Title: Desert Delivery Post by melimel on Dec 4th, 2006, 4:52pm You are at a desert oasis with 600 liters of gasthat is sorely needed at an outpost 1000km away. Your small jeep can only carry 200 liters at a time, and burns one liter for every 5km it travels. How many liters of gasoline can you deliver safely to the outpost? How? |
Title: Re: Desert Delivery Post by flamingdragon on Dec 4th, 2006, 5:45pm Hmm, by the time the truck gets there, it will have used all the fule it's carrying. :-/ So the only thing I can think of is: All of it, because a plane could come and get it all. ;D Or: Get a better Jeep. ;) |
Title: Re: Desert Delivery Post by Noke Lieu on Dec 4th, 2006, 6:27pm Interesting that you chose a quick reply, rather than sit and think about it. I find it great how this forum allows people to contibute their part, no matter how small. And one litre for 5km, driving across sand with a heavy load... that's not an unexpected value- i'd definately have the air conditioning off. Flamingdragon (that has a funny meaning here, now I think about it- Alf Stewart (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alf_Stewart)) what if you assume that the jeep has a series of containers like jerry cans- a long range sub tank might get you upto 160 litres, but that's pushing it. So the jeep can carry for (a first step) 100L in its tank, and 100L in the jerry cans. Drive 250km out, and store the jerry cans somewhere (with a beacon for later recovery) and drive back, fill up again. So you've burnt up 100L, have 200L in jerry cans, and 100L in the tank. Drive 250km, refuel at your beaconed depot, and push on, getting to the station with 50L (and leaving 50L in the desert...) But surely YOU could do better than that? (http://mathworld.wolfram.com/JeepProblem.html) |
Title: Re: Desert Delivery Post by flamingdragon on Dec 4th, 2006, 6:48pm on 12/04/06 at 18:27:20, Noke Lieu wrote:
I do the quick reply first and then think about it afterwards and get a better answer. ;) |
Title: Re: Desert Delivery Post by Three Hands on Dec 5th, 2006, 3:22am on 12/04/06 at 18:48:16, flamingdragon wrote:
Fools rush in where uberpuzzlers fear to tread? ;) ::) |
Title: Re: Desert Delivery Post by Grimbal on Dec 5th, 2006, 6:16am What are the sizes of the recipients you can use? Because if you leave a pool of gas on the sand in the middle of the desert I wonder how much you can recover. :( Maybe you should rent that camel from the other riddle that drinks 1 liter water each 10 kilometers and be careful how much you carry of the various liquids. |
Title: Re: Desert Delivery Post by towr on Dec 5th, 2006, 6:57am on 12/05/06 at 06:16:34, Grimbal wrote:
Title: Re: Desert Delivery Post by Grimbal on Dec 5th, 2006, 7:06am anyway, [hide]157.46[/hide]? |
Title: Re: Desert Delivery Post by Icarus on Dec 5th, 2006, 6:37pm on 12/05/06 at 03:22:51, Three Hands wrote:
Ha! Nice to know that at least one person gets the reference (several people haven't when I've mentioned it to them). (To give credit where it's due, I lifted the quote from an old Infocom game.) |
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