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riddles >> easy >> Pinocchio Math
(Message started by: rloginunix on Aug 9th, 2016, 10:41am)

Title: Pinocchio Math
Post by rloginunix on Aug 9th, 2016, 10:41am
Pinocchio Math

Out of three apples given to Pinocchio, he ate two.

How many apples does Pinocchio have now?

Hint: programmers have an unfair advantage.

Title: Re: Pinocchio Math
Post by dudiobugtron on Aug 10th, 2016, 2:56pm
[hide]He still has 3 - two are just inside him?[/hide]

Title: Re: Pinocchio Math
Post by rloginunix on Aug 11th, 2016, 6:20am

Title: Re: Pinocchio Math
Post by alien2 on Aug 11th, 2016, 8:20am
If his nose grew long he lied about eating two apples and so he ate three.

Or Pinocchio does not exist so he never had no apples to begin with.

Or who said that he didn't eat the 3rd apple as well? Maybe he was hungry.

Or if he buried the seed which grew into an apple tree then he has many apples.

Or he has no apples left because one had a worm crawling inside it so he threw it away.

Or it is a matter of time, that is, Pinocchio lived a long time ago so NOW he has no apples because he slipped away.

Or since Pinocchio was made out of wood, who says that he wasn't made out of a trunk of an apple tree? So although he had many apples before as a tree, perhaps he returned to his normal and natural state because he was fed up with life of an ordinary boy and so he is again an apple tree with many apples.

Or I am simply overthinking it so Pinocchio has but one apple left.

Title: Re: Pinocchio Math
Post by rloginunix on Aug 11th, 2016, 1:18pm

on 08/11/16 at 08:20:06, alien2 wrote:
Or since Pinocchio was made out of wood, who says that he wasn't made out of a trunk of an apple tree? So although he had many apples before as a tree, perhaps he returned to his normal and natural state because he was fed up with life of an ordinary boy and so he is again an apple tree with many apples.

has a seed of correct intended answer planted somewhere. And no - neither Pinocchio nor his nose changed in any way, shape or form.


on 08/11/16 at 08:20:06, alien2 wrote:
Or he has no apples left because one had a worm crawling inside it so he threw it away.

can be turned (around) into a clever, humorous alternative.

Title: Re: Pinocchio Math
Post by dudiobugtron on Aug 11th, 2016, 2:23pm
Hmmm, is it [hide]one more than he had before he was given 3[/hide]?

Title: Re: Pinocchio Math
Post by alien2 on Aug 12th, 2016, 12:03am

on 08/11/16 at 13:18:32, rloginunix wrote:


has a seed of correct intended answer planted somewhere. And no - neither Pinocchio nor his nose changed in any way, shape or form.

How do you like them apples! My priority now is this solvable task of figuring out the correct answer which has foothold in my idea. Or perhaps the mentioned seed of mine will spontaneously grow into an answer like abiogenesis.

Title: Re: Pinocchio Math
Post by rloginunix on Aug 12th, 2016, 7:03am

on 08/12/16 at 00:03:09, alien2 wrote:
... this solvable task ...

Yes, it is solvable - no tricks, pure logic and

on 08/11/16 at 14:23:58, dudiobugtron wrote:
Hmmm, is it [hide]one more than he had before he was given 3[/hide]?

is it: [hide]we were never told exactly how many apples did Pinocchio have to begin with - only that he 'was given 3'[/hide]. As Alien2 (almost) said prior: [hide]he <might have> had many apples before[/hide] ...

Programmers learn this lesson early on: [hide]initialize your variables prior to their use[/hide].

(you may now want to try the alternative answer)

Title: Re: Pinocchio Math
Post by alien2 on Aug 16th, 2016, 5:44pm

on 08/11/16 at 13:18:32, rloginunix wrote:


can be turned (around) into a clever, humorous alternative.

The most original guess would be that a worm had an apple crawling inside it. Nature in reverse.

Title: Re: Pinocchio Math
Post by rloginunix on Aug 17th, 2016, 6:50am
Another version:

instead of throwing out the worm-infested apples, Pinocchio actually eats them and now - there is no more Pinocchio ...

Title: Re: Pinocchio Math
Post by towr on Aug 17th, 2016, 10:05am
"Worm"-infested apples aren't typically poisonous; they just taste like "worm"-poo.

Title: Re: Pinocchio Math
Post by rloginunix on Aug 17th, 2016, 10:24am

These were wood eating worms ...

As programmers would say, "bugs got'm", ;D

More programmers' Dilbert-like humor:

- After the worms were through with Pinocchio, he was nothing more than a pile of sawdust;
- Pinocchio dumped core;
- Pinocchio debugged the apples;

(sorry, can't be serious all the time. When I was starting this thread I had no idea that when it came to jokes it would be so fruitful)

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