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riddles >> general problem-solving / chatting / whatever >> Sandman duel II
(Message started by: Icarus on Feb 14th, 2005, 7:43pm)

Title: Sandman duel II
Post by Icarus on Feb 14th, 2005, 7:43pm
Since the Sandman duel (http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~wwu/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=riddles_general;action=display;num=1079272351) thread has gotten so long that it is difficult to reply to, I am starting a continuation thread. So far, the following have been used:

a hurricane, a mountain range, wind, a wood, lightning, a vacuum, solar wind, a lead wall, earthquake, reinforced concrete, a corrupt contractor, Ralph Nader, John Kerry, gay marriage, religion, the devil, atheism, a Spanish Inquisitor, Monty Python, corporate management, a disgusted consumer, over-extended credit, winning lottery ticket, hyper-inflation, interest rate, a computer virus, paper and pencil, fire, water, a glacier, global warming, biomass, a new, solar radiation, time, John Titor, a sceptic, proof beyond a reasonable doubt, a Conspiracy-theory believer, a psychiatrist, Homer Simpson, Bart Simpson, Judge Doom, Buford Tannen, Icarus, Daedalus, Zeus, John_Gaughan, a social activist, the public, sexually transmitted disease, evolution, the Butler Law, Alien civilization from Andromada, God, babel fish, humor-impaired, the funny bone (ulnar nerve), a table ledge, an upstart casino owner, a mathematician, an engineer, attractive woman, aging, Juan Ponce de Leon, a Calusa warrior, rapid introduction of European society, American colture, muslim fundamentalism, democracy, corruption, Rudi Giuliani, an editorial writer, a canary, carbon monoxide, high-speed electric fan, gasoline shortage, world peace, limited resources, scientific discovery, an undergrad, stringent academic requirements, a filty-rich person, the under-achieving son, motivation, futility, hope, the gates of Hell, a surfer dude, a great white shark, a stainless steel harpoon, an oil spill eating micro-organism, gamma radiation, the magnetic field in a cloud chamber, a power surge, Captain Swing, circuit-breaker, a non-caring home-owner, debt, sympathetic loan officer at the bank, high interest rates, recession + low inflation combination, a clochard, a businessman, the female secretary, feminism, a bra, a magician, a transvestite, the owner of a gay-club, the bible, Osama Bin Laden, George W Bush, Howard Stern, good taste, post-modernism, science, religion, evolution, Politically Correctness, Eminem, mortality, Wowbagger the infinitely prolonged, Terry Gilliam, the movie "Brazil", late night fatigue, Jolt Cola, the sun, a black hole, Hawking radiation, a "soft" SF author, the editor, the magazine owner, the distinguished consuming public, a public education system, commercialism, an anarchist, reality, a dream, a mosquito, one hand clapping, a slapping hand, western civilization, uneven distribution of wealth, worldwide economy collapse  , agrarian societies, a radical green party assuming power, the general public, hormone disrupting chemicals, a futuristic robot society, Neo, Agent Smith, the sequels, TV, EMP, shielded and hardened circuitry, a very big rock, dynamic, the A-Bomb, sanity, hallucination mushrooms, a portabella, a chef, a ready-meals, the taste of processed foods, a food engineer, a sharpened banana, the botanist, chronic conjuctivitis, antiobiotic eyedrops, antibiotics-resistant becterium, a robust immune system, a knife, oxygen, a tiny hole in a spaceship, an unmanned spacecraft, solar gravity, the Voyager Spacecraft, an unknown space alien, the sayer of Clattu, Baradda Niktu!", a gag, sharp teeth, ivory trade, "save the elephants" movement, apathy, a slap to the face, a step back, low cabinet, a piromaniac, a psychiatrist, the TV-show Kramer, the Michael Richards show, a remote control, weak batteries, a recharger, an uninformed user, euthanasia, the law, an activist judge, retirement, an aging society coupled with out-dated laws, the colapse of modern civilization  , rationality, madness, a padded cell, Harry Houdini, a technical hitch, preparation, unforeseen consequences, force majeure, Bush, Condalezza Rice, the Abola virus, a volcano, the cooling down of earth, a super nova, a solar engineer, hubris, evolution, reproduction-by-cloning, moral concern, a wild animal, a hunter, an old gun, a metal-seeker, the land mine, MICLIC mine destroying charge, the militaty budget cut, war, UC Berkeley, a tidal wave, the next glaciation, the "hole" in the Ozone layer, Greenpeace, extreme capitalism, communism, perestroika, a conservative, youth, a strict father, time, Joshua, an non-theist, a miracle, James Randi, James Randi's wife, divorce, the knowledge of "dirty" divorce lawyers, a bucket of concrete, world-wide shortage of plastic, genetic engineering, a mutant, a mid-ages witch hunter, a duck, a large wolf, a woodsman, modern society, human, a sword, a shield, oxygen, a giant star, the Big Bang, Creationism, a peppered moth, a bird, a glass wall, a hammer, Thor, Zeus, nothing, budhist, cheap alcohol, a bad hangover, more cheap alcohol, common sense, an average man in the street, the wu forum, the poster who posts the same riddle that has been here 10,000 times, Snow Crash, a tight-lips book critic, the lowest common denominator, a "disturbed" user of the Euler's Method, an arts student, the job market, mandatory National Service, mercenary armies, religious-fanatic warrior group, the Lord God Almighty, denial, a psychiatrist, the paranoid, a man in a black helicopter, a dirty fuel line, a pipe cleaner, Ed Bohme, Ed Bohme's wife, Ed Bohme's Wife's pool-boy, McDonald's, Michael Moore, a person thinking for himself, a drill-seargant, a 2nd Lieutenant, the camp commander, the Division commander, the War on Terror, the UN, Dubya, John Kerry, an Australian, Australian PM John Howard, a kangaroo, a landrover driver, a brownsnake, a cat, a veterinarian, a pit-bull, a muzzle, an absent-minded dog owner, experience, beer, a fatal mistake, the emergency room, an HMO, the NHS, uninsured poor man, death, the Sandman Duel, lack of imagination, bad memory, Pages 1 2 3 … 14, a first-time poster to the 0.999... thread, a meteorite, Bruce Willis, a film critic, the public, "film noir", "film orange", the DVD watcher, careless flatmates, good parenting, television, the private electricity company, am a receiver for solar energy, a storm cloud, the wind, shelter, a rail gun slug,  a magnetic field, wool, sheep shears, too-much-cutting, muscle soreness, fitness training, gym membership fees, the penitentiary, a good lawyer, the U.S. Supreme Court, the blurring of the separation of powers, democracy, fascism, fascism, Kurt Gödel, a bus, a formula-1 race, Jos Verstappen, dedication, marriage, taking-your-spouse-for-granted, a private-eye, Proffessor Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes, writers-block, deaf, eugenics, the medieval-ages, the Rennaisance period, the punk, an inspiring teacher, the indiffirent student, Dylan Klebold, parents of slaughtered students, the police, a riot, the Love of Jesus, the seduction of Sin, willpower, the flesh, Medusa, a mirror, the moonless night, a lightbulb, a power outage, a candle, a gas leak, a gas shutoff valve, rust, unbuttered toast, Grimbal, the Bugblatter Beast of Traal, a towel, a clothes dryer, am a blocked ventilation pipe, a greedy utility company CEO, the innovative accountant, the Federation, a temporal anomaly, the History Monks, sex, VD, ugliness, love, bad breath, Tic-Tacs, high humidity, air conditioning, ice, a hot-air gun, a pacifist, anger, mood-altering medication, a psychiatrist, a deranged patient, a swedish jacket, Robert Houdini, broken limbs, Super-Glue, an oily surface, isopropenol, the cave-man, a Hollywood script writer, a film editor, a special edition "director's cut" DVD, advancing technology, the Atomic bomb, the bug, a seven year old boy, a bully at school, Mister Miyagi, inverse-law-of-ninjas, tactical planning, adverse weather conditions, a parka and heavy boots, hot weather, an Ice Age, a scrat, a nut, a nutcracker, the rock star, a hack german craftman, drug usage, OverDose, a prescription, the doctor's writing, a computerized prescription system, a computer glitch, fault-tolerant code, a semi-ignorant user, the sandbox computer system, a voltage spike, Nuon (dutch company for electricity network), a mad scientist, a nagging wife, the teleporter, a fly, a newspaper, a "bad" reporter, the Weekly World News, the "Da Vinci Code" book, totalitarian government, "the people", the People's Committee, New People's Committee, a super power, entitlement, the nation, a globetrotter, the customs officer, the bribery, the hidden security camera, The Invisible Man, the high-tech detection capabilities, a gap in the security network, the network security consultant, the non-renewed contract, too efficient personnel department, the stupid personnel department worker, a workrelated accident, a contract lawyer, the contract lawyer's mom, a nosey neighbor, window shades, a cat, curiosity, investigation, a false lead, perseverance, the dead-end research, serendipity, the camel driver, the principle of inevitability, detailed knowledge of computers, alzheimer's, republican leaders who still understand the separation of church and state (like Arnie and Nancy), a fundamentalist USA voter, a seventeen years old boy, a seventeen years old girl, the thirty seven years old mother, a 20 years old boy with sexappeal, a 20 years old gay with sexappeal, the European Committee, the European parliment, Swizerland, lack of snowfall, artificial snow, the Swiss ecologist, an avalanche, an anti-gravity device, the ancient greek, the Roman empire, lead pipes, candlesticks, Lt. Colombo, discrimination-against-the-handicapped, Equal Opportunity Act, quadraplegic, the KKK, fleas, methyl (2E,6E)-7-ethyl-9-[(2R,3S)-3-ethyl-3-methyloxiranyl]-3-methyl-2,6-nonadienoate, prothoraciotropichormone (PTTH), the Alchemist, nuclear chemistry, hoi poloi, the dictator, Charlie Chaplin, a gulag, global warming, the Kyoto Protocol, the Kyoto Protocol, George W Bush, Condolezza, Condolezza's supposd secret lover, Icarus, a politician, an informed voter, an uninformed voter, the education system, the Columbine school, a ban on bowling, unarmed strike, a mob of bowlers, defective pins, the bawling police, a literalist, the common man, an aristocrat, cake-shortages, the roman emperor, Brute, Popeye, cosmetic surgery, an inapt doctor, Popeye, medicine school, cross-eyed extremist Christian fanatic, optical eye surgery, political punditry, the demonstration, snow, Robert Van Winkle, Eminem, Buddy Holly, Kazaa, malware (spyware etc, freeware, the demonstration, advertising, consumerism, economic recession, The Great Depression, Secession, Abraham Lincoln, a gerbil, a gerbil's parent,  Richard Gere, a prostitute, Jack The Ripper, time, Dr. Emmett Brown, the time-travel paradox, befuddlement, enlightenment, lysdectic, my father, baby-Icarus, a dingo, sun and surf, a boomerang, a sacred site, sub-urban sprawl, a preservative, negative population growth, extinction, a museum specimen, a careless smoker in a museum, a volunteer firefighter, a dry well, a 5-yr old child, Gary Larson, dutch, rising sea levels, professor Lely, the internet bubble, the Afsluitdijk (in the Netherlands), a non-Netherlandar, Google, M$, Open Source software, intellectual property theft, the very best IP lawyer in the world, intellectual property theft, John Keogh, a nudist, winter, a midsummernightsdream, one whom those shadows not offended, diffuse indoor lighting, a burned light bulm, an oil lamp, a ban on whale hunting, Norway, Finland, the Chernobyl accident, a lightbulb, Welsh sheep, Welsh shepard, scrapie, a castrated ram, a non-castrated ram, an animal, hypersalinity, interstellar spaceflight, a Ford Prefect, a heart attack, a cardiologist, cholesterol-rich diet, Adolf Hitler, the Iron Curtain, mistaken announcement about passport and visa restrictions, totalitarian strict censorship, Television, Tivo, the broadcast flag, a shotgun, an empty shotgun shell, a weapon expert, an inept weapon user, weapon registry authority, bloated bureaucracy, the new manager of the authority, a superstitious religious fanatic, the truth out there, a skeptic, Zebra crossing, the broken street light, daylight, a total solar eclipse, "Space 1999", an educated movie watcher, the film producer, Amish, the Industrial Revolution, communism, democracy, Vladimir Putin, Siberia, Jules Verne, a 19th century critisist, LSD, a bad trip, Superman, gold Kryptonite, an imaginary story/elseworlds tale, an old curmudgeon, the grim reaper, Blue Oyster Cult, an old Christian harvest hymn, industrialization, repetition, the Stone Ages, the Digital Age, "Chinese handcuffs", a thalidomide baby typing with my nose, a nosebleed, Michael Jackson's surgeon, a surgeon with good taste, a cannibal, a vegetarian missionary in Africa, a draught, the men perfume, the paradox that seems to create, the Hannibal's sense of smell, a flu virus, peniciline, an ininfored patient, resistant diseases, bacteriophage lamda, the bacterial restriction endonuclease, high temperatures, air conditioning, dust, the Lord God Almighty, The Creation, the Big Bang Theory, the Steady State Theory, the scientific press for the layman, a layman, the Sandman Duel, the Labour Government, Tony Blair, an American Revolutionary, a short rope and a long drop, a "Ren and Stimpy", The Simpsons, life, depression, inversion, the Klein bottle, Janus, February, March, stroll, Carmegedon, an experienced gamer, DEATH, the repeat, Noke Lieu, a forum moderator, WWU, a pernicious security problem, a hacker, the Patriot Act, 95% of the World, a comet

To continue:

I am an asteroid, colliding with the comet, destroying it.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by BNC on Feb 16th, 2005, 12:53am
*Gulp* This many  :o

I am Earth's atmosphere, burning astroids that get too close, turning them to a nice firework display.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Three Hands on Feb 16th, 2005, 5:00am
I am the solar wind, eroding atmospheres, lethal to those exposed to it.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by rmsgrey on Feb 16th, 2005, 12:21pm
I am the Earth's magnetic field, diverting charged particles, protecting atmosphere from most of solar wind.

(Yes, there have been two magnetic fields before)

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Icarus on Feb 16th, 2005, 8:56pm
I am a Moon-landing-is-a-hoax supporter, misunderstanding magnetic fields, claiming Van Allen belt radiation will kill astronauts.

It is rather ironic that immediately after I created this continuation thread, William made it unnecessary. The new forum version displays only a single page of previous posts on the reply page, so you don't get the "long wait while the whole thread downloads" symptom that caused me to break this one in two.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Grimbal on Feb 17th, 2005, 2:19am
I am the lonely golf ball, lying on the moon, proving that man was there.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Three Hands on Feb 17th, 2005, 4:16am
I am a golf-course monitor, collecting lonely golf balls, allowing them to be played with again

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Noke Lieu on Feb 21st, 2005, 2:27pm
I am your mother, cooking beautiful food, telling you to stop playing with your balls or you'll go blind. :D

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Grimbal on Feb 22nd, 2005, 5:33am
I am the dog, helping the blind to have a normal life, making blindness less of a threat after all.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Noke Lieu on Feb 24th, 2005, 5:43pm
I am a bar of chocolate, 85% cocoa, tempting doggies....

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Three Hands on Feb 25th, 2005, 5:24am
I am a dentist, concerned about the consumption of sugary foods, suggesting people do not consume the bar of chocolate

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Grimbal on Mar 5th, 2005, 2:44pm
I am the leading sweet producer's marketing department, paying dentist for sweetening his criticism, also convincing him that sugar is actually good for the dentist's business.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by rmsgrey on Mar 6th, 2005, 5:53am
I am the nanny state, banning sweet advertising, causing large cutbacks in marketing department.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Speaker on Mar 6th, 2005, 6:29pm
I am the proletariat; rising up in revolution against the nanny state, installing a laissez-faire government (which to our detriment benefits big business).

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Icarus on Mar 7th, 2005, 5:16pm
I am Canada, thinking that laissez is not faire enough, banning caffeine in light-colored drinks, causing Mountain Dew fans to mourn piteously.

(Alright, so this is not exactly the best counter. But the whole discussion reminded me of my niece and nephew - currently attending college in Canada, rejoicing over real M.D. while visiting over the holidays.)

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Speaker on Mar 7th, 2005, 6:22pm
I am the war of 1812 that might have been; ending in US victory with the annexing of large parts of Canadian territory, weakening Canada's sovereignty so much that it breaks apart into several small British protectorates.

(This might be far fetched, but I just finished an essay by Stephen Gould in which he discusses the war of 1812. Just another timely coincidence.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Noke Lieu on Mar 7th, 2005, 6:32pm
I am history,  the record of all things possessing actuality, existence, or essence; pointing out there was no such war.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Speaker on Mar 7th, 2005, 6:49pm
I am the Ministry of Truth; revising history as Big Brother sees fit, eliminating pesky antipodean doubters at a stroke.

There was a war, the US just lost or (according to the Treaty of Ghent) it was a tie.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Noke Lieu on Mar 7th, 2005, 8:12pm
I thought there was (lived in Toronto for a while, they still mention it). Just that there wasn't such a war where the Americans won, was my point.

I am the proles, only knowing Big Brother as a TV programme, ignorant of the delicious irony.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Speaker on Mar 7th, 2005, 8:21pm
I am re-education camps; confining proles indefinitely in near starvation, teaching them all about the boot under which their puny insignificant lives are ground to dust.

(Just a few posts up I used Proletariat... Just a nitpick.)

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Grimbal on Mar 8th, 2005, 2:41am
I am Sylvester Stalone John Rambo, single-handedly liberating a reeducation camp in the middle of the jungle, leaving nothing behind but ruins and ashes.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by BNC on Mar 8th, 2005, 5:26am
I am Arnold Schwarzenegger, taking Stlone's Rambo's place as top action hero, riddiculing Stalone's punny muscles on "Twins".

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Speaker on Mar 8th, 2005, 4:11pm
I am an amendment to the constitution of the United States of America; allowing the Governator to become president, where he is asassinated by radical cinema critic Ebert.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Noke Lieu on Mar 8th, 2005, 10:26pm
I am Gene Siskell, vehemently opposed to Ebert, unfortunately a little dead.

(Okay I have no idea who these guys are/were- a brief research and extrapolation of other movie critic double teams that I do know)

((oh and speaker: proletariat, proles. Okay- was questioning it myself. For me the proletariat one sees them every day, "the proles" on the other hand is SOLEY a reference to 1984's proletariat...))

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by EZ_Lonny on Mar 9th, 2005, 1:35am
February 20,1999, deathdealing to Gene Siskell, criticsilencing

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by EZ_Lonny on Mar 9th, 2005, 1:37am
February 21,1999, the day after february 20, so ending yesterday

[/hide]and so on to future infinity. I know it's a bit lame but every days ends a yesterday[hide]

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Grimbal on Mar 9th, 2005, 2:26am
I am the Astrologer, predicting the end of the world in 1999, ending never-ending repetition of days.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by rmsgrey on Mar 9th, 2005, 11:21am
I am Dionysius Exiguus, miscalculating the birth of Christ, making astrological predictions of world ending on 2000th anniversary look silly (being made several years late)

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Icarus on Mar 9th, 2005, 3:39pm
I am Hank Ketchum, making "Little Dennis" menacing, laughable.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Noke Lieu on Mar 9th, 2005, 6:45pm
I am lost, waiting for an explaination, wondering what on earth happened.

(presumably "Little Dennis" a translation/literation of Dionysius Exiguus)

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Grimbal on Mar 10th, 2005, 6:04am
I am Icarus, helping Noke Lieu, explaining about Hank Ketchum.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by rmsgrey on Mar 10th, 2005, 7:56am
I am accidental abuse of moderator powers, confusing "quote" and "modify", embarassing Icarus

Note: see the thread on red/brown eyed monks in the easy forum for details. Oh, and there's no hard feelings on my part - this just seemed to good to pass up...

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by BNC on Mar 10th, 2005, 1:48pm
I am the much-needed "undo" feature for the real world, solving all kind of problems, back-tracing wrong-link pressing.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Speaker on Mar 10th, 2005, 3:51pm
I am God's remote control; being left on the couch in heaven, being sat upon causing all the buttons to get pushed in some crazy way making God Himself wonder just what the heck is going on down there, especially on that Wu kid's forum.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Icarus on Mar 10th, 2005, 6:11pm

on 03/10/05 at 06:04:41, Grimbal wrote:
I am Icarus, helping Noke Lieu, explaining about Hank Ketchum.

This is at least the third time I have been used in this thread. But since you asked:

Hank Ketchum is the author of the long-standing comic strip "Dennis the Menace", about a little kindergartner named Dennis. Since both TV shows and movies have been made from this strip, which itself is not far below Peanuts in longstanding popularity, I assumed it was well known enough to use here without explanation.

(And yes, when translated into English, "Dionysius Exiguus" becomes "Little Dennis".)

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Noke Lieu on Mar 13th, 2005, 6:01pm
That rings a faint bell, now you mention it.

I know of another, more vindictive and nasty Dennis the Menace. Resides on the other side of the pondm in a comic called "The Beano". A kid's comic. Went down hill, in my humble opinion, when Gnipper (Gnasher's son) was introduced.

but back to fray:

God's remote control, eh?
I am flat batteries, drained from simultaneous button pushing, making God get the remote and change those little suckers.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Grimbal on Mar 14th, 2005, 5:38am
I am the Duracell ads, showing that batteries can last as long as God himself, making flat batteries a thing of the past (or of other brands).

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by rmsgrey on Mar 14th, 2005, 7:50am
I am the demon Anyanka, money loving, bunny hating.

(Buffy reference for those who don't know)

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Icarus on Mar 14th, 2005, 8:06pm
I am bun-bun, knife-wielding, demon-grinding. (http://sluggy.com/daily.php?date=990217)

(A Sluggy Freelance reference, for those who don't know.)

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Noke Lieu on Mar 15th, 2005, 7:56pm
I am alopecia areata, autoimmune disease resulting in hair loss, preventing people from having "Double Bun" (http://www.designsbykristen.com/8932.htm)hair styles.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Grimbal on Mar 21st, 2005, 3:15pm
I am Yul Brynner, autoimune to hair loss, but some claim he had a ponny tail.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by bajmalar on Mar 25th, 2005, 9:21am
I am lung cancer, smoking by-product, actor killing

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Three Hands on Apr 4th, 2005, 4:45pm
I am a rare species of ant found in a remote part of the Amazon rainforest, having an important effect on sugar to make it a component of a cure for cancer, providing actors with work

Referring to the film "Medicine Man" (if I remember the title correctly - it is getting quite late here at the moment...)

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Noke Lieu on Apr 5th, 2005, 2:06am
I am Phase IV (http://imdb.com/title/tt0070531/), great sci-fi film, making anyone who watches it not feel comfortable with ants ever again.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by BNC on Apr 5th, 2005, 6:28am
I am Citizen Kane (http://imdb.com/title/tt0033467/), possibly the best movie ever, dwarfing sci-fi films.

<Note I'm a sci-fi fan... no hate mail!>

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by bajmalar on Apr 5th, 2005, 6:53am
I am Hollywood, changing public opinion of a "good movie", making older classics boring and uninteresting

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by rmsgrey on Apr 5th, 2005, 7:21am
I am Bollywood, making "poor" movies popular, embarrassing Hollywood.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by bajmalar on Apr 5th, 2005, 11:36am
I am a cowboy, Indian hating, lacking knowledge of what a moving picture is.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Kweetnie on Apr 11th, 2005, 3:39am
I am a bul, agitated, killing any cowboy who's trying to jump my back

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by bajmalar on Apr 11th, 2005, 5:50am
I am a matador, bull taunting, fashion statement.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by BNC on Apr 11th, 2005, 9:09am
I am animal-rights movement, fighting bull-fighting, sending metador to the unemployment line.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by bajmalar on Apr 11th, 2005, 10:36am
I am natural selection, belief ignoring, species eliminating.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by BNC on Apr 11th, 2005, 3:09pm
I am a Vogon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vogon), natural-selection-immune, third worst poetry in the universe writer.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Icarus on Apr 11th, 2005, 3:31pm
I am a patron of modern art, caring not about quality, concerned only that it be "avant-garde".

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by bajmalar on Apr 12th, 2005, 9:55am
I am a Grammaton Cleric, emotion fighting, art destroying.

[refrence to the movie Equilibrium, couldn't find a good page to explain, my apologies]

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Icarus on Apr 12th, 2005, 4:50pm
Umm.. Your response is supposed to counter mine. The art of the avant-garde is art in name only, and the only emotion it evokes is disgust that the government makes you pay for it!

But anyway: I am a former movie patron, bored of formulaic plots and cliched stereotypes, reading good books instead.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Speaker on Apr 12th, 2005, 11:23pm
I am Guy Montag; burning all books, trying to bring equality and happiness to everyone (until the war comes and solves all those equality and happiness issues)

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Noke Lieu on Apr 12th, 2005, 11:33pm
I am beaten to the punch by speaker, amazed at how his post popped up between me reading icaarus' reply and clicking "reply", and only posting one descriptor.

I am "mangy gout", a stupid angram of guy montag, a product of free thought. ;D

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Speaker on Apr 12th, 2005, 11:50pm
I am a healthy diet; full of fruit and vegetables and moderate alcohal consumption, preventing gout from gaining a foothold....

(Okay, pun intended, so shoot me)

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by rmsgrey on Apr 13th, 2005, 3:55am

on 04/12/05 at 23:50:58, Speaker wrote:
I am a healthy diet; full of fruit and vegetables and moderate alcohal consumption, preventing gout from gaining a foothold....

(Okay, pun intended, so shoot me)

I am a well-known fast food chain, selling cheap junk, tempting away from genuine nutrition.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Grimbal on Apr 13th, 2005, 8:20am
I am Morgan Spurlock, directing "Super Size Me", convincing people to slow down on fast food.


Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Three Hands on Apr 13th, 2005, 4:06pm
I am "healthy option" menus, creating alternatives to "unhealthy junk food", reducing impact of campaigns against junk food for fast food chains

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Speaker on Apr 13th, 2005, 4:42pm
I am a human finger; discovered in centrally mass produced food sold in fast food outlets, causing people to decide that as long as they are going to eat in a restaurant, it might as well be one where the chef and staff take pride in the meals they prepare.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by bajmalar on Apr 14th, 2005, 2:59pm
I am a rabid dog, snacking on available fingers, decreasing the number of food preperation employees

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by rmsgrey on Apr 20th, 2005, 9:01am
I am the English Channel, providing natural quarantine, preventing successful invasions for almost 1000 years

One of the major debates over the desirability of Chunnel was the potential for rabid wildlife to cross the Channel.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by bajmalar on Apr 20th, 2005, 10:07am
I am Matthew Webb, being the first person to swim across the English Channel, conquering water passageways.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Shump on May 2nd, 2005, 3:54am
I am aquafobia, disabling man to swim, let alone to cross the Channel

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Grimbal on May 2nd, 2005, 5:59am
I am the Sahara, hot and dry like hell, making the idea of swimming the most delightful dream.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Three Hands on May 2nd, 2005, 10:54am
I am cactus, capable of storing enough water to survive, able to thrive in spite of Saharan conditions

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by bajmalar on May 2nd, 2005, 6:13pm
I am Jim Morrison, cactus devouring, spirit world visiting.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Aryabhatta on May 3rd, 2005, 9:36pm
I am Judge Murray Goodman, Morrison sentencing, indecency limiting.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by bajmalar on May 4th, 2005, 9:20am
I am a jury, incompetent, turning judges into moderators not  decision makers.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by rmsgrey on May 16th, 2005, 3:32am
I am the "divine right" of the monarch, rendering monarchs peerless, preventing juries from being found.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Three Hands on May 16th, 2005, 9:07am
I am Oliver Cromwell, divine right not-respecting, putting the monarch on trial

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Speaker on May 16th, 2005, 7:58pm
I am a mosquito; infecting Cromwell with a fatal case of malaria; resulting in his death, burial, exhumation, execution by hanging, drawn and quarting, and beheading.

(Somebody else, not me, then had the head displayed on a pike outside Westminster Abbey. Heads are just a bit beyond the abilities of your average insect. The rest, I take responsibility for, however unlikely it may seem to the layman.)

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by bajmalar on May 17th, 2005, 6:09am
I am a bat, night stalking, insect devouring.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Speaker on May 17th, 2005, 6:59pm
I am a rabies virus; infecting the bat, causing inflamation of the brain and a slow painful death preceded by a fear of swallowing.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by bajmalar on May 18th, 2005, 8:45am
I am a recluse, avoiding contact with all living things, paranoid.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Speaker on May 18th, 2005, 5:24pm
I am a brown recluse spider; biting the recluse, resulting in a large ulcerous sore that becomes necrotic and infected with gas gangrene leading to a painful and smelly death.

(How can a recluse defeat the rabies virus? Maybe a recluse can avoid the virus by avolding people, but the virus is more common in animals actually. Probably being around people is a better way to avoid rabies, or cure it if infected. Just nitpicking  ;)  )

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Grimbal on May 19th, 2005, 4:15am
I am arachnophobia, making recluse buy (probably by mail), store and spread huge amounts of DDT, resulting in quick death of spider.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by BNC on May 19th, 2005, 7:45am
I am a huge plastic, black spider, scaring arachnophobics to death, removing said psychological condition from the world.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by bajmalar on May 19th, 2005, 11:48am
I am thanksgiving, forcing people to store away Halloween decorations, stereotypical American holiday.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by BNC on May 19th, 2005, 12:19pm
I am the "save the turkey" movement, stopping Americans from the Thanksgiving feast, ruining the day.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Speaker on May 19th, 2005, 4:52pm
I am Tofurkey; a disgustinglicious paste made of tofu and spices to resemble turkey meat, spreading across the nation as the new food to eat when thanking Native Americans for sharing food with disingenuous pilgrams.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Icarus on May 19th, 2005, 8:52pm
I am a confirmed "meatetarian", gratefully eating  delicious animals, amazed at the clueless shallowness of people so far removed from nature that they think this is wrong.

By the way, neither the national holiday of Thanksgiving established by Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War, nor the Pilgrim feast that inspired it were about "thanking indians". Both were centered on the idea of thanking God for the what He provided. The pilgrims in gratitude invited the indians who had helped them survive, but it was thanking God, not them, that was the purpose of the feast. And despite all events that happened after (and before) the pilgrim feast, there is no hint that the pilgrims were in any way "disingenuous" towards the indians, but were truly grateful for their assistance.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Speaker on May 19th, 2005, 9:07pm
I am cholesterol; collecting in the bloodstream of meatatarians, causing fatal blockages.

(Just a little diarrhea of the keyboard. I agree with what you said, just going for the cheap laugh by taking a look at the Irony of history, and how different things are when they happen and how they appear over the distance of time. (woah, anyway, cholesterol))

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by bajmalar on May 20th, 2005, 9:38am
I am exercise, removing buildup in the blood stream, sweat inducing.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Icarus on May 20th, 2005, 3:38pm
I am Richard Simmons, shrill, causing millions to swear off exercise or any other activity where they may be associated with him.

(I only brought it up because if you were to attend a U.S. public school, you would get the idea that "thanking the indians" was the entire point of Thanksgiving. I try to set the record straight whenever I can.)

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by BNC on May 30th, 2005, 9:37am
I am Simmon Richards , Richard Simmons' depresed alter-ego, ausing Richard to quitely cry into the pillow at night.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by bajmalar on Jun 2nd, 2005, 6:15am
I am the Gay Rights Movement, freeing gays from their closets, making former TV stars proud and happy about their sexual orientation for once again being social acceptable.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Benedictus on Jun 2nd, 2005, 7:56am
I am Benedictus XIV, not to be confused with HIV, elemininating gay-movements  :-[

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Noke Lieu on Jun 21st, 2005, 11:40pm
I am "YMCA", where 'they have everything for young men to enjoy,'  promoting gay movement (to the beat...)

Sorry, couldn't resist.::)

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by rmsgrey on Jun 22nd, 2005, 10:17am

on 06/21/05 at 23:40:00, Noke Lieu wrote:
I am "YMCA", where 'they have everything for young men to enjoy,'  promoting gay movement (to the beat...)

Sorry, couldn't resist.::)

I am a nuclear submarine, sumerging, drowning Village People
(Simpsons reference)

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Grimbal on Jun 22nd, 2005, 2:39pm
I am the practical joker, knocking at the door of the submarine, resulting in the tragic loss of ship and crew.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Speaker on Jun 22nd, 2005, 11:41pm
I am lacking in a sense of humor; not finding silly practical jokes funny, punching practical joker in nose.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by bajmalar on Jul 6th, 2005, 10:52am
I am a child’s laughter, infectious, causing anyone nearby to laugh for no reason.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Noke Lieu on Jul 7th, 2005, 12:14am
I am a kindergarten teacher, really losing because all the little children are continously laughing in their infectous way (complete with ear-piercing squeals), knowing that at least one of my charges is about to literally wet themselves with glee. >:(

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by JiNbOtAk on Jul 7th, 2005, 3:52am
I am Prozac, depression calming, feelings soothing.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by rmsgrey on Jul 7th, 2005, 4:00am

on 07/07/05 at 03:52:25, JiNbOtAk wrote:
I am Prozac, depression calming, feelings soothing.

I am a health scare, accusing Prozac of causing rabies, creating mass panic.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Speaker on Jul 7th, 2005, 10:45pm
I am rabies...no no no no. I am babies, constantly being born, replacing people killed by health care scares.  

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Noke Lieu on Jul 8th, 2005, 2:11am
I am immuno-contraception, quite possibly the only thing that will slow down canetoads spreading across Australia, REALLY REALLY scary if it goes wrong.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Speaker on Jul 8th, 2005, 6:04pm
I am the Great Architect of the Universe; smiting those who think they can meddle with My work, devising work-around methods for procreation that allow My creatures to reproduce regardless of meddling by those other creatures whom I already had to evict from one garden because they couldn't follow the rules and on top of that, if you want my (unhumble) opinion are well on  their way to screwing up the one I'm letting them borrow.    Ingrates.  

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by rmsgrey on Jul 8th, 2005, 6:23pm
I am free will, frustrating divine planning, perverting grand designs.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Grimbal on Jul 9th, 2005, 4:09pm
I am determinism, making free will an illusion, incidentally determining in advance the answer to this post.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by rmsgrey on Jul 10th, 2005, 6:42am

on 07/09/05 at 16:09:10, Grimbal wrote:
I am determinism, making free will an illusion, incidentally determining in advance the answer to this post.

I am the Spanish Inquisition, unanticipatable, ruthlessly efficient.

(Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!)

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Three Hands on Jul 10th, 2005, 5:40pm
I am a Boy Scout, being told to "Be prepared", expecting the unexpected.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by JiNbOtAk on Jul 11th, 2005, 8:28pm
I am the seductive Girl Scout, which the Boy Scout in unprepared for, doing things never expected.   ;D

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by bajmalar on Jul 12th, 2005, 6:30pm
I am Girl Scout cookies, fattening, diverting attention from skirts to Thin Mints.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Speaker on Jul 12th, 2005, 6:57pm
I am a brown bear, largest carnivore walking the face of the earth, occasionally walking into Boy Scout camp to eat Girl Scout cookies.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by bajmalar on Jul 12th, 2005, 10:20pm
I am the Ringmaster, forcing bears to do tricks with stupid hats on, crushing all pride of such bears.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Speaker on Jul 12th, 2005, 10:41pm
I am the trapeze artist; weighing 185 pounds, missing my jump falling through the air at ever increasing speed becoming a human meteor screaming in terror as I slam into the ringmaster knocking him to the hardpacked ground of center ring causing his neck to break, his heart to burst, and his skull to blossom in a red and gray flower of cerebral gore that splashes all over the brown bear who already frightened by the screaming trapeze artist goes berserk and devours the lifeless body of his lifelong tormentor.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Three Hands on Jul 13th, 2005, 10:25am
I am a safety net, safely interrupting falls, saving lives

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Speaker on Jul 13th, 2005, 5:35pm
I am Elvira the bearded lady (jilted lover of the trapeze artist): driven to a fit of jealous rage because my beloved the Great Flying Ivan (the trapeze artist) has left me for the skinny little tart who is training for the highwire balancing act, I have secretly applied a caustic chemical to the entire safety net expecting that my rival for the Great Ivan's love would fall to her death during training.

<<Unfortunately for Elvira, Mimi (the beautiful young highwire actress) did not fall. Chemical traces found in Elvira's wagon led to her arrest for the murder of the Great Ivan. However, Elvira was found dead in her cell this morning; hung by a rope she had braided from whiskers plucked from her chin. Policeman Ian Whitherspoon noted that, "She's actually quite attractive, if you see her without the beard that is." Memorial services will be held on Saturday, in the big top.>>

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by bajmalar on Jul 13th, 2005, 8:26pm
I am a disposable razor, removing facial hair with the greatest of ease, forcing bearded carnies to consider a carrer change.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Speaker on Jul 13th, 2005, 9:17pm
I am fundamentalist Isamic leaders: prohibiting shaving, destroying all razors in glorious purifying fires in towns and cities all across the world...everyplace...even in the home town of King Camp Gillette.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Three Hands on Jul 16th, 2005, 7:21am
I am the US army, intolerant of fundamentalist Islamic "terrorists", seeking and destroying Islamic fundamentalist leaders anywhere they can get away with it

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by JiNbOtAk on Jul 18th, 2005, 6:23pm
I am the peace loving hippy, anti-war promoting, US army hating.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Speaker on Jul 18th, 2005, 7:01pm
I am a 40 years of life; causing hippy to age and grow conservative, convincing hippy that the good old days actually were the good old days and if these young punks nowadays don't pull up their trousers and turn off their ugly hippity-hop music then we should reinstate the draft and send them all off to foreign countries to protect the interests of the USA, which is probably the best thing for them and for the Army (and it might bring the price of oil down which is a hell of a problem now that I (the hippy) live on a fixed retirement income.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Grimbal on Jul 22nd, 2005, 6:26am
I am DHEA, giving the 40-year old hippy the energy of a 20-year old, making him the one who is going on the nerves of the 40-years old punks.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by bajmalar on Dec 10th, 2005, 10:21am
it's been a while but...

I am caution, ever present, convincing the masses to look before leaping when using untested drugs.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Three Hands on Dec 12th, 2005, 6:05pm
I am the wind, ever blowing, where caution is inevitably thrown to.

Sorry, couldn't resist...

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Speaker on Dec 12th, 2005, 6:37pm
I am a windbreaker; a lightweight jacket made of finely woven fabric, blocking the wind.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by bajmalar on Dec 12th, 2005, 9:11pm
I am a peer, cynically mocking, convincing people to get their fashion trends from somewhere other than "I love the 80's."

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Speaker on Dec 12th, 2005, 9:35pm
I am a herd of stampeding hippos; smashing the peer into a pulp of bone fragments and cynical comments, making the world a safer place for beings who wallow in nostalgia and shallow rivers.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Grimbal on Dec 13th, 2005, 12:28am
I am the children book writer, completely out of phase with reality, making the hyppo a cute harmless animal.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by bajmalar on Dec 13th, 2005, 10:27am
I am A.D.D., procrastination scapegoat, diverting attention from stationary images to flashing televisions.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by JiNbOtAk on Oct 29th, 2007, 4:23am
Okay, I know it's been sometime since someone replied to this thread, just wanna give it another go.

I am psychotherapy, giving focus, healing A.D.D.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Noke Lieu on Mar 31st, 2008, 6:24pm
I am a rope; coiled round into a noose, cheaper and more definate than being probed by doctors like some experiment.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Master of Everything 42 on Apr 1st, 2008, 1:25pm
I am TCDD (or i think) and am more deadly then all of you

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Noke Lieu on Apr 1st, 2008, 6:27pm
Are you talking about dioxin or the turkish railway system?  :D

(either way, I think that the fatality rate of hanging might be *slightly* higher than either of those   :P)

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by JiNbOtAk on Apr 1st, 2008, 8:08pm
I am water, ever cleaning, ever healing.

Give way to Azgard..( I forget, water had already been used )

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Azgard on Apr 1st, 2008, 8:16pm
I am Ebola Zaire, non-man-made, killing 9/10 after hospitalization.

(assuming we are going with the dioxin)

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Noke Lieu on Apr 2nd, 2008, 9:57pm
I am Lassa Fever, Ebola's slightly less virulent little brother, able to kill far more people because I let them survive long enough to spread me.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Azgard on Apr 3rd, 2008, 6:54am
I am a quarantine unit, heading off the spread of Lassa Fever, saving the rest of the village from death.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Master of Everything 42 on Apr 3rd, 2008, 1:34pm
I am "Master of everything 42", forever changing the TCDD to the turkish railroad.

i am a sandwich, forever soaking in butter, waning for mayo.

I am an ink smudge, forever losing the path to the village in the first place.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Noke Lieu on Apr 3rd, 2008, 4:01pm

I am a subtle reminder of the rules of this game.
So click me. (http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~wwu/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=riddles_general;action=display;num=1079272351)

I am GPS, map-outdating, local-knowledge enhancing.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Master of Everything 42 on Apr 3rd, 2008, 5:33pm
I am Iceman, forever knowing the answer, but never understanding technology itself

I am an electricity bill, forever costing you money you don't have, forever lowering your credit score.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Noke Lieu on Apr 3rd, 2008, 7:08pm
I am solar power, made very very cheap by the ANU (http://www.abc.net.au/catalyst/stories/s1865651.htm), awaiting acceptance by money sensitive multinational companies.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by JiNbOtAk on Apr 4th, 2008, 3:43am
I am 3000 AD man, schorching the skies, so the machines won't have power to fight. ( Matrix reference )

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Grimbal on Apr 4th, 2008, 7:46am
I'm the taliban, standing against western degenerescence, forbidding silly movies like Matrix.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by ima1trkpny on Apr 4th, 2008, 7:58am
I'm U.S. Marine, always faithful, fighting off Taliban extremists.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by rmsgrey on Apr 5th, 2008, 5:44am
I am dodgy intel, sending Marines to fight the wrong battles.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Azgard on Apr 5th, 2008, 5:02pm
I am the investigative mole, uncovering unreliable sources of information.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Noke Lieu on Apr 6th, 2008, 4:48pm
I am  Chlorophacinone, (http://www.publish.csiro.au/?paper=WR06092)  a chlorinated diphenyl indane derivative (http://www.inchem.org/documents/pds/pds/pest62_e.htm);
   an anti-coagulant and metabolic inhibitor which is highly toxic to rodents but of only slight toxicity to humans and other non-target organisms.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Azgard on Apr 6th, 2008, 5:03pm
I am water, highly diluting, considered to be the universal solvent

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by JiNbOtAk on Apr 7th, 2008, 12:58am
I am Sir Crocodile (http://www.absoluteanime.com/one_piece/crocodile.htm), sucking up the water and moisture around me, leaving behind a barren wasteland.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Three Hands on Apr 7th, 2008, 11:17am
I am Hollywood, bastion of Western culture, rejecting cartoons as only for children

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Azgard on Apr 7th, 2008, 11:38am
I am computer animation, creator of movies like Shrek and Toy Story, allowing adults and children alike to enjoy cartoon like images.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Grimbal on Apr 7th, 2008, 3:21pm
I am the computer game industry, offering a better salary to talented computer animators, delaying the computer animation to ... well ... some time maybe.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Azgard on Apr 7th, 2008, 3:46pm
I am a computer virus, targeting video cards, bringing computer gaming to a halt

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by JiNbOtAk on Apr 7th, 2008, 9:19pm
I am AVG, the free anti-virus, eating up viruses like there's no tomorrow.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Azgard on Apr 7th, 2008, 9:59pm
I am BWH, the next generation of PC protection, rendering AVG obsolete.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Noke Lieu on Apr 3rd, 2012, 6:13pm

I am a lazy PC owner, neglecting to update virus softwares, trawling sites of ill repute.

(anyone here?)

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Grimbal on Apr 4th, 2012, 6:35am
I am cloud computing, immaterial, making owning a PC a thing of the past.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Noke Lieu on Apr 4th, 2012, 5:41pm
I am a remote research station, with lack of bandwidth, slowing connectivity to dial-up speeds.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by rmsgrey on Apr 9th, 2012, 5:03am
I am a supply chain interruption, isolating remote stations, starving researchers.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Noke Lieu on Apr 12th, 2012, 3:47pm
I am traditional knowledge, enabling people to live off the land, removing the need for modern supply chains.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Grimbal on Apr 13th, 2012, 4:47am
I am the new generation, spending more time on facebook than with elders, flushing traditional knowledge down the drain.

Title: Re: Sandman duel II
Post by Noke Lieu on Apr 15th, 2012, 10:28pm
I am education, encouraging 20somethings to delay having children for 10 years, reducing the number in the new generation

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