Title: A Real-Life Mystery Post by r0lliSl1fe on Apr 11th, 2007, 12:26pm So, I'm not entirely sure this is the right section to post in, let alone the right forum. But this is certainly "Hard" and I think some of you will really appreciate this kind of puzzle. Someone left me a clue. We're talking real-life mystery here. The full story (with images) can be read on my website at www.nicholasjcarroll.com. Read that for the main bulk of information I found. I also noticed that the envelope it came in had two tiny notches cut into it, one in the middle of each of the short ends, triangular in shape. Second, there is a marker-drawn seal on the back: on a purple field, there's a symbol (set) drawn with two black markers. Different black markers. One looks like a capital L written in cursive but with a snort cross-bar drawn. Around that (in the second marker) is a sort of bumpy circle. To an extent, its almost as if the second outer part of the symbol was an afterthought. Lastly, there are three blue dots on the back of the envelope. One in the bottom center, and one in each of the upper corners (right and left). Please. Please help. This is driving me insane. Any questions about it, please let me know. Cheers! -r0ll |
Title: Re: A Real-Life Mystery Post by Obob on Apr 11th, 2007, 9:00pm Just looks like somebody is screwing with you to me. |
Title: Re: A Real-Life Mystery Post by Grimbal on Apr 11th, 2007, 10:00pm Just put it away, don't tell anybody, and see if somebody is asking funny questions. Or maybe you'll get a followup. |
Title: Re: A Real-Life Mystery Post by r0lliSl1fe on Apr 14th, 2007, 10:37am Well...looks like I got a follow up! www.nicholasjcarroll.com The latest is there. Is this even a puzzle? What's in it to solve. How confusing. Cheers, r0ll |
Title: Re: A Real-Life Mystery Post by Grimbal on Apr 14th, 2007, 4:45pm The ad was published 23 oct 2006. For a credit card. I don't know where. http://www.cardweb.com/cardwatch/demo/adverts.amp?dt=scan_date;recent=200610,200610 The same company advertizes for an "Allow card". Maybe a coincidence. http://www.cardweb.com/cardtrak/news/2006/december/4a.html That would point to a magazine for teenagers. Whatever that means. The woman with a mask, the purple marker, cutting out a cat, looks like a young woman. Probably in love and shy. Have you seen the movie "Amélie Poulain" PS: But well, the reference to girlcamcentral.com and to that "white witch" looks less innocent. Maybe it is a trick to make you ask the "white witch" to search for you, which you would have to pay. |
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