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riddles >> general problem-solving / chatting / whatever >> Geek Tattoos
(Message started by: John_Gaughan on Sep 22nd, 2004, 7:27pm)

Title: Geek Tattoos
Post by John_Gaughan on Sep 22nd, 2004, 7:27pm
My wife and I are thinking about getting a tattoo or two. Since I have to live with this for the rest of my life I figure I should get something I like. Being a computer/math geek I figure that is a good place to start thinking.

So, what do you guys recommend for a geek tattoo? Keep in mind I am a man, so no flowers ;)

Title: Re: Geek Tattoos
Post by Hooie on Sep 22nd, 2004, 9:08pm
:) I've thought of getting a nerd tattoo when I'm older. Something to do with maybe math or physics.

I don't have any suggestions, however. It'll be interesting to see what others say.

Title: Re: Geek Tattoos
Post by towr on Sep 22nd, 2004, 11:37pm
There's always [pi], or [infty]
Or you could use emoticons :) ;) -_- O_o
Or (pseudo)html
<tattoo src=pi.gif />
Some binary message, 0011010000110010

Title: Re: Geek Tattoos
Post by John_Gaughan on Sep 23rd, 2004, 5:57am
I saw a few like that at bmezine.com (not linked on purpose, this is a family site ;) ) and was not too impressed. Pi symbols, emoticons, etc. I did think the binary would be neat, some of the ones there had peoples' names encoded in ASCII, written in binary.

I was thinking some graphs or diagrams would be cool too. Fractals are always good, but probably too complex for most tattoo artists and would be very expensive.

The one that came to mind first is the BSD daemon. He looks somewhat evil, but really is a nice guy once you get to know him :)

Title: Re: Geek Tattoos
Post by towr on Sep 23rd, 2004, 7:51am
You could maybe take a listing of obfuscated C-code that does something neat..

Title: Re: Geek Tattoos
Post by william wu on Sep 23rd, 2004, 2:38pm
BSD Daemon would be pretty cool.

Maybe some clever regex, like /(bb|[^b]{2})/

Or a Geek Code Block (http://www.fedoraforum.org/forum/archive/index.php/t-18573.html)

Title: Re: Geek Tattoos
Post by towr on Sep 23rd, 2004, 2:49pm

on 09/23/04 at 14:38:57, william wu wrote:
Maybe some clever regex, like /(bb|[^b]{2})/
Ah yes, "two b's or two not-b's"  ::)

Title: Re: Geek Tattoos
Post by Noke Lieu on Sep 23rd, 2004, 5:31pm
John, tatoos are much like being granted a wish by an evil djinn. Cos you have to live with them forever (they do make you immortal, don't they?), people coming  and asking you what it means...

pac man chasing ghosts?

Title: Re: Geek Tattoos
Post by John_Gaughan on Sep 24th, 2004, 6:21am
I like that idea, Pac Man. I've seen a few video game character tattoos, but all newer ones from games that people play once and forget. Pac Man lives forever :-)

Geek code is a good idea, except it changes over time.

Anyway, I find that most things that sound cool aren't once I see or imagine them as an actual tattoo. That is why I am spending a bit of time thinking about it.

I could always turn one of the green player sprites from the original Doom into a tattoo...

Title: Re: Geek Tattoos
Post by william wu on Sep 24th, 2004, 5:06pm
The green magic mushroom from Mario Bros. Underneath it, the word "1UP". (From a t-shirt I saw once)

Title: Re: Geek Tattoos
Post by kayzi3 on Feb 19th, 2005, 3:18pm
Version: 3.1
GO d-@ s-:- a--- C+ U? P+? L? !E W++ !N !o !K-- w+ !O !M !V PS+ !PE !Y !PGP !t--- !5-- X+ R- tv b++ DI D+ G- e- h- r-- x+

I don't understand this
:'( :-/ :-[ ???


Title: Re: Geek Tattoos
Post by rmsgrey on Feb 19th, 2005, 3:49pm
http://www.joereiss.net/geek/ungeek.html is allegedly a decoder

Title: Re: Geek Tattoos
Post by Brett the Girl on Mar 5th, 2005, 3:35pm
Here I have one http://www.bmezine.com/tattoo/A40906/high/tattoo1.jpg awesome stuff right there.  The dude couldn't decide what to get so he thought this up.

Title: Re: Geek Tattoos
Post by rockusdawgus on Mar 31st, 2005, 6:02pm
you should tell her to get a  wizard riding a inicorn in outer space, manybe near saturn's rings or something.  that or a picture of some ram would be pretty nerdy

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