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riddles >> easy >> wat can he ask 2 make sure he goes 2 heaven
(Message started by: sundeep on Nov 24th, 2004, 1:14pm)

Title: wat can he ask 2 make sure he goes 2 heaven
Post by sundeep on Nov 24th, 2004, 1:14pm
a man dies.
he is stuck in a tunnel wid 2 doors.
1 door goes 2 hearven da other 2 hell. he doesnt know which goes where.
each door has a guard, one always tells da truth and the other always lies, again he doesnt know which.
he gets to ask 1 of da guards only one question.
wat can he ask 2 make sure he goes 2 heaven

Title: Re: wat can he ask 2 make sure he goes 2 heaven
Post by Noke Lieu on Nov 24th, 2004, 6:50pm
"One may consider this an inopportune burden upon thy very soul, but since my admittedly recent arrival in this plane of existence I have been passionately consumed with the notion that the abject beauty of the image of your visage has previously excited the visual receptors lining the back of my presumably semi corporeal retina. Is this a pure speculation, a flight of fancy or has having my brief shuffle off this mortal coil rendered my faculties somewhat fallible?"

"Haven't I seen you before?" ;)

Title: Re: wat can he ask 2 make sure he goes 2 heaven
Post by fatball on Nov 25th, 2004, 7:37am
By asking that question, you can only tell which is the honest or dishonest guard, but you still wouldn't know what kind of door is behind them, and you cannot ask any more question.  Here goes my answer:

Let H be Honest guard,
    L be the Liar
    Y if the door leads to heaven
    N if otherwise.

There are 4 possible cases: HY, HN, LY, LN (HY = honest guard standing in front of door leading to heaven, etc.)

To know which door will lead to heaven, pick a random guard (as you wouldn't know who is honest/liar anyway, so doesn't matter), ask the following question:  Is the honest guard standing in front of the door leading to heaven?

Possible responses are:
HY - Yes
HN - No
LY - Yes
LN - No

Thus, if you hear a Yes answer, go through the door behind the person you asked, and if you get a No answer, go through the other door. The question you asked will tell you which is the heaven door but you still wouldn't know who is the honest guard or liar, but who cares?   ;)

Title: Re: wat can he ask 2 make sure he goes 2 heaven
Post by Icarus on Nov 25th, 2004, 8:07am
I believe Noke Lieu's intent was to give a reply as obnoxiously eloquent as the original post was the reverse.

There are many forms of this same puzzle already in this forum. I am sure Noke Lieu is aware of the solution.

Title: Re: wat can he ask 2 make sure he goes 2 heaven
Post by Noke Lieu on Nov 25th, 2004, 4:30pm
cha-ching! (Thanks Icarus- you were spot on)

Originally I wrote "haven't I seen you before" as snidey answer really refering to the number of other versions already.
It sort of blosomed from there....

But fatball probably wouldn't have known this, so don't feel bad tiger.  :-*

Title: Re: wat can he ask 2 make sure he goes 2 heaven
Post by fatball on Nov 26th, 2004, 6:24am
Thanks NL... ::)

Title: Re: wat can he ask 2 make sure he goes 2 heaven
Post by Patashu on Nov 26th, 2004, 5:22pm
Obviously, the guard that always lies will be wearing the wrong size armour/clothing, since he'd lie about his size when he got it.

Title: Re: wat can he ask 2 make sure he goes 2 heaven
Post by Lewis Temple on Dec 3rd, 2004, 3:24am
ask one of the guards, "does the other guard lie?" if he says no, he is the liar.

Title: Re: wat can he ask 2 make sure he goes 2 heaven
Post by Grimbal on Dec 3rd, 2004, 4:32am
The liar, knowing that the other is not lying, would pretend that he lies.  He would say yes.  So both guards would reply yes to that quesion.

Anyway, it won't tell you which is the right door.

Title: Re: wat can he ask 2 make sure he goes 2 heaven
Post by twelve year-old on Dec 12th, 2004, 8:18am
he could ask either guard, "If I ask the other man which door leads to heaven, what would they say?"
Then the other door leads to heaven

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