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riddles >> general problem-solving / chatting / whatever >> Riddle
(Message started by: THUDandBLUNDER on Jun 11th, 2004, 6:12am)

Title: Riddle
Post by THUDandBLUNDER on Jun 11th, 2004, 6:12am
I recently received the following message asking for help with a riddle:

I am playing a game located at:


which is related to Stephen King's novels The Dark Tower.

We are stuck on a riddle.  We are not riddle queens.

If any of your riddle experts could help, we would be
eternally grateful.  This is what we have to work with.
I did register, but received a message I must be authorized
to start a post.  I do not mean to disrupt your forums for this
one-time incident, but there are hundreds of idiots like me that
just cannot make any sense of this:

Upon the roof I sit
At the university of Maine
I play my songs for all the folks
At the university of Maine
My hair is brown my eyes are black
At the university of Maine

We are at the end of our rope and would give you and your group total credit for cracking this monster.

Thank you for any help or pointers you could give.

Kim Dickson

For verification, if you wish, go here:

Title: Re: Riddle
Post by Three Hands on Jun 11th, 2004, 6:49am
Well, if it helps anyone, Stephen King went to the University of Maine. Not sure if that's going to help much, though  :-/

Title: Re: Riddle
Post by Speaker on Jun 20th, 2004, 7:22pm
Well, I've never been to the University of Maine. But, couldn't the answer be Stephen King himself. If not, then maybe one of the following.

The fiddler on the roof.

A bell in a bell tower (if the bell tower has a brown roof (hair) and small dark windows (black eyes) then it might fit.

Title: Re: Riddle
Post by Three Hands on Jun 20th, 2004, 9:50pm
I was wondering about it being Stephen King himself, but wasn't sure both about the playing songs for all the folks, or the physical description (being lazy, I didn't bother searching more for Stephen King...)

A bell in a belltower answer doesn't seem to fit the "upon the roof I sit" line, however, as the bell isn't really on the roof. Unless, of course, at the University of Maine, they actually have a bell that sits on the roof of a belltower and still chimes. I also thought about the fiddler on the roof answer, but I'm not sure whether the University of Maine fits into this at all :-/

Title: Re: Riddle
Post by Speaker on Jun 20th, 2004, 10:13pm
I am not sure if SK has black eyes or not. But, maybe.

If the bell is in a cupola, on a roof, then it might work.

But, why do they have at the University of Maine in three lines. Every other line. Even lines.

I think this might be something. Three main universities. Three universes, mainly. Something. Maybe just throwing out those three lines. For instance, if you thought up a good riddle, but it was too easy. So, you want to add some red herrings. Well, next stop google.

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