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riddles >> medium >> Complete the numbers
(Message started by: BNC on Feb 8th, 2003, 2:17pm)

Title: Complete the numbers
Post by BNC on Feb 8th, 2003, 2:17pm
Well, here is a little puzzle I made especially for this forum. Now, let this be a warning to guests – this may prove impossible for you. On the other hand, I guess forum regulars may find it too easy. I decided to place it under “medium” as a compromise.

“BNC,” I can hear you say, “Where is the puzzle?”

Here goes. Below is a list of numbers. The three last ones are missing. What are they? And why?

1 3 5 14 26 18 45 11 __  __  __

Title: Re: Complete the numbers
Post by BNC on Feb 12th, 2003, 1:22am
This not a "regular" integer-series. The numbers are not related by algebraic / geometrical / etc relations.

Note: I really did write it especially for this forum.

Title: Re: Complete the numbers
Post by BNC on Feb 17th, 2003, 3:19am
Another hint:
The introduction is not as meaningless as it seems.

Title: Re: Complete the numbers
Post by Chronos on Feb 19th, 2003, 2:38pm
Well, gee, thanks, now that you've told us the answer, what's the point?  ;)

Title: Re: Complete the numbers
Post by BNC on Feb 20th, 2003, 1:57am
Errrr.... where have I "told the answer"?  ???

I saw no posts here, and figured people concidered it a joke, so a hint might be helpful -- but that's not an answer, is it?

Title: Re: Complete the numbers
Post by Chronos on Feb 21st, 2003, 2:05pm
Well, you see, [hide]I was going to post that immediately, but I figured it be funnier after there were a few more posts in the thread.  Do you see what I was getting at, now?[/hide]

Title: Re: Complete the numbers
Post by Speaker on Feb 23rd, 2003, 8:03pm
Well, because the introduction is not as meaningless as it seems, then it must have the answer. Therefore the last three numbers are ones.

1 1 1

Thats what the intro says anyway. Okay, I know this is not right, but Answerness and Correctness both exist for seperately for the same question.

Title: Re: Complete the numbers
Post by BNC on Feb 24th, 2003, 3:23am
Beautiful answer!! And it does fit perfectlly.
Not what I had in mind, though... I probably should have phrased the riddle differentlly.

Anyway -- I meant what I said about "not solvable for outsiders" :)

I'll give you the next number: 4

Title: Re: Complete the numbers
Post by Chronos on Feb 24th, 2003, 4:56pm
For the record, I also thought that it was 1 1 1.  Hence my comment about you giving away the answer.  But since that's not what you had in mind, I can understand why you didn't get the joke.

4, eh?  OK, time to start thinking a little less laterally (or literally).

Title: Re: Complete the numbers
Post by BNC on Mar 31st, 2003, 2:54am
No reply for over a month – time for another hint… (hidden below)
I already mentioned that the solution is not a “number series”. In fact, even though the answer should be consisted of numbers, the solution is an ‘encrypted’ “word” (I use “word” in the widest possible definition – a collection of characters). This “word” may sound like gibberish to outsiders.

Title: Re: Complete the numbers
Post by aero_guy on Mar 31st, 2003, 3:10am
Alright, I guess I may as well post something to help things move along.  From the beginning I was thinking it was some kind of conversion to letters that would spell out a regular users name, but the numbers over 26 kinda screwed that.  Maybe it has something to do with ASCII code.  Just looked up ASCII and that didn't work (would have made a nice simple riddle though).

There was also the thought that they had something to do with the number of characters per line somewhere around here.  Hey, maybe it relates somehow to reminder emails when a topic has been updated.  I never got one of those so I don't know.  Well, I am dry, any other thoughts or hints?

Title: Re: Complete the numbers
Post by Kozo Morimoto on Apr 10th, 2003, 11:50pm
[quote author=BNC Anyway -- I meant what I said about "not solvable for outsiders" :)

So is the proper word "solvable" or "soluble"?  or is this one of those American vs English differences?

Title: Re: Complete the numbers
Post by towr on Apr 11th, 2003, 12:33am
they're both valid, but solvable is strickly for 'can be solved' as in a problem./question, while soluble is also (and usually used for) 'can be made into a solution' (like when adding water to sugar)

So a problem can be soluble or solvable, but sugar can only be soluble.
At least that's what I gather from

Title: Re: Complete the numbers
Post by mistysakura on Apr 12th, 2003, 4:49pm
I think I've got it.
[hide] 4, 13, 20
Take first letter of the word that corresponds to the number  (e.g. 1 = Well = W, 2 = here = h)
There's your code - go and decode the sequence.  You should get Willywut.  Unless you're a guest, or not feeling too well, you should be able to guess the last three letters.
So, take the three letters and encode them back.
i.e. Use the first number that has that letter.  If that number has already been used, we must use the next number that has the letter.[/hide]
EDIT:  Better explanation.

Title: Re: Complete the numbers
Post by BNC on Apr 13th, 2003, 4:18am
Willywutang would be proud of you!

Title: Re: Complete the numbers
Post by mistysakura on Apr 13th, 2003, 4:35pm
13 3 49 9  27 67 39  16 13 52.

EDIT: Wrong no.  I am SO mathematically capable.  Not that you need heaps of maths for this question or anything.

Title: Re: Complete the numbers
Post by BNC on Apr 13th, 2003, 11:53pm

BTW: 68 -> 67...

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