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riddles >> hard >> Answers
(Message started by: mikedagr8 on Jul 13th, 2007, 2:05am)

Title: Answers
Post by mikedagr8 on Jul 13th, 2007, 2:05am
I have just read about 30 of the hard riddles, and i believe i would be able to solve about 50% of them. The problem is I do not have any answers. Would it be possible for someone or multiple people to write out a list of the answers and then reply, because i am really edgy about this and very excited.my personal favourite is the cyborg robots. Miss on puprose to propose the best overall chace of survival. I am sorry if i have ruined the riddle, but when you think about it, if you have not already solved it you will discover why.

Title: Re: Answers
Post by towr on Jul 13th, 2007, 2:20am
There are threads for probably all hard riddles somewhere around here. It's a fair bit of work trying to find them all though. (You could try the search function of the forum, just remember to search back further than a year)
Unfortunately I don't quite have the time to do it for you at the moment; and I don't think all answers have already been compiled somewhere.

Title: Re: Answers
Post by mikedagr8 on Jul 13th, 2007, 2:22am
Thanks for that, i will get going on it as soon as i finish the calculus problem, i have not done calculus before but i am learning it this semester for my high school maths.

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