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riddles >> medium >> What Happened II
(Message started by: John_Gaughan on Dec 19th, 2003, 5:09pm)

Title: What Happened II
Post by John_Gaughan on Dec 19th, 2003, 5:09pm
I couldn't find this one by searching, so here it goes...

The truck driver was able to see the man because [hide]it was daylight during a full moon, hence the street lights being off and the lack of moonlight[/hide].

Also, black people aren't pitch black, just like white people aren't white as snow ;-) I have no problem seeing my black friends at night time.

Title: Re: What Happened II
Post by aero_guy on Dec 22nd, 2003, 2:30pm
I know some guys who are pretty darn close.  Eyes and teeth are about all you'd see.

Title: Re: What Happened II
Post by WombatDeath on Jan 3rd, 2004, 1:55pm
I don't really like the [hide]"it was daylight"[/hide] answers, as the riddle implies that the driver wouldn't reasonably have seen him with plently of time to stop. Then again, I'm not quite arrogant enough to claim that the world should revolve around what I like (although it it clearly should).

Is there an 'official' answer and, if so, was the black man [hide]smoking a cigarette[/hide]?

Title: Re: What Happened II
Post by fatball on Nov 11th, 2004, 2:08pm
This is a classic IQ test that is at the easy level...the official answer is that the whole scenario happens during the day time (and that the driver is not blind)....

Title: Re: What Happened II
Post by rentacop on Apr 25th, 2005, 8:26pm
My answer would be that since he's blind he's carrying a white stick which would be distinguishable at a closer distance even if it was pitch black out.

Title: Re: What Happened II
Post by Icarus on Apr 26th, 2005, 3:30pm
If it was truly pitch black out, it wouldn't matter what color anything was. When there is no light, you won't see any color at any distance.

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