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riddles >> medium >> Magnetic Money
(Message started by: ThudanBlunder on Aug 20th, 2010, 7:58am)

Title: Magnetic Money
Post by ThudanBlunder on Aug 20th, 2010, 7:58am
A million magnetic pennies are thrown into two large urns such that:

1) The urns begin with a single penny in each and the remaining pennies are then thrown into the air one-by-one.

2) If there are n pennies in one urn and m in the other, then due to their magnetism pennies will fall into the first urn with probability n/(n + m) and into the second urn with probability m/(n + m).

How much are you and your silicon friends willing to pay in advance for the urn that ends up with fewer pennies?  

Title: Re: Magnetic Money
Post by towr on Aug 20th, 2010, 2:01pm
I'll go out on a limb and say [hide]very slightly more than a quarter million.[/hide]
And I'm not cutting in my silicon friends :P

(I'll try proving it later; but it seems to fit, from what I can see.)

Title: Re: Magnetic Money
Post by towr on Aug 21st, 2010, 4:22am
All outcomes are equally likely. So (1, N-1) (2, N-2) up to (N-1, 1) all occur with probability 1 in N-1.
From that it's easy to find that the expected payoff is (N+1)/4 if N is odd, and (N+1 + 1/(N-1) )/4 if N is even.
So I ought to have said: very slightly more than a quarter million and a quarter.

Of course, it remains to be proven that the outcomes are equally likely. So:

Consider one of the urns, and consider the distribution of states it can be in. We can represent it as an array of probabilities (indexed starting from 1); e.g. [1/2, 1/2] to say there's a 50% chance that there is one coin in it, and 50% chance there are two (and implicitly a probability of 0 for all other indices.)

The base case is [1], since the urn starts off with one coin it it when N=2.

Now assume that for N-1, we have AN-1 = [1/(N-2), 1/(N-2), ..., 1/(N-2)], and we then add another coin.
Then there is (N-2)/(N-1) probability that an urn with one coin doesn't gain an extra coin, and 1/(N-1) probability that it gains one.
Similarly, for other indices i < N-1 there's an (N-1-i)/(N-1) probability of not gaining a coin, and a probability of i/(N-1) of gaining one.

for i=1  
 AN[1] = (N-2)/(N-1) AN-1[1] = (N-2)/(N-1) * 1/(N-2) = 1/(N-1)
for 1 < i < N-1
 AN[i] =
 (N-1-i)/(N-1) AN-1[i] + (i-1)/(N-1) AN-1[i-1] =
 (N-2)/(N-1) * 1/(N-2) = 1/(N-1)
for i=N-1
 AN[i] =  
 (N-2)/(N-1) AN-1[N-2] = (N-2)/(N-1) * 1/(N-2) = 1/(N-1)
So they are all equal again.

Therefore, for all N >= 2 we have AN[i]=1/(N-1) for 0 < i < N and 0 otherwise.

How would it work out if we had three urns?

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