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riddles >> easy >> Math Teacher Riddles
(Message started by: benito on May 3rd, 2005, 1:53pm)

Title: Math Teacher Riddles
Post by benito on May 3rd, 2005, 1:53pm
Could anyone help me solving these riddles? thanks in advance.

What is a math teachers favorite thing to do at a baseball game?

Where do math teachers like to shop?

Which of the 50 states has the most math teachers?

What is a math teachers favorite cafeteria food?

What do you call a leg perpendicular to a foot?

Why was the right angle in the triangle smiling?

How do geometry teachers travel?

What do you get when you cross a rectangle and a rhombus?

What did the tiny acorn say when he grew up?

What did the alien from Planet Metric say when he landed on Earth?

What are moms happy to lose but unhappy to find?

What should a gentleman do when he sees a pretty girl?

What is the cost of inexpensive fabric at the metric store?

What is a math teacher's favorite zoo animal?

What did one math book say to the other math book?

Title: Re: Math Teacher Riddles
Post by asterex on May 3rd, 2005, 5:55pm
What is a math teachers favorite thing to do at a baseball game?
[hide]Root, root, root (cube root?) for the home team?[/hide]
Where do math teachers like to shop?
[hide]Times Square?[/hide]
Which of the 50 states has the most math teachers?
What is a math teachers favorite cafeteria food?
[hide] pi?[/hide]
What do you call a leg perpendicular to a foot?
[hide]A right ankle?[/hide]
Why was the right angle in the triangle smiling?
[hide]He had Acute angle on each arm[/hide]

How do geometry teachers travel?
[hide]On a plane? On a square route?[/hide]  

What did the alien from Planet Metric say when he landed on Earth?
[hide]Take me to your liter[/hide]
What is a math teacher's favorite zoo animal?
[hide]The hippotenus?[/hide]

Title: Re: Math Teacher Riddles
Post by Speaker on May 7th, 2005, 12:30am
What did the alien from Planet Metric say when he landed on Earth?
 [hideb]Take me to your liter. [/hideb]

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