Title: Sum of 999 perfect squares Post by NickH on Jan 27th, 2004, 3:47pm Can the sum of 999 consecutive squares of integers ever be a perfect power of an integer? Example: are there integers m, r > 1, such that 10052 + ... + 20032 = mr? |
Title: Re: Sum of 999 perfect squares Post by Eigenray on Jan 27th, 2004, 11:38pm ::[hide]Nope[/hide]:: Let f(n) = [sum]k=nn+998 k2. [hide]f(n+1)-f(n) = (n+999)2-n2 = 999(2n+999) == 0 mod 33. Therefore f(n) == f(1) = 999(1000)(1999)/6 == 18 mod 27. Now, if mr = f(n) = 27k + 18 = 32(3k+2), then r <= 2. But if r = 2, then we have (m/3)2 = 3k+2, which is impossible[/hide]. |
Title: Re: Sum of 999 perfect squares Post by NickH on Jan 28th, 2004, 12:48pm Nice solution! I had something similar: If mr = (n - 499)2 + ... + (n + 499)2 = 999n2 + 2(12 + ... + 4992) = 999n2 + 499*500*999/3 = 333(3n2 + 499*500), then 3|mr, but not 32|mr. Contradiction. |
Title: Re: Sum of 999 perfect squares Post by Eigenray on Jan 28th, 2004, 4:49pm on 01/28/04 at 12:48:46, NickH wrote:
But 32 does divide mr. |
Title: Re: Sum of 999 perfect squares Post by NickH on Jan 29th, 2004, 1:15am Oops! I see I carelessly generalised from the problem I'd seen. The proof I gave is valid for 99 or 9999 or 102n - 1 consecutive squares, but not for 102n-1 - 1 consecutive squares. Thanks Eigenray. |
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