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riddles >> easy >> 3 Hats
(Message started by: Bob on Feb 29th, 2004, 3:15pm)

Title: 3 Hats
Post by Bob on Feb 29th, 2004, 3:15pm
HELP!!!!!!! what is the answer to the three hat question???

Title: Re: 3 Hats
Post by Cathos on Feb 29th, 2004, 4:11pm
Try doing a search through the forum, it's out there somewhere.

Title: Re: 3 Hats
Post by Drew Liao on Mar 5th, 2004, 5:26pm
C is wearing a black hat.

Since there are only 2 white hats in the box, if person A sees two white hats on B and C he knows his own hat is black. A answers "no" so either B or C is wearing black. B then sees C's hat and cannot tell what his own hat is either. This means that C's hat is black because if C was wearing white then B would know he was the black between the two of them. But, since both of them can be black, B cannot tell what he is because B, C, and even A could be wearing a black hat.

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