Title: Monotonic Sequence to calculate roots Post by Aryabhatta on Nov 30th, 2004, 11:26am The sequence {an} is recursively defined as follows: (k+1)an+1 = (kan+ M/ank) where k is a fixed positive integer, M is a fixed real number > 0 and a1 > 0. This sequence might look weird, but it is actually a way to calculate the (k+1)th root of M. Putting k = 1 gives us the oft used method of calculating square roots. The problem: Show that an+1 [le] an forall n > 1. Try not to use calculus (it is in the easy forum :D). |
Title: Re: Monotonic Sequence to calculate roots Post by Barukh on Dec 1st, 2004, 9:48am [smiley=blacksquare.gif][hide] Let m = (k+1)-th root of M. 1. an [ge] m for every n > 1. Indeed, use the AM/GM inequality on k+1 numbers an, …, an (k times), M/ank: 2. If an [ge] m, then an+1 [le] an, since [/hide][smiley=blacksquare.gif] Nice problem, Aryabhatta! |
Title: Re: Monotonic Sequence to calculate roots Post by Aryabhatta on Dec 1st, 2004, 11:05am Well done Barukh! I had exactly that solution in mind. In fact with what you have shown, we can easily show that the sequence converges to the (k+1)th root of M. (It follows because: [hide]The sequence is monotonically decreasing and bounded below (as shown in the proof), so it converges. That the limit is m follows easily [/hide]). Here is another one in similar vein. Show that the sequence {n1/n} converges to 1. |
Title: Re: Monotonic Sequence to calculate roots Post by TenaliRaman on Dec 1st, 2004, 9:09pm Highly non-rigorous proof ::[hide] let L = lim(n->inf) n1/n taking log on both sides, log L = lim(n->inf) (1/n)log(n) n grows faster than log n therefore the RHS is zero L = 1 (err we were not supposed to use calculus here too?) [/hide]:: |
Title: Re: Monotonic Sequence to calculate roots Post by Aryabhatta on Dec 1st, 2004, 10:32pm Tenali, Your argument works because if f is continuous and an converges to L then f(an) converges to f(L). You can take f(x) = ex and an = ln(n1/n) = ln(n)/n which tends to 0 as you noted. But yes, I was looking for a more elementary argument, which is a lot similar to Barukh's solution to the original puzzle of this thread. |
Title: Re: Monotonic Sequence to calculate roots Post by Aryabhatta on Dec 10th, 2004, 4:47pm This is the solution I had in mind for the n1/n -> 1 problem. Assume n > 3. Consider the n numbers [sqrt]n,[sqrt]n, 1, 1, 1 ...,1 Applying AM [ge] GM to these we see that (2[sqrt]n+n-2)/n [ge] n1/n Combining with n1/n [ge] 1 we see that 1 + 2/[sqrt]n - 2/n [ge] n1/n [ge] 1 Thus n1/n -> 1 as n -> oo, by sandwich principle. |
Title: Re: Monotonic Sequence to calculate roots Post by Icarus on Dec 11th, 2004, 7:53am tsk, tsk, tsk... The Sandwich Principle is also calculus. (But then, how exactly can you show what the limit of a sequence is without calculus? ;)) |
Title: Re: Monotonic Sequence to calculate roots Post by Aryabhatta on Dec 11th, 2004, 5:11pm on 12/11/04 at 07:53:22, Icarus wrote:
;D The no calculus restriction was for the original puzzle. As for the n1/n one I was trying to avoid the canon. Also why do you think finding limits implies usage of calculus? I have seen a lot of people argue that 0.999....< 1 without knowing an ounce of calculus... All those people cannot be wrong now, can they? ::) |
Title: Re: Monotonic Sequence to calculate roots Post by Icarus on Dec 11th, 2004, 6:50pm Because limits are a part of calculus. Calculus is the mathematics of limiting processes. |
Title: Re: Monotonic Sequence to calculate roots Post by Aryabhatta on Dec 12th, 2004, 12:57am on 12/11/04 at 18:50:46, Icarus wrote:
Yes of course. Maybe I should have used a different smiley. :-/ ;D |
Title: Re: Monotonic Sequence to calculate roots Post by Icarus on Dec 12th, 2004, 10:37am Hey, I've been fighting a really nasty cold. You can't expect me to catch every bit of sarcasm in this condition! :D |
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