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riddles >> medium >> Functional equation
(Message started by: wonderful on Sep 2nd, 2008, 1:32pm)

Title: Functional equation
Post by wonderful on Sep 2nd, 2008, 1:32pm
Can you find f(x): R--> R such that
f(x+f(y)) = f(y+f(x)) for every x, y in  R?

Have A Great Day!

Title: Re: Functional equation
Post by towr on Sep 2nd, 2008, 2:12pm
Very easily? [hide]f(x)=x[/hide]
And of course  [hide]f(x)=0[/hide]

Title: Re: Functional equation
Post by pex on Sep 2nd, 2008, 2:18pm

on 09/02/08 at 14:12:38, towr wrote:
Very easily? [hide]f(x)=x[/hide]
And of course  [hide]f(x)=0[/hide]

And both of these plus an arbitrary real constant.

At least, if there are other solutions, they cannot be injective:
[hideb]Let f(x) be an injective solution.
Thus, f(x+f(y)) = f(y+f(x)) implies x+f(y) = y+f(x).
But then, for all x,y, f(x)-f(y) = x-y.
Or, for all x and y not equal, [f(x)-f(y)]/[x-y] = 1.
Taking the limit as y -> x, f'(x) exists and is equal to 1 for all x.
Thus, f(x) = x + constant.[/hideb]

Title: Re: Functional equation
Post by wonderful on Sep 2nd, 2008, 2:42pm
Great towr and pex! I also really like Pex's solution.

Have A Great Day!

Title: Re: Functional equation
Post by pex on Sep 2nd, 2008, 2:54pm

on 09/02/08 at 14:42:35, wonderful wrote:
Great towr and pex! I also really like Pex's solution.

Have A Great Day!

??? I wouldn't consider this one solved yet...

Title: Re: Functional equation
Post by SMQ on Sep 2nd, 2008, 3:43pm
Sure, pex proved the only injective solution is f(x) = x + C, but there are all kinds of non-injective solutions left to find!

towr notes f(x) = C as a trivial non-injective example.  I'll also note f(x) = http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~wwu/YaBBImages/symbols/lfloor.gifxhttp://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~wwu/YaBBImages/symbols/rfloor.gif + D, D http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~wwu/YaBBImages/symbols/in.gif http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~wwu/YaBBImages/symbols/bbz.gif and related families are solutions, as are f(x) = (x + C) mod m, m http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~wwu/YaBBImages/symbols/in.gif http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~wwu/YaBBImages/symbols/bbr.gif http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~wwu/YaBBImages/symbols/ne.gif 0 and related families.  I'm sure there are many more as well -- pretty much any function that maps http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~wwu/YaBBImages/symbols/bbr.gif http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~wwu/YaBBImages/symbols/to.gif X http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~wwu/YaBBImages/symbols/subset.gif http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~wwu/YaBBImages/symbols/bbr.gif in a "periodic", "non-stretchy" way should work!


Title: Re: Functional equation
Post by Obob on Sep 3rd, 2008, 3:21pm
Consider the following function:

f(x)=x  if x is irrational
f(x)=0  if x is rational.


f(x+f(y))=0  if x is rational and y is rational
f(x+f(y))=x  if x is irrational and y is rational
f(x+f(y))=y  if x is rational and y is irrational
f(x+f(y))=x+y  if x is irrational, y is irrational, and x+y is irrational
f(x+f(y))=0  if x is irrational, y is irrational, and x+y is rational

from which it follows that f(x+f(y))=f(y+f(x)) in all cases.  This gives a solution which is continuous at exactly 1 point.

This example can also be "composed" with SMQ's periodic examples, for instance by defining f(x) to be the remainder r of x with 0<= r < m after dividing by a rational (maybe irrational too, haven't thought enough about it) real number m whenever x is irrational and 0 otherwise.

More generally, if S is any subgroup of the real numbers under addition, it can take the place of the rationals in my construction.

For a much nastier example, choose a set of coset representatives for R/Q (or more generally R/S).  Every element of R belongs to a unique coset of R/Q, so we can define a function R->R assigning a real number to the coset representative of the coset containing it.  This function isn't even measurable.

Conceptually we can think of this construction as follows.  If h:R->A is a homomorphism of abelian groups and A admits a function g satisfying the functional equation g(x+g(y))=g(y+g(x)) for all x,y, then any function s:A->R satisfying hs= id_A (i.e. any section, which we only require to be a function and not a homomorphism) induces a function f:R->R satisfying the functional equation.  Specifically, f is given by f=sgh.  Indeed, then


In our last example, h is the quotient map R->R/Q, g is the identity R/Q->R/Q, and s corresponds to the selection of a choice of coset representatives, where we have chosen the representative of Q to be 0.

For more down-to-earth examples, we could look at the homomorphism R->R/Z, with section given by the inclusion of R/Z into R as numbers x satisfying 0<=x<1.  Again the identity R/Z->R/Z satisfies the functional equation, and the corresponding f:R->R is given by x->x (mod 1).

How much worse can these constructions get?  Is f(x)=x+C the only nonconstant continuous solution?

It does follow from pex's argument that if f is continuously differentiable in a neighborhood of a point, then the derivative must be either 0 or 1.  For if the derivative is nonzero, then f is locally injective and pex's argument applies to show that in fact the derivative is 1.  Hence the only nonconstant globally continuously differentiable function f satisfying the equation is f(x)=x+C.

Title: Re: Functional equation
Post by Grimbal on Sep 4th, 2008, 1:00am

on 09/03/08 at 15:21:00, Obob wrote:
Consider the following function:

f(x)=x  if x is irrational
f(x)=0  if x is rational.


f(x+f(y))=y  if x is rational and y is irrational

if x is rational and y is irrational
  f(x+f(y)) = f(x+y) = x+y
  f(y+f(x)) = f(y+0) = y
so we don't have
  f(x+f(y)) = f(y+f(x))

Title: Re: Functional equation
Post by Obob on Sep 4th, 2008, 1:22am
My bad.  You're right Grimbal.

The pathological example that I give later does work, however.  In particular, the one where you pick coset representatives of R/Q.

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