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riddles >> general problem-solving / chatting / whatever >> Did y'all see this one on april fool's day?
(Message started by: bodo on Apr 8th, 2004, 3:25pm)

Title: Did y'all see this one on april fool's day?
Post by bodo on Apr 8th, 2004, 3:25pm

It's pretty funny...especially if your a maddox fan.

What april fool's shaninigans did y'all endure/instigate?

Title: Re: Did y'all see this one on april fool's day?
Post by rmsgrey on Apr 9th, 2004, 5:39am
For those of us who follow the events on the official Magic: the Gathering website, the biggest April Fool of the lot was the announcement of Unhinged - the long awaited follow-up to Unglued - in the midst of a number of other hoax articles (all of which, we have since been assured were indeed hoaxes) this was the one bit of real news - the set is due for a November release.

Title: Re: Did y'all see this one on april fool's day?
Post by william wu on Apr 10th, 2004, 12:00am
I'm embarrassed to say that on 4/1, this one had me surprised all the way until the signature. Then I had a good laugh :)


P.S. On that day the encoding of "APRIL FOOLS DAY" in yellow characters wasn't there.

Title: Re: Did y'all see this one on april fool's day?
Post by Benoit_Mandelbrot on Apr 13th, 2004, 6:03am
For some reason, the firewall at my school blocks the site.  Are there any mirrors?

Title: Re: Did y'all see this one on april fool's day?
Post by towr on Apr 13th, 2004, 6:30am
you could try google..
just drop the site url into the google search bar, and if the page is cached it should say so, and then you can view that..

Title: Re: Did y'all see this one on april fool's day?
Post by THUDandBLUNDER on Jun 8th, 2004, 2:40am

on 04/13/04 at 06:03:47, Benoit_Mandelbrot wrote:
For some reason, the firewall at my school blocks the site.  Are there any mirrors?

Yes. I think that most reasonable skeptics will admit, if pressed, that mirrors do indeed exist.    :)

The BBC and Time magazine, for example, are both blocked here in China but I am able to access them both using http://anonymouse.ws/anonwww.html

Title: Re: Did y'all see this one on april fool's day?
Post by Sir Col on Jun 8th, 2004, 5:01am

on 04/13/04 at 06:03:47, Benoit_Mandelbrot wrote:
For some reason, the firewall at my school blocks the site.

We have the same probem at the school where I work, demonstrated with the site at the top of this page. The local (fascist) education authority finds it within their duty to filter web content. I could understand it within a school if it was blocking porn, racist propaganda, and so on, but as with most dictarorial régimes there seems little intelligence behind the choice of what we can view and cannot view. I thought that we were supposed to be able to celebrate the "freedom" we have in the West?

Title: Re: Did y'all see this one on april fool's day?
Post by THUDandBLUNDER on Jun 8th, 2004, 2:08pm

The BBC and Time magazine, for example, are both blocked here in China but I am able to access them both using http://anonymouse.ws/anonwww.html

But the trouble with sharing our favourite anonymisers is that sooner-rather-than-later they too may get blocked.
For myself, it is perhaps wiser to post them in a more cryptic form, such as



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