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riddles >> hard >> Polynomial of Infinite Degree
(Message started by: Michael_Dagg on Dec 2nd, 2005, 9:18pm)

Title: Polynomial of Infinite Degree
Post by Michael_Dagg on Dec 2nd, 2005, 9:18pm
For n=1,2,3,..., find a formula for f such that

f(x) = (1-x^2)(1-x^2/4)(1-x^2/9)...(1-x^2/n^2)...

Title: Re: Polynomial of Infinite Degree
Post by Icarus on Dec 3rd, 2005, 7:20am
[hide] 1/x!(-x)! [/hide], though one might find a nicer expression for it! ::)

Title: Re: Polynomial of Infinite Degree
Post by paul_h on Dec 3rd, 2005, 10:29am
1/x!(-x)! - what? Problem don't say what x is anyway but x! requires integer x. This must be some kind of trick.

Title: Re: Polynomial of Infinite Degree
Post by paul_h on Dec 3rd, 2005, 10:51am
That is more interesting that I thought it was.

For just n=1...4

f(x) = 1 - 205/144x^2 + 91/192x^4 - 5/96x^6 + 1/76x^8

But, when you factor f(x) you get (did it with Mathematica)

f(x) = 1/576 (x-1)(x+1)(x-2)(x+2)(x-3)(x+3)(x-4)(x+4)

I did this out to n=100 and it is obvious that if x is an integer f(x) = 0. But if x is not an integer it is another story.

Title: Re: Polynomial of Infinite Degree
Post by ace on Dec 3rd, 2005, 11:54am
Duno the answer but pretty easy to see that it is an infinite degree poly whose zeros are s = {x: x <> 0, x integer}.

Funny thing is that since it is an infinite degree poly it has an infinite number of zeros which are all of the non-zero integers.  As n->oo, the infinite size of s differs from the infinite size of Z because s has a hole in it around zero. Interesting. Where did this problem come from?

Title: Re: Polynomial of Infinite Degree
Post by towr on Dec 3rd, 2005, 3:26pm
Drawing a few graphs might give an idea..

Title: Re: Polynomial of Infinite Degree
Post by Grimbal on Dec 3rd, 2005, 4:25pm
If we just multiply that function by x, we get a function that has a zero for every integer in Z.
Now what was that function that has a zero for every multiple of a constant P: f(kP)=0?

Title: Re: Polynomial of Infinite Degree
Post by Icarus on Dec 3rd, 2005, 5:22pm

on 12/03/05 at 10:29:45, paul_h wrote:
1/x!(-x)! - what? Problem don't say what x is anyway but x! requires integer x. This must be some kind of trick.

x! has a definition for non-integer x. In fact one means of defining it more generally looks an awful lot like that "infinite degree polynomial"...

As for what x can be, that itself is a good question. Perhaps z might be a better choice of variable. ;)

Title: Re: Polynomial of Infinite Degree
Post by JocK on Dec 4th, 2005, 3:30am

f(x) = cos(pi x/2) cos( pi x/4) cos(pi x/8 ) .. cos(pi x/2n) ...

Anyone who knows a shorthand for this?    ;D

Title: Re: Polynomial of Infinite Degree
Post by Michael_Dagg on Dec 4th, 2005, 1:24pm
Nice - getting close.

Title: Re: Polynomial of Infinite Degree
Post by JocK on Dec 4th, 2005, 1:38pm

on 12/04/05 at 13:24:52, Michael_Dagg wrote:
Nice - getting close.

Hmmm, it seems that:

Integral[-Infty,Infty] f(x-y) f(y) dy  =  f(x)  

Or am I boarding a sinking ship..?  ;D

Title: Re: Polynomial of Infinite Degree
Post by towr on Dec 4th, 2005, 1:47pm
so [hide] sinc(pi x)[/hide]

Title: Re: Polynomial of Infinite Degree
Post by Michael_Dagg on Dec 4th, 2005, 4:26pm
JocK, you have already given n-many life rafts for the ship.

Towr, my f is not zero at 0, but yours is 0 at zero. But, you are also close.

Edit: Actually I just noticed, towr, you said sinc(pi*x), I thought it read sin(pi*x) - I wondered how you might have missed f(0) = 1, but you didn't.  My apologies, but sinc(pi*x) is it. That is,

sin(pi*x)/(pi*x) = (1-x^2)(1-x^2/2)(1-x^2/4)...(1-x^2/x^n)..., for n=1,2,3,..., x <> 0, but as sinc(x) is so defined we can include x=0. Actually, I could go on about how sinc() is defined and of course how it came about (due to Euler in fact) but I will let you research it.

One of the nice things now is to look at the right-hand side of f that JocK produced. This provides the n-many life rafts I mentioned.

Title: Re: Polynomial of Infinite Degree
Post by Michael_Dagg on Dec 4th, 2005, 4:41pm

on 12/03/05 at 11:54:19, ace wrote:
.  As n->oo, the infinite size of s differs from the infinite size of Z because s has a hole in it around zero. Interesting. Where did this problem come from?

That is a layman's observation regarding infinite sets (in this case Z and Z\{0}) and the countably of such sets (no disrespect intended) but it is a general response that is quite common. Consequently, it is not correct.

Title: Re: Polynomial of Infinite Degree
Post by Icarus on Dec 4th, 2005, 7:46pm
As for where the problem came from, it is a fairly standard exercise (with a minor twist) in the study of entire functions.

Title: Re: Polynomial of Infinite Degree
Post by towr on Dec 5th, 2005, 4:44am
Could anyone give a nice proof of why it's sinc(pi x)? Because the only way I can tell is from the graph.

(I've never done a study of entire functions either ;))

Title: Re: Polynomial of Infinite Degree
Post by Barukh on Dec 5th, 2005, 9:21am
The following reasoning won’t pass the “rigor test” in modern mathematics, but that’s how Euler came to it, and it’s full of elegance.

If we have an 2n-degree polynomial P2n(x) of the form a0 - a1x2 + a2x4 + … (-1)n anx2n with all ai-s positive, then its roots are n pairs [pm]x1, …, [pm]xn.  That is, P2n(x) can be written in the form a0(1-(x/x1)2)…(1-(x/xn)2).

Now, extend this reasoning to polynomials of infinite degree and consider the function sin(x), which as we know may be represented as such a polynomial. It has an infinite number of roots, all of which except one (0) come in pairs: [pm]pi, [pm]2pi, …, [pm]n pi, … Therefore, the function sin(x)/x – which has a0 = 1 (http://www.ucl.ac.uk/Mathematics/geomath/level2/series/ser121.html) - “may be” written in the form
sin(x)/x = (1- (1-(x/pi)2) … (1-(x/n pi)2)…

Now substitute “pi x” instead of “x” and you will get the statement of the problem.

Title: Re: Polynomial of Infinite Degree
Post by Icarus on Dec 5th, 2005, 6:19pm
It definitely won't pass the rigor test, for if g(z) is an entire function with g(0) = 1 and g(z) <> 0 for all z, then g(z)sin(z)/z has exactly the same roots, and the same coefficient a0, and so by the same reasoning should also equal the product.

If g(z) were constrained to be a constant 1, this would be okay, but in fact many g(z) satisfy the condition. In particular if f(z) is an arbitrary entire function, then g(z) = ezf(z) works.

Of course, the correct answer is sin(pi*x)/pi*x. But the question becomes, can you prove it?

P.S. For those who may not be aware of the terminology, an entire function is one which is defined and (complex) differentiable on the entire complex plane.

Title: Re: Polynomial of Infinite Degree
Post by Barukh on Dec 7th, 2005, 1:25am
Let’s try from the other side:
sin(x) = (eix - e-ix)/2i = limn->oo [(1+ix/n)n – (1-ix/n)n]

For an odd n, the expression under the limit is a polynomial of degree n, let’s say Pn(x). Its roots x1, …, xn are those satisfying (1+ix/n)n = (1-ix/n)n, or 1+ix/n = zk(1-ix)/n, where z = e^(2[pi]i/n) is a primitive n-th root of unity. Therefore,
xk = n/i * (zk–1) / (zk+1) = n tan(k pi/n),   k = 0, …, n-1.

Pn(x)/x = [prod]k=1,…,n-1 [1-x/n tan-1(k pi/n)] = [prod]k = 1,…,(n-1)/2[1-(x/n)2tan-2(k pi/n)],

and for a fixed k, the last term has the limit (1-(x/k pi)2) when n -> oo.

Title: Re: Polynomial of Infinite Degree
Post by Icarus on Dec 7th, 2005, 4:26pm
An interesting approach, though it falls short of full rigor yet.

Define Pm,n = [prod]k=1m 1 - (x/n)2tan-2(k pi/n).

You have shown that limm limn Pm,n = f(x/pi), and that limn P(n-1)/2 , n = sin(x)/x.

But you have not yet shown that the two limits are equal. I am sure you are aware that for arbitrary double sequences, this is not necessarily the case.

Title: Re: Polynomial of Infinite Degree
Post by Icarus on Dec 17th, 2005, 9:01am
Some more information on what is going on here.

An entire function is a function f: C --> C, which is analytic (complex-differentiable) at every point on the complex plane. If a is any complex number, then f(z) = [sum]n=0oo bn(a) (z - a)n for some coefficients bn(a), where the series has an infinite radius of convergence (the radius of convergence of any analytic function is always the distance to its nearest non-removable singularity).

If f(a) = 0 and f is not identically 0, then b0(a) = 0, and there must be some k such that for all n < k, bn(a) = 0, while bk(a) <> 0. k is called the order of the zero at a. The function f(z)/(z-a)k has only a removable singularity at z = a, (which we always view has having been removed), and no longer has a zero at a.

Suppose two entire functions f, g have exactly the same zeros, and all those zeros have exactly the same order. Then f/g is an entire function with no zeros at all. Because it has no zeros, you can take a well-defined logarithm of it, h = ln(f/g), which is itself an entire function. So f(z) = eh(z)g(z).

One consequence of the series representation of any non-zero analytic function about a point a, is that the zeros of analytic functions are always isolated. (f(z)/(z-a)k is non-zero and continuous at a, where k is the order of the zero at a, and so must be non-zero in a neighborhood of a. Since (z-a)k is only 0 at a itself, f(z) must also be non-zero in the deleted neighborhood). As a result, any limit point of the collection of zeros of f cannot be within the domain of f. So for an entire function, f can have only countably many zeros an. If the order of a root of f is k, we place it k times within the sequence.

Consider the product g(z) = [prod]n=0oo (1 - z/an). If the product converges, then g has exactly the same roots as f, with the same orders. So f(z) = eh(z)g(z).

So for any entire function f(z), with root sequence {an},
f(z) = eh(z) [prod]n (1 - z/an)

where h(z) is an entire function, and assuming that the product converges (if it fails to converge, factors can be multiplied in to force it to do so, but this complicates matters more than I want to mention).

Now define P(z) = z [prod]n=1oo (1 - z2/n2). P(z) is easily seen to converge for all z, and P(z) has simple (first order) zeros at all integers (and no other zeros). P(z) is also easily seen to be analytic. sin(pi z) also has simple zeros at all integers, so it follows that sin(pi z) = eh(z)P(z). It remains to identify h(z).

For this, consider the logarithmic derivative P'(z)/P(z) = 1/z + [sum]n>0 (2z/(z2-n2) = 1/z + [sum]n>0 (1/(z-n) + 1/(z+n)) = limk [sum]n=-kk 1/(z-n).

Taking the derivative again yields g(z) = -[sum]n (z-n)-2. d2/dz2 (ln (sin(pi z))) = pi2/sin2(pi z). Consider the difference g(z) - pi2/sin2(pi z) = h"(z). Both g(z) and sin(pi z) are periodic with period 1, so h"(z) is as well. h"(z) is entire, since h was. limy->oo g(x+iy) - pi2/sin2(pi z) = 0 - 0 = 0. Thus h"(z) is bounded on the strip [0,1] + iR, and by periodicity, everywhere. By Liouville's theorem, h"(z) must be a constant, and h(z) = Az+B. Evaluation for specific points shows that h(z) = ln(pi), from which the identity

sin(pi z)/(pi z) = [prod](1-z2/n2)


(Disclaimer: this is not my argument - I copied the key elements out of a textbook.)

Title: Re: Polynomial of Infinite Degree
Post by JP05 on May 20th, 2006, 3:31pm
Took me a while to see what M_D meant when he said JoCK has given n-many life rafts for the ship:

Thus, sin(pi *x)/(pi *x) = cos(pi x/2) cos( pi x/4) cos(pi x/8 ) .. cos(pi x/2n) ... , x <> 0.

Title: Re: Polynomial of Infinite Degree
Post by alien on May 21st, 2006, 12:44pm
For n=1,2,3,..., there can be only this formula for f:

f(x) = (9-x^7)(7-x^2/4)(12-x^2/9)...(4-x^2/n^2)...(3-3+4)...(32+3-x^1/3)... thus, sin(pi *pim+x)/(pim *x+pi) = cos(pi x/2) cost( 100$) cos(pi x/8 ) .. cost(300$) ... , x <> 9+1

Alien children on my planet know this, as we would put this surly in the easy and not hard section.

Title: Re: Polynomial of Infinite Degree
Post by JP05 on May 21st, 2006, 5:09pm
Alien, your formulas appear to make no sense at all.

Title: Re: Polynomial of Infinite Degree
Post by towr on May 22nd, 2006, 12:57am

on 05/21/06 at 17:09:57, JP05 wrote:
Alien, your formulas appear to make no sense at all.
I'd go with your instincts on this.
Probably inebriation or willfull annoyance by our resident alien.

Title: Re: Polynomial of Infinite Degree
Post by alien on May 22nd, 2006, 8:54am
I took a sip of your champagne, and that was enough to get intoxicated. It takes about two weeks for me to get sober, and then I will say the correct answer.  

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