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riddles >> medium >> WHERE'S THE FATHER ? riddle
(Message started by: CleverlyDumb on Dec 19th, 2003, 2:43pm)

Title: WHERE'S THE FATHER ? riddle
Post by CleverlyDumb on Dec 19th, 2003, 2:43pm
What the hell is this riddle talking about? i dont get it

Title: Re: WHERE'S THE FATHER ? riddle
Post by Icarus on Dec 19th, 2003, 3:31pm
You might try looking in one of the current threads for this this riddle. (http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~wwu/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=riddles_medium;action=display;num=1027845810;start=20)

These can be found by using the search function on the toolbar at the top of the page.

Because we don't need yet another thread for this riddle, I am locking this one. You can post any comments on the linked thread.

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