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riddles >> microsoft >> ASM question
(Message started by: vishal_changrani on Feb 15th, 2006, 12:07pm)

Title: ASM question
Post by vishal_changrani on Feb 15th, 2006, 12:07pm
I am back with one more question.....supposedly asked  in an MS interview...

Q. The following asm block performs a common math function, what is it?

My guess earlier was it is exchangin AX and DX but doesnt seemt to be that.
Also is CWD carried out first or XOR? in the first line

any and all replies would be appreciated.
Thank u

Title: Re: ASM question
Post by vishal_changrani on Feb 15th, 2006, 12:35pm
Sorry but i think i found the  answer...its just doing a MOD operation :)
:-[ sorry for posting it in the first place

Title: Re: ASM question
Post by Grimbal on Feb 16th, 2006, 4:22am
No, it does an ABS(AX)

In fact, it splits AX into sign and absolute value:

DX = sign(AX)
AX = abs(AX)

Title: Re: ASM question
Post by ruhela_nitk on Jul 28th, 2006, 7:48am
If anyone  can explain the answer , please let me?

Title: Re: ASM question
Post by Grimbal on Jul 29th, 2006, 11:48am
CWD converts a word to double.  It does so by extending the sign of AX into DX.  Practically, it means it does DX=0 if AX is >=0 or DX=-1 (all bits set) if AX<0.

The XOR and SUB do nothing if DX=0.
If DX=-1, the XOR reverses all bits of AX and the SUB adds 1 to AX.  Together, it does
 AX = (not AX) + 1
which is exactly how you compute AX=-1 in the 2's complement binary representation of integers.

So, the effect is to set DX=0 or -1 depending on AX's sign, and to set AX = abs(AX).

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