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riddles >> easy >> A Letter Series
(Message started by: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot on Jun 18th, 2006, 3:25pm)

Title: A Letter Series
Post by Whiskey Tango Foxtrot on Jun 18th, 2006, 3:25pm
O, T, T, F, F, S, S, E, N

What is the next letter in this series?

If you can get this one, look at "Can I Get Your Number?" in the Medium section.  There might be a relation there...

Title: Re: A Letter Series
Post by Noke Lieu on Jun 18th, 2006, 9:29pm
A and O are Two answers I have jusT ThoughT of
- noT your standard one Though...

Title: Re: A Letter Series
Post by towr on Jun 19th, 2006, 12:33am
I'd probably have started the sequence with Z myself.
Actually, it fits well on the end too, if you look at your keyboard.
In the same vein, we can follow with N

Title: Re: A Letter Series
Post by Whiskey Tango Foxtrot on Jun 19th, 2006, 5:54am
Nice, Noke.  Towr, how does Z work?

Title: Re: A Letter Series
Post by towr on Jun 19th, 2006, 8:27am
[hide]One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Zero: the row of digits at the top of the keyboard

One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Num-Lock: the number keypad[/hide]

Title: Re: A Letter Series
Post by Whiskey Tango Foxtrot on Jun 19th, 2006, 10:05pm
Nicely done towr.  I actually like that more than the traditional solution.

As to Noke's answers, don't you think "A" is a bit of a stretch?  It does work, but only if you use a bit of poor English.  Maybe I'm a something of a nit-picker...

Title: Re: A Letter Series
Post by Noke Lieu on Jun 19th, 2006, 11:50pm
Actually, it was O that I though was more of a stretch- it's another half of Towr's N or Z...
giving ...[hide]One Zero[/hide] or [hide] one nought[/hide]

Thread of language is fraying for me again... is the word TEN used to represent the concept of that number,  the physical embodiment of that concept or the graphic representation of the number using decimal notation?
Ah, semantics... great fun for chilly winter nights. Essentially- counting in hexadecimal, can one still say "one, two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen  fourteen fifteen, one zero, one-one, one two... one-ten, one eleven"
despite it being written 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,10,11,12...1A, 1B

Title: Re: A Letter Series
Post by towr on Jun 20th, 2006, 12:59am
I don't really see the problem with counting as you do in hexadecimal.
I mean, they used to count like "four scores and seven years ago". And we had a duodecimal system, dozen of this, dozen of that.

Title: Re: A Letter Series
Post by Whiskey Tango Foxtrot on Jun 20th, 2006, 9:26pm

on 06/19/06 at 23:50:48, Noke Lieu wrote:
Actually, it was O that I though was more of a stretch- it's another half of Towr's N or Z...
giving ...[hide]One Zero[/hide] or [hide] one nought[/hide]

Funny how brains work, isn't it?  I was thinking in an even different direction: [hide]100, 200, 300, ... or 1000, 2000, 3000, ...[/hide]

So I expected [hide]A[/hide] to be referring to [hide]"a thousand" or "a million, etc."[/hide]  Now I see what you originally meant, Noke.  Interesting.

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