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riddles >> medium >> The Treasure
(Message started by: Friberg on Sep 25th, 2003, 2:49pm)

Title: The Treasure
Post by Friberg on Sep 25th, 2003, 2:49pm
I would like to say i'm out of cryptos but.. NOOO :) Here comes another one :)

There is a treasure to discover in the town of Buford (Virginia, USA). More than $ 30 million in gold; they wait for you :-)

There are documents that are not limited only to one country...

Good luck have fun

Regards, Friberg

Title: Re: The Treasure
Post by Robin Friberg on Oct 11th, 2003, 2:18pm
I'll give you some help... it has to do with this document:


and read in pair of 2.. like first one is the number of the article and the second one is for you to find out :)

the italicized numers is a underarticle on the artice ;) Read and see.. :) Gl hf

Regards, Friberg

Title: Re: The Treasure
Post by wowbagger on Oct 16th, 2003, 11:24am

on 10/11/03 at 14:18:51, Robin Friberg wrote:
I'll give you some help...

That's nice. Considering that your puzzle seems not to have attracted much attention, it's a good idea.

the italicized numers is a underarticle on the artice ;)

Hm, which italicized numbers? There are none in your original post, and in the linked page only the numbers of the articles are in italics.

Title: Re: The Treasure
Post by THUDandBLUNDER on Oct 16th, 2003, 8:00pm

on 09/25/03 at 14:49:56, Friberg wrote:
There is a treasure to discover in the town of Buford (Virginia, USA).

The Beale ciphers are based on the Declaration of Independence, not on The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  ???

like first one is the number of the article and the second one is for you to find out

First and second what? I find the meaning of your posts hard to crack.


Title: Re: The Treasure
Post by Tintin on Mar 31st, 2004, 10:16pm
Hi all ...


It's the good text...


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