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riddles >> easy >> White to move and win in 4
(Message started by: Lightboxes on Jul 17th, 2005, 10:54pm)

Title: White to move and win in 4
Post by Lightboxes on Jul 17th, 2005, 10:54pm
White to move and win in 4 moves (7 moves total)

...that black is avoiding check mate as long as possible.
...no pawns, knights, or rooks have been captured in the last 6 moves. (ADDED)

There is another riddle (pretty much like this one)  win in 5 in the medium section.  I wanted to post this one too because it has no conditions unlike the one in the medium section.     I guess I do need to add the condition in there, sorry about the edits.  I'll leave the puzzle as is for now because it should still be fun to solve. (ADDED) If you're able to solve one riddle please don't solve the other one so someone else can try.

Title: Re: White to move and win in 4
Post by THUDandBLUNDER on Jul 19th, 2005, 9:58am
[hide]I can't see a mate in four unless we assume that Black must have just played h5, allowing en passant. (This would also imply that Black can't castle. )

But couldn't the given position also have been arrived at with the following moves?

2. d3    h6
3. Nd2  h5

In fact, Black's last move could have been a king or rook move.

Title: Re: White to move and win in 4
Post by Lightboxes on Jul 19th, 2005, 12:45pm
It sounds like to me, that you MAY have the answer and your questioning my logic.  Read "Hint" T&B.

Hint:[hideb][hide]Anything can be done unless it can be proven that the move can't be done.  Just like that riddle where if: white castles, black can not.  If black castles, white can not.
I don't think I stepping out of any boundaries *I hope not*, I'm just expanding that rule to bigger and better things.

I have below, FINALY!!!!, the same riddle and same solution but made so that here are no conditions except:

White to move and mate in 4.  

It took my cousin 4 hours to solve with several hints, here and there.

Title: Re: White to move and win in 4
Post by Lightboxes on Jul 20th, 2005, 8:00am
For the first diagram:[hideb][hide]  Actually, unfortunately, White’s last move could have captured a promoted queen or bishop which are not included in the condition above.  That would mean that black’s last second move could have been a piece other than the rook at a8 and the king.  For some reason I thought the pawn could promote only to a rook or knight, hence the condition.  Most people don’t think of this possibility so I hope it hasn’t confused anyone.  [/hide][/hideb]

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