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riddles >> medium >> White To Play and Win (Chess)
(Message started by: ThudanBlunder on Jun 26th, 2008, 3:31pm)

Title: White To Play and Win (Chess)
Post by ThudanBlunder on Jun 26th, 2008, 3:31pm

Title: Re: White To Play and Win (Chess)
Post by Wardub on Jun 26th, 2008, 8:17pm
Wow, I think I got it.  It took me a while because I couldn't figure out how to start.  Then it hit me
[hide] 1.fxe8=N d3
2.Nf6 exf6
3.g5 fxg5
4.e7 g4
5.e8=N g3
6.Nd6 cxd6
7.c7 d5
8. c8=N d4
9. Nb6 axb6
10.a7 b5
11. a8=N b4
12.Nb6 b3
13. Nc4 b2
14.Ne5 b1=Q
15 Nf3#

Took me a while to figure out how to get started, I realized that if I took the rook and promoted to queen, it would be a draw/loss.  So I looked ways not to take the rook, but then realized if you take the rook and promote to a knight you can sacrifice him to give black extra moves.  After that it was surprisingly easy.  Just  had to keep giving black extra moves and it lead to the answer. [/hide]

I'm pretty sure I got it right, but I might have overlooked something.

Title: Re: White To Play and Win (Chess)
Post by ThudanBlunder on Jun 26th, 2008, 8:21pm
Well done, Wardub. Impressive. If you are interested, there are lots of other chess puzzles already on the site.

Title: Re: White To Play and Win (Chess)
Post by Wardub on Jun 26th, 2008, 8:31pm
Thanks, it does look like I overlooked something though.
[hide]  if at 2...gxf6, instead of 2....exf6, then
3.g5 fxg5
4.g7 g4
5.g8=N g3
6. Nf6 exf6
7.Kg6 f5
8.e7 f4
9.e8=N f3
10.Nd6 cxd6
11.c7 d5
12. c8=N d4
13.Nb6 axb6
14.a7 b5
15.a8=N b4
16.Nb6 b3
17.Nc4 b2
18.Ne5 b1=Q
19. Nxf3#

It's pretty much the same solution but black loses a few moves later.

And yea Thudan I have looked at most of the chess puzzles posted here.  I save the ones I like the most to a folder in my photobucket account.  I really like these chess puzzles and I think I have solved most of them except that "Beautiful Chess Puzzle"  I haven't started that one yet because it looks extremely hard.  

Title: Re: White To Play and Win (Chess)
Post by Hippo on Jun 27th, 2008, 1:07am
Just one thing ... why a8=N and not a8=Q/R ... Q/Ra1 Rxe1

Title: Re: White To Play and Win (Chess)
Post by Wardub on Jun 27th, 2008, 9:18am

on 06/27/08 at 01:07:20, Hippo wrote:
Just one thing ... why a8=N and not a8=Q/R ... Q/Ra1 Rxe1

You're looking at the board the wrong way  ;)

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