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riddles >> easy >> Expecto Inversio!
(Message started by: TenaliRaman on Jul 1st, 2004, 8:47pm)

Title: Expecto Inversio!
Post by TenaliRaman on Jul 1st, 2004, 8:47pm
In a permutation a1..an of n distinct integers, an inversion is a pair(ai,aj) such tht i<j and ai>aj.

If all permutations are equally likely , what is the expected no. of inversions in a randomly chosen permutation of 1..n?

Title: Re: Expecto Inversio!
Post by pedronunezmd on Jul 2nd, 2004, 7:28am
Sounds like another way of asking "[hide]How many combinations of the n integers taken 2 at a time are there?[/hide]"

Title: Re: Expecto Inversio!
Post by Barukh on Jul 2nd, 2004, 7:46am
What is [hide]E(n) - E(n-1)[/hide]?

Title: Re: Expecto Inversio!
Post by Grimbal on Jul 2nd, 2004, 12:08pm
I would just [hide]compare the expected number of inversions and the expected number of non-inversions.  (a non-inversion being a pair(ai,aj) such tht i<j and ai<aj).  They should be equal and the sum is the number of pairs[/hide].

Title: Re: Expecto Inversio!
Post by towr on Jul 2nd, 2004, 1:57pm
::[hide]And of course the non-inversion change to inversions and vice versa if you take the mirror image of the permutation, which is itself another permutation.
So on average there must be half of each..[/hide]::

Title: Re: Expecto Inversio!
Post by TenaliRaman on Jul 2nd, 2004, 2:22pm
gee i knew this was too easy even for easy  :-/

Title: Re: Expecto Inversio!
Post by towr on Jul 2nd, 2004, 2:39pm
I wouldn't say it's too easy for easy. We're just too smart for the easy section, really :P

Title: Re: Expecto Inversio!
Post by Grimbal on Jul 2nd, 2004, 2:57pm
Expecto Inversio!  sounds like a Harry Potter spell.

Title: Re: Expecto Inversio!
Post by Barukh on Jul 3rd, 2004, 4:31am
I like that, Grimbal and towr. Here's another approach: [hide]E(n) - E(n-1) = (n-1)/2[/hide].

Title: Re: Expecto Inversio!
Post by TenaliRaman on Jul 3rd, 2004, 9:31am
yes i am a harry potter fun obviously excited abt the 6th book.  ;D

Nice approach! It never hit me though i think it should have been obvious!

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