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riddles >> medium >> A curious divisibility
(Message started by: pcbouhid on Nov 25th, 2005, 9:08am)

Title: A curious divisibility
Post by pcbouhid on Nov 25th, 2005, 9:08am
Without evaluation of it, prove that the number N = 27,195^8 - 10,887^8 + 10,152^8 is divisible by 26,460.

Note that 27,195 - 10,887 + 10,152 = 26,460. Isnīt curious?

Title: Re: A curious divisibility
Post by Barukh on Nov 27th, 2005, 1:46am
1.  26460 = 108 times 245.
2.  108 divides both (27195 – 10887) and  10152.
3.  245 divides both 27195 and (10887 – 10152).

Title: Re: A curious divisibility
Post by pcbouhid on Nov 28th, 2005, 11:59am
[hide]Simple (after done), isnīt? Good work![/hide]

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