or the other, but not both replies ::)

Anyway, I'm allready pretty sure it was either Janet or Maria. Probably Janet, because Maria being the chambermaid has to clean up the mess. Unless that was the motive..
Where James and Marc particularly messy? Overworking Maria and driving her to murder?

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by Nikolina Demark on Mar 2nd, 2004, 10:53am
S**t. I din't see that. I mean, I wrote the first post and then deleted it. How dit it appear? I'm sure I deleted it!  :P
Okay, so my name is Nikolina & Nicole is not the murderer. Let's go on ...
Where Marc and James pretty messy? You mean "Were Marc & James pretty messy" ? Not messy. And Maria isn't cleaning rooms all the times. Poor Maria.
Let's kill again, what do you say?

P.S. And who put this FULL NAME field here? What the hell it is?

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by DeMark on Mar 2nd, 2004, 10:58am
Oh, s**t again. What am I doing again? And then I'm wondering why is the Name field there...  :P >:( :P

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by towr on Mar 2nd, 2004, 11:25am
What are the jobs of the guests?
Have any of them been arguing?
Can we have a psychologist make up a profile of everyone to see if someone is an obvious psychopath?

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by DeMark on Mar 3rd, 2004, 11:46am
William- studying Maths
Donna- a singer
Nicole- studying to become a veterinarian
Thomas- a writer
Maria- cleaning rooms  ;D
Tinette- the cook (likes to try new cake recipes)
Janet- psychologist
George- studying pediatrics
Marc- (was) a sportsman (tennis player)

No argues between guests.
No need to call a psychologist. We have one already.  ;D
And someone is a psychopath. It's obvious.

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by towr on Mar 3rd, 2004, 12:28pm

on 03/03/04 at 11:46:56, DeMark wrote:
And someone is a psychopath. It's obvious.
Yes, but who?
A third-party psychologist, or preferably a criminal profiler, could perhaps point him/her out. I can't really rely on a suspect (Janet) to do that.

(from the third post)

One of them invited the others
I'm (still (ever since reply #7 ::) )) wondering who invited them, and why?

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by Cathos on Mar 3rd, 2004, 10:42pm
Well, calling in a pro wouldn't make the puzzle very fun  :P

So Marc was killed by a heavy object.  Janet and Maria are the only ones without alibies.  Janet went to go get something, what did she get?  How do we know Marc was killed at 7:00?  Let's search the house for a blunt instrument with blood on it.

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by DeMark on Mar 4th, 2004, 4:56am
Janet went to get her glasses.
You found the bloody instrument (bloody hell!  ;)). It's a statuette, 30 cm long, made of iron. You found it in Nicole's room.

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by Cathos on Mar 4th, 2004, 10:51pm
"Hey, Nicole! What's with the statue?"

Anybody have access to Nicole's room, besides the maid?

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by DeMark on Mar 7th, 2004, 10:48am
Yes. She doesn't lock the door.  

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by Kitty on Mar 8th, 2004, 12:34pm
And Thomas has he gotten further in his writting? Have two people died in it? One with a kinfe the other with and statue?

Can i search the rooms? Anything fishy? Any letters as to who invite then? Who did invite them?

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by Cathos on Mar 8th, 2004, 11:18pm
Did Maria notice Nicole returning to her room to get something (supposedly her glasses)?  Does Nicole have an alibi who can confirm she was watching TV at the time of the murder?  Was it Nicole's statue?

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by DeMark on Mar 9th, 2004, 1:42am
Nobody can confirm Nicole's alibi. It's not necessary. Nicole's dead. They found her strangled. And it wasn't Nicole's statue. Everybody has a statue in their rooms, the statues were in the house when they came.

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by Cathos on Mar 9th, 2004, 11:32am
oops, I forgot the Nicole was the one who died...

Are the statues different from room to room, or are they identical?

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by Kitty on Mar 10th, 2004, 9:17am
Can i reask if Thomas has he gotten further in his writting? Have two people died in it? One with a kinfe the other with and statue?

Can i research the rooms? Relook for anything fishy and any letters as to who invite then? Can i reask who did invite them?

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by DeMark on Mar 15th, 2004, 11:15am
No, Thomas didn't go further in his writing. I cannot tell you who invited them. It's a psychopath who just wanted to kill. No special reason. But there is a way the guest are connected. You gotta find it out.
The rooms? Nothing fishy.

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by Kitty on Mar 15th, 2004, 11:53am

on 03/15/04 at 11:15:50, DeMark wrote:
It's a psychopath who just wanted to kill. No special reason.

So murder with no motive?

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by DeMark on Mar 16th, 2004, 10:55am
Umm... no?  :P I think that psychopaths don't have any special reasons for killing...

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by Kitty on Mar 16th, 2004, 11:22am
You never no........

Title: Re: And then there were none
Post by towr on Mar 16th, 2004, 12:34pm
Real psychopaths do generally have reasons for their actions, they just don't give a damn about other people, only whether it will affect them. So while most don't go out killing people, that's not because they think killing is bad, just that they don't want to suffer any bad consequences (and/or have no reason to do it in the first place.. I mean, there's usually easier ways to get your cake, and eat it too, than killing someone for it..)
But if you really want to know more on the subject, I'd suggest googling for it..

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