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riddles >> medium >> Area of Quadrilateral?
(Message started by: THUDandBLUNDER on Jul 25th, 2005, 4:47am)

Title: Area of Quadrilateral?
Post by THUDandBLUNDER on Jul 25th, 2005, 4:47am
In the triangle below, if EXB has area a, CXB has area b, and DXC has area c, what is the area of the quadrilateral ADXE?

Title: Re: Area of Quadrilateral?
Post by Presley on Jul 25th, 2005, 8:30am
Since there are no numbers, I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark and say:

[hide]The area of the quadrilateral ADXE is the area of the triangle ABC minus a, b, and c.[/hide]

That just seems too obvious, so I'm not really sure.

Title: Re: Area of Quadrilateral?
Post by THUDandBLUNDER on Jul 25th, 2005, 9:28am

on 07/25/05 at 08:30:18, Presley wrote:
Since there are no numbers, I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark and say:

[hide]The area of the quadrilateral ADXE is the area of the triangle ABC minus a, b, and c.[/hide]

Oh, you stuck your neck out with that answer! And modestly hid it, too!  ;)
But I was hoping for a formula in terms of a, b, and c.

Title: Re: Area of Quadrilateral?
Post by Eigenray on Jul 25th, 2005, 12:56pm

Title: Re: Area of Quadrilateral?
Post by THUDandBLUNDER on Jul 25th, 2005, 2:05pm

on 07/25/05 at 12:56:25, Eigenray wrote:

That a highly-educated guess, was it?   :)

Title: Re: Area of Quadrilateral?
Post by Eigenray on Jul 25th, 2005, 2:58pm
I suck at geometry, so I coordinatized.  WLOG (via a linear transformation, which multiplies all areas by a constant), assume that B is a right angle, and AB=BC=1.  If x is angle XBC, and y is angle XCB, one may solve for the coordinates of E, X, and D, and compute the areas
2(b+c)=1/(1+cot x),
2(a+b)=tan y,
2b=1/(cot x + cot y).
Solving the first two for cot x, cot y, plugging into the third, and rearranging one finds
and since this has dimensions of area, it must in general be equal to 2K, where K is the area of the whole triangle.  Thus

Title: Re: Area of Quadrilateral?
Post by Barukh on Jul 27th, 2005, 10:40am
Here’s another approach.

Introduce additional notations: p = AD/AC, q = AE/AB, e = area of triangle ABX, d = area of triangle AXC, K = area of ABC (following Eigenray’s notation).

The first two relations between the quantities are almost obvious: (why?)

(a+b)/K = 1-q,     (c+b)/K = 1-p.                                    (1)

Two more relations are less obvious, but use the same idea: (why?)

d/b = q/(1-q),     e/b = p/(1-p).                                       (2)

And, of course,
b + d + e = K                                                         (3)

Adding  relations (2) and using (3), we get: K/b = p/(1-p) + q/(1-q) + 1, which after re-arrangement gives:

b/K = (1-p)(1-q)/(1-pq).                                          (4)

Plugging (4) into (1), we obtain expressions for a/K and c/K and note that ac/b2 = pq. Therefore, from (4), the final result is:

b/K = (a+b)(b+c)(b2–ac)/b2,

and Eigenray’s formula for K follows. I’m sure this second part of the derivation can be further simplified, but don’t see how.

T&B, thanks for the nice problem! By the way, I doubt that it belongs to Easy section.

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