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riddles >> easy >> String of Nines
(Message started by: Sir Col on Jun 20th, 2003, 12:30pm)

Title: String of Nines
Post by Sir Col on Jun 20th, 2003, 12:30pm
Given that k is a positive odd integer, prove that
(i) 9k ends in 9.
(ii) 99k ends in 99.
(iii) 999k ends in 999.


Title: Re: String of Nines
Post by NickH on Jun 20th, 2003, 1:20pm
It follows by considering the results, respectively, mod 10, mod 100, mod 1000.  For example, for (iii), (-1)k = -1 (mod 1000) if k is odd.  (And equals 1 if k is even, of course.)  Generally, (-1)k = -1 (mod ar) if k is odd, so the number represented in base a by a string of r (a-1)s will end in the same string of (a-1)s when raised to an odd power.  (If a is an integer > 1.)

Could also be proved using the binomial theorem.

Title: Re: String of Nines
Post by Sir Col on Jun 20th, 2003, 1:42pm
Nice proof, NickH.

[hide]Of course, your conguence base 10n method is a simplification of the binomial theorem approach anyway.

For odd k,
(10n–1)k=(10n)k–k(10n)k–1+...+k(10n)–1=(10n)Q–1==–1 mod (10n).[/hide]

Title: Re: String of Nines
Post by Sir Col on Jun 20th, 2003, 6:19pm
It can be verified that 99 is a 9 digit number, but 9949 has 98 digits and 9950 has 100 digits.

Can you find a value for k, where k is a natural number, such that 999k contains 999 digits?

What about (10m–1)k, containing 10m–1 digits?

Title: Re: String of Nines
Post by LZJ on Jun 21st, 2003, 8:37am
For 9993, I suspect that k = 999/3.
Furthermore, for (10m - 1)k, k is only a natural number if (10m - 1)/m is a natural number (ie k = (10m - 1)/m) ...but I still need to work on it to be sure...

Title: Re: String of Nines
Post by NickH on Jun 22nd, 2003, 5:46am
I think LZJ's result is correct...
We require 1010^m-2 <= (10m - 1)k < 1010^m-1
Using the binomial theorem, (10m - 1)k = 10mk(1 - C(k,1)/10m + C(k,2)/102m - ...)
If k = (10m - 1)/m, then C(k,1) < 10m, and it can easily be shown that C(k,i+1)/C(k,i) < 10m, for 1 < i < k.
With a bit of hand waving (regarding the alternating signs, for one), the result follows.

Title: Re: String of Nines
Post by Sir Col on Jun 22nd, 2003, 4:52pm
Good spot, LZJ! It's a really nice result and surprising, isn't it?

I like your method, NickH, although a deductive proof that leads to the solution would be nice. Perhaps someone can tidy up my 'proof' (I don't the hand waving that I do towards the end):

(10m–1)k lies between two consecutive perfect powers of 10.
10a < (10m–1)k < 10a+1

Solving 10b = (10m–1)k

b=k log(10m–1)

As a<b<a+1, it follows that a=[b] (the integer part function).

Therefore a=[k log(10m–1)].

As m–1<log(10m–1)<m, and is incredibly close to m...

*waves magic wand*
[k log(10m–1)]=km–1 (I know, it's shameful, but it is true).

As 10a contains a+1 digits and we wish our number to contain 10m–1 digits, a=10m–2.

Therefore a=km–1=10m–2.

Hence k=(10m–1)/m.

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