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riddles >> easy >> How did the prisonor escape?
(Message started by: sanaya on Sep 3rd, 2013, 3:04am)

Title: How did the prisonor escape?
Post by sanaya on Sep 3rd, 2013, 3:04am
A king one day announced that he would set a prisoner free.

The condition laid by him was that the prisoner would have to pick a blue color marble from a jar of two marbles.

The king however decided to cheat. He put two black color marbles in the jar. The prisoner saw him do this.

Assuming that the jar was not transparent, was glued to the table and the prisoner was mute, find out how he escaped.

Title: Re: How did the prisonor escape?
Post by gotit on Sep 3rd, 2013, 7:27am
The idea is to take one stone out of the jar and discard it, thus choosing the stone which is still in the jar. Since the discarded stone will be black, it will be assumed that the one inside the jar is blue.

Title: Re: How did the prisonor escape?
Post by sanaya on Sep 4th, 2013, 9:51pm
Gotit elaborate a little more. How would he discard it without letting others see because as soon as  other people see him discarding the black one, he would remain imprisoned.

Title: Re: How did the prisonor escape?
Post by towr on Sep 4th, 2013, 10:10pm
He could [hide]swallow the marble[/hide].

Title: Re: How did the prisonor escape?
Post by rmsgrey on Sep 5th, 2013, 5:25am
There are two major options:

1) Expose the fraud

2) Reverse the fraud by causing the other marble to be the one examined

The first doesn't set you free, and the king may argue that you didn't meet the stated condition for release. The second is harder to arrange.

Title: Re: How did the prisonor escape?
Post by jollytall on Sep 5th, 2013, 10:07am
Ask the miller's daughter.

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