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riddles >> what happened >> Castaways
(Message started by: maryl on Jun 17th, 2003, 2:39pm)

Title: Castaways
Post by maryl on Jun 17th, 2003, 2:39pm
Three castaways are shipwrecked on a desert island.
Out of food and starving, they have all agreed that one of them had to die. The other two would live off of the dead person till rescue found them.  :P  All three guys are single, same shape and weight, and all had the same skills. None of them had any family, were all orphans when they were kids. How did they decide this so easily on who should be sacrificed for the other two???

Title: Re: Castaways
Post by Leonid Broukhis on Jun 17th, 2003, 4:32pm
Well, [hide]whoever proposed it first[/hide] would be a reasonable choice.

Title: Re: Castaways
Post by Icarus on Jun 17th, 2003, 7:24pm
A number of possibilities: [hide]
1. One of them is a lot older than the other two.
2. One of them has some condition making it unlikely he would survive even with food - such as diabetes.
3. One of them is actively disliked by the other two.
4. One of them has strong objections to canibalism.
5. One of them baths regularly - no one can stomach the thought of eating the other two.
6. Two of them have fashioned spears. The third guy wasn't able to find a good tree in time.
7. Only one of them is short enough to fit on the spit they've made.
8. At the time this decision was made, one of them was hanging from a cliff with no hope of rescue.

Title: Re: Castaways
Post by maryl on Jun 18th, 2003, 11:25am
Icarus, loved your possiblilities, though just the thought of it makes me feel alittle green.

Title: Re: Castaways
Post by James Fingas on Jun 19th, 2003, 8:06am

Title: Re: Castaways
Post by harpanet on Jun 21st, 2003, 2:41pm

One of them was a devout believer in the afterlife and also believed that sacrificing himself for the others would grant him special favours once he got there

One of them believed in reincarnation and that, by sacrificing himself, he would be reborn to a high status.

One of them had been convicted of a capital offense which meant, should he be rescued, he would be executed anyway.


Title: Re: Castaways
Post by Icarus on Jun 21st, 2003, 4:32pm

on 06/19/03 at 08:06:31, James Fingas wrote:


Title: Re: Castaways
Post by James Fingas on Jun 23rd, 2003, 9:53am
Yeah. Ro-Sham-Bo (http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~darse/rsbpc.html) aka rock-paper-scissors.

I imagine you could come up with some sort of a fair competition among three people...

Title: Re: Castaways
Post by turtler7 on Aug 20th, 2003, 5:57pm
as it doesnt seem this was solved...  The obvious choice is whoever captained the ship or was responsible for them BEING castaways, shipwrecked on an island.

Title: Re: Castaways
Post by maryl on Aug 20th, 2003, 7:00pm
Hmm, or maybe taste has something to do with it. Some people like to eat salad as a meal.

Title: Re: Castaways
Post by towr on Aug 21st, 2003, 1:08am
::[hide]I guess they'll eat vegetarian for a while ;D

That kinda falls under Icarus' #4[/hide]::

Title: Re: Castaways
Post by maryl on Aug 21st, 2003, 6:10pm

on 08/21/03 at 01:08:42, towr wrote:
::[hide]I guess they'll eat vegetarian for a while ;D

That kinda falls under Icarus' #4[/hide]::

I thought about Icarus's answer, yet realized I have strong objections to cannabalism, but I still eat meat.

Title: Re: Castaways
Post by towr on Aug 22nd, 2003, 1:17am
Yes, but if you had strong objections to eating meat, that would mean you also have a strong objection to canabalism, which is a specific kind of meat-eating.
Of course I'd agree that an answer should be specific enough to solve a riddle.

Title: Re: Castaways
Post by maryl on Aug 22nd, 2003, 5:30pm
I agree with you, but like you said, it was done so the riddle could be solved.

Title: Re: Castaways
Post by Icarus on Aug 23rd, 2003, 7:01pm
Actually, I prefered the "bathing" solution. I met a few people I would rather be eaten by than to eat them!  :-X

Title: Re: Castaways
Post by maryl on Aug 24th, 2003, 11:38am

Title: Re: Castaways
Post by Tom_Horton on Nov 11th, 2003, 5:30am
As a newbie question: Is hiding the reply the goal.

But three hungry guys would certainly go for a Big Mac ... or a Big Sam ... or a Big anybody.

Title: Re: Castaways
Post by Icarus on Nov 11th, 2003, 5:52pm
Hiding replies is something we do so someone can read the original riddle, or get hints when they are stuck, without seeing the actual answer and thus spoiling the riddle for them.

Title: Re: Castaways
Post by Guest on Nov 11th, 2003, 11:00pm
The Jewish one, because he wouldn't eat the other two (they wouldn't be Kosher).

This is just a joke, ya one in bad taste, but then again the whole set-up is in bad taste.

Title: Re: Castaways
Post by crooked on Dec 2nd, 2003, 5:57pm
they say three is a crowd, so maybe they all agreed to off the first guy that complained.

Title: Re: Castaways
Post by aero_guy on Dec 3rd, 2003, 6:04am
That reminds me of a joke.  A bunch of guys go to a cabin in the woods and go hunting.  They agree that one will stay behind in the cabin all day to cook while the others hunt.  The first to complain about the food becomes the new cook.  As time goes by the food gets worse and worse as the first cook wants to go hunting too.  After three days he just picks some dog sh*t up off the yard, drenches it in motor oil, and puts it on a plate.  When the first of the hunters comes back and tries it he says, "This tastes like dog crap covered in motor oil! ....   but good, good!"

The only people who tend to really like this joke are those who have spouses who do all the cooking and have no ability.

Title: Re: Castaways
Post by Zeke the Geke on Dec 4th, 2003, 10:41am

on 06/17/03 at 14:39:29, maryl wrote:

Out of food and starving, they have all agreed that one of them had to die.

Wouldn't the best answer be [hide]whoever is the "one" that they agreed on[/hide]?

Title: Re: Castaways
Post by crooked on Dec 5th, 2003, 5:58pm
THANKS FOR THE JOKE AEROGUY, point well taken, but ouch, there must be a moral behind that story.

Title: Re: Castaways
Post by maryl on Dec 8th, 2003, 2:48am
I see the moral. Maybe crooked was referring to something else.

Title: Re: Castaways
Post by Kitty Kat on Dec 9th, 2003, 12:24pm
perhaps one was a dog? ha, no, but. .  maybe one was sleeping . . . or already dead!

Title: Re: Castaways
Post by aero_guy on Dec 10th, 2003, 7:10am
Two of them could be best friends or lovers and neither could bear the thought of killing the other.  Thus, the unlucky odd man out gets it.

Title: Re: Castaways
Post by jenniegurl on Jun 26th, 2005, 5:04pm
ok, things people havent said before....

one of them was really ugly and the other two would have gone insane looking at him so long, or otehr dislikes.

two were conjoined twins, connected somewhere vital where one would die if the other did

one of them was infertile so even if he survived and got off the island he would produce no more humans so it's better he just die now cuz he will anyway and not leave a legacy.

one was a hyptonist and convinced another guy so they could gang up on the juiciest looking one.

...3 way tug of war, arm/thumb wrestling/ riddle showdown?

one of them had no teeth and could not eat anyway.

are all the guys initially still alive? as in heart thumping?

Title: Re: Castaways
Post by Icarus on Jun 27th, 2005, 3:20pm
Jennygurl - Maryl indicated her solution somewhere in the middle of the previous page: [hide]the unlucky guy was a devout vegetarian, and would have starved anyway.[/hide]

Title: Re: Castaways
Post by jenniegurl on Jun 27th, 2005, 7:03pm
but seriously.....is he that strict that he'd die for it? i just like thinking crazy sorry

Title: Re: Castaways
Post by Icarus on Jun 28th, 2005, 3:05pm
He never got the chance to find out! ;)

Title: Re: Castaways
Post by xyz on Jun 28th, 2005, 4:24pm
[hide]Are all the castaways humans, or is one of them an animal?[/hide]

Title: Re: Castaways
Post by jenniegurl on Jun 28th, 2005, 6:40pm
one is tom hanks and with his incredible acting skills, he buys the world. and god.

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