Title: Madman: Slasher Riddle Post by alien2 on Dec 18th, 2022, 1:05pm You’re stuck in a well illuminated concrete room with no openings of any kind together with a madman and a squirrel. There is also an empty lunch box, a decorative paper roll, a ruler and an adhesive tape on the floor. All three of you are a bit hungry and anxious on an empty stomach. Obviously, you are feeling uneasy and fretting because of the presence of the madman who is standing in a corner with his eyes constantly fixed on you. How do you avert the danger and leave the room? |
Title: Re: Madman: Slasher Riddle Post by alien2 on Dec 29th, 2022, 2:57am Although pun is intended, this is actually a completely solvable riddle, in the spirit of English language and the answer has three parts considering the sequence of events. If You want a clue I'd be happy to oblige. |
Title: Re: Madman: Slasher Riddle Post by Grimbal on Jan 10th, 2023, 2:40pm Get the attention of the squirrel, point at the madman and say "he is nuts ...". |
Title: Re: Madman: Slasher Riddle Post by alien2 on Jan 11th, 2023, 2:17am I believe You solved the 1st part of the riddle and possibly the second. Care to elaborate a bit just to be on the safe side? Any ideas as per escaping the room with no openings of any kind? I must admit that part is mayhap a bit far-fetched and certainly not polite. |
Title: Re: Madman: Slasher Riddle Post by Grimbal on Jan 11th, 2023, 11:27am ... while the madman is busy fighting off the wild flesh-eating giant squirrel, he shouts "asshole!". You wipe the ass with the roll of paper and use the hole to escape. |
Title: Re: Madman: Slasher Riddle Post by alien2 on Jan 11th, 2023, 11:08pm Although Your fine reply made me giggle, regardless of the PG-13 content, I still wonder if it holds water, considering everything mentioned in the original riddle. But, you're right about excrement and are on the right track because of it, regarding the expected answer. Would it be easier if I said that you are alone in this room with Christina Aguilera (no excrement here, just pure explosive love)? Another clue: I believe slang plays a role; or something like it. Just to be absolutely sure about what you're saying. So, say to the madman: "You're nuts". Take the "nuts" and feed the squirrel, out of the kindness of your heart and possible affinity for animals, thus defuse a life-threatening situation, at least considering the madman. But what then? |
Title: Re: Madman: Slasher Riddle Post by alien2 on Feb 11th, 2023, 2:17am Regarding the remaining mystery, I had a s**t bomb in mind. So, after the squirrel defecates, make it and then take the "bomb" to get out of the room. Oh well, everyone has ups and downs. |
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