Title: What's so special ...? Post by Benoit_Mandelbrot on Feb 27th, 2004, 8:23am What's so special about this number n=1.76322283435...? There is probably more than one answer. |
Title: Re: What's so special ...? Post by Eigenray on Feb 27th, 2004, 8:59am :[hide]n log n = 1[/hide], courtesy of Plouffe (http://bootes.math.uqam.ca/cgi-bin/ipcgi/lookup.pl?Submit=GO+&number=1.76322283435&lookup_type=simple). |
Title: Re: What's so special ...? Post by Benoit_Mandelbrot on Feb 27th, 2004, 10:10am Sweet website. I should say you should find what's special about it yourself though. |
Title: Re: What's so special ...? Post by John_Gaughan on Feb 27th, 2004, 8:54pm on 02/27/04 at 08:23:24, Benoit_Mandelbrot wrote:
Off the top of my head, I think it has something to do with [phi] or e, maybe involving an integral and/or natural logarithm. |
Title: Re: What's so special ...? Post by Benoit_Mandelbrot on Mar 1st, 2004, 6:00am It seems like nobody cares about this number because it was answered in the first post, but my answer is this: ::[hide]nn=e ; n=1/ProductLog(1).[/hide]:: |
Title: Re: What's so special ...? Post by John_Gaughan on Mar 1st, 2004, 6:33am Well you did say there was more than one answer. |
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