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riddles >> general problem-solving / chatting / whatever >> blood types
(Message started by: ilovecalifornia on Oct 28th, 2008, 3:31pm)

Title: blood types
Post by ilovecalifornia on Oct 28th, 2008, 3:31pm

Do positive and negative blood types attract?

Title: Re: blood types
Post by towr on Oct 28th, 2008, 3:45pm
No more or less than any others.
They indicate the presence/absence of the rhesus factor, if memory serves me right. Which is either a protein or a sugar on the outside of red blood cells (can't remember which of the two). It is not an indicator of electrical charge ;)

Title: Re: blood types
Post by ilovecalifornia on Oct 28th, 2008, 3:48pm
okay because me and my boyfriend were trying to see if we were compatible like the japanese culture and if they attracted because he was O- and i have A-

Title: Re: blood types
Post by towr on Oct 28th, 2008, 4:07pm
Well, if you go by the theory that people are most compatible with (or at least more attracted to) people whose immune system differs most from theirs. Then a bigger difference in blood type might play a role. Although compared to all the other factors, it's pretty negligible. (Since we're talking about just 3 antigens here; A,B and rhesus)

A better test would be to do a blind test with sweaty T-shirts, and see whether the one you think smells best (or least worse, as the case may be) is his.

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