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riddles >> what happened >> Horse Riddle
(Message started by: prexer on Oct 7th, 2002, 9:57am)

Title: Horse Riddle
Post by prexer on Oct 7th, 2002, 9:57am
Not sure if this is a variation on something already out there.  

The meeting is on friday
He arrives on a horse
He arrives 2 days forwards
and 2 days back.


Title: Re: Horse Riddle
Post by JJ on Nov 3rd, 2003, 1:12pm
Horses  Name is friday man  8)

Title: Re: Horse Riddle
Post by Jess_13 on Feb 21st, 2004, 9:42am
There is a meeting on a friday and he takes his horse its takes two days to get there? and 2 days to get back?

Title: Re: Horse Riddle
Post by ryu_demon on Mar 23rd, 2004, 3:49pm
I think you mean:

A man arives in town on friday, stays a few days, and leaves on friday.
Yes, the horses name is friday.

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